Fallen Detection & Notification App

Recently, I have been thinking about what would occur if I fell down and either could not manage to get myself up or became unconscious whether within my apartment or elsewhere.

The fact is that I could not manage to afford one of those devices that can be used in such cases where emergency responders can be contacted and then be dispatched to the scene.

While in the process of thinking about this type of scenario and what potential options might be with which to address it, what came to mind is about how I already have the technology on my wrist, my Fitbit Charge 3 model fitness tracker smartwatch, that could do just what is needed should something along the above lines ever happen.

What would be required is to include an app within its main app that people with the device could select and program with contact information and the like for if and when something happens, like a fall or other need for assistance or alert 911.

So, with this in mind, I just called Fitbit and provided them with the details of my idea and the person who took my call wrote it up and will be passing along my suggestion for potential consideration.

Am hoping that Fitbit will seriously consider doing something meaningful along these lines. It could help save some lives.

First Steps
Every smart whatch could have possibility to send sos message or dial an emergency contact automaticaly when fall, low or too hight heart rate detect, fibrillation via ecg detected etc based on featured sensors. Also could be possible to share these info with spec. users (family) when SIM or paired phone.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @adrbin, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to set fallen detection & notification appI've moved it into a similar request. I think that a lot of users would like to have this option on their Fitbit devices. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.


Thank you again for your participation in the Feature Suggestions Forums.


Since it has been made quite clear that Fitbit has no plans to release a feature along of the lines as myself as well as others have suggested (i.e., fall detection), then I am done with Fitbit. If I ever get another tracker or smartwatch, it will be another brand, not Fitbit.


I horseback ride and had to SWITCH to Apple due to fall detection - and it works, took a fall and my watch set off an alarm where I had like 10 seconds to deactivate it or it would call 911. Invaluable for an equestrian. I cannot understand why FitBit hasn’t incorporated this technology - especially calling 911 if the individual fails to respond. 

Additionally, I’m looking at purchasing a relative either a Garmin or an Apple Watch *because of fall detection*. They are older and fitness/activity is very important for them to be able to maintain their independence so they’re very interested in a fitness tracker. But because they are older, fall detection is a must. They don’t need the bells and whistles of Apple and I personally prefer FitBit over GARMIN…but you leave me no choice. It’s literally a deal breaker. 

First Steps

As an active disabled senior, I find one feature missing from my Fitbit is fall detection with notification to 911 that will work with an Apple iphone or an Android phone, or better yet on a stand alone basis.  As a retired 911 dispatcher I am acutely aware of how many seniors fall and have to wait till someone finds them.  Even active younger person experiences falls and needs help.   Having everything on one device is essential.  Fitbit has so many excellent features over other brands it is very important that addition of this feature is addressed very soon.


I so agree. I went to a Galaxy watch 3 because I am disabled & need fall detection in case I need assistance.  This past weekend the watch sent my brother an sos with my exact location. He immediately called me & I was able to talk to him through the watch. I love my fitbit more than galaxy for stats & especially for sleep stats but I have to wear the galaxy simply because of safety.  Come on fitbit, you have the technology please write the software to incorporate this feature into your watches

First Steps
I too am considering buying a watch with fall detection. I love my fitbit but dearly need that detection. I wear a Mini guardian & have been paying them $44/month for that service. I had a very bad fall Sunday & thankfully my daughter was with me. I ended up with at least 7 fractures. My point is the alert failed & never went off. Had I been alone there was no way I could have reached the call button. So think I'm relegated to a different watch. So wish Fitbit had added this but I can't wait longer.Dee

I definitely need this feature. I just spent a day st the hodpital for a
fall that took place on last Sunday. I passed out and was notbable to
contact anyone.

Moderator Edit: Personal info removed


I’ve read quite a few posts regarding the fall detection in FitBit watches, seems like this as been going on for a few years now.

Apple, Samsung and Garmin are way ahead on this feature and have been for some time.

Your losing on a big market for disabled people, people who have blackouts, people who have a tendency to fall over due to them having stability issues etc.

I had a Blackout last week, the 1st and hopefully my last but I woke up 25 mins after and it took me a few minutes to understand where I was and was lucky my son was in the house so I could shout him and ask for help.

I have been an Apple Watch user for quite sometime and if I had my watch on it would have been able to detect my fall and let my 5 emergency contacts know after 60 secs I wasn’t responding. 
I am in the market for a new watch with longer battery life so was looking at FitBit again as I like the features they bring but not having fall detection is a major let down for a brand that revolves around peoples health.

Thank you to everyone who reads this and hopefully the devs will get this feature added sooner rather then later.

First Steps

I’ve always been a Fitbit user, but my kids talked me into a smart watch with fall detection/notification. Ironically, I actually had a bad fall down the stairs and my cellphone remained out of reach at the top of the stairs. I was able to call for help from my smart watch dazed and bleeding, but conscious. I had ordered a Versa 3 from Amazon not realizing that smart watch isn’t that smart. I will be returning the unopened Fitbit until you figure out a way to make emergency notifications on the phone app. 

This is a must. I too have fallen and it took me 2 hours 20 minutes to
crawl to my bed. Was wearing my Fitbit Sense bit cell ohone out of reach.

Jim Coates
First Steps
I had a stroke a couple of yrs ago and was unconscious for about 3 hours....a fall detect sure would have helped!!!
Last week.I got out of bed and half way across the room I fell and hit my
head. The only other living being in the house was my dog ,and he was no
help. I woke up on my back looking at the ceiling. Called acute care but
had to wait 2 days because they were booked full. I was lucky - .MRI showed
no bleeding in the cranial cavity. XRAY of my back showed the screws and
rods holding my spine together were not affected. Wasted a lot of time
getting to my phone. I do not carry my phone in my pajamas.

Jim Coates
773 519-3418

It appears that Fitbit have no intention in providing service's to certain sections of the community. The apple watch is the benchmark but it means leaving android for it to function as a encompassing medical assistant. If anyone has guidance as to which wearable device that can connect to android and make emergency calls I would welcome your input. 

Recovery Runner

I have a Garmin 4s and there is a feature where you can add contacts details and it will send a sms to those contacts if you fall. I got it two years ago and is one of the reasons I switched from Fitbit to Garmin.


I also just googled the Samsung Galaxy watch and they have a feature similar to Apple watch where the watch will contact emergency services if it detects a fall. I think the fallen detection is only a recent addition  to the Galaxy watch to the 3 and 4 editions. It's compativle with Android. I would have got this one 2 years ago when I was looking for a watch but I don't think the fallen detection was available on it back then.


Unfortunately I won't go back to Fitbit for the above reason and because you have to pay for some of the features.

First Steps
Thank you for the information. I'll look into the Garmin
I'm headed the same direction. Wish I hadn't just bought a new sense

Jim Coates
773 519-3418

The problem with Garmin is the fall detection is only active during one of three activities. It isn’t “always on” like Apple. This is according to their support team when I was trying to find a watch/tracker. Seriously Fitbit, would love to go back to you but not until you add this feature and have it “always on” like Apple. It’s not medical monitoring - you’re a tracker for physically active people, people who might, idk, fall. 


I have an Apple Watch 6 I bought in October 2020. It has a lot of bells and whistles, including an awesome Fall Detection function that can call first responders and designated contacts. It works, I can attest, after taking a hard and very painful fall in a cement-covered parking lot. My watch immediately asked me if I was okay and if I hadn't pressed the 'I'm OK' button, it would have called for help. I was impressed!


BUT and it's a big but, it can only work 18 hours on a charge.


I would totally switch back to Fitbit if Fall Detection with emergency alerts would be added. Come on, Fitbit, make your smartwatches a true competitor in this area! 


When will Fitbit wake up and get the message



Moderator edit:  removed personal information


This post is 2 years old has Fitbit not yet figured out what Apple has with hard fall detection??? Seems like a must have that should already be on my versa 3. Had I known about this feature before I may have opted for the Apple Watch instead 


Besides fall detection, giving the device an independent data connection is key.  Then someone can just go out with the wrist device and leave the smartphone at home. I currently supplement the Charge 4 with a Garmin Vivoactive 3 Music for outdoor stuff; a minimal LTE data plan costs $5/mo from Verizon, which is well worth it to me.  I just wish it were integrated in the Fitbit ecosystem.

First Steps
Please add a fall detection and notification on the Fitbit Sense watch.
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Mombom, thanks for sharing this suggestion about having a fall detection and notification available on the Fitbit Sense with us. Because this idea was already requested in the Feature Suggestions board, I’ve moved your post here. This will help us to make sure the suggestions don't get confused, or split a popular vote. Please click on the thumbs-up to show your support, we'll keep tracking this request over time.

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