Fallen Detection & Notification App

Recently, I have been thinking about what would occur if I fell down and either could not manage to get myself up or became unconscious whether within my apartment or elsewhere.

The fact is that I could not manage to afford one of those devices that can be used in such cases where emergency responders can be contacted and then be dispatched to the scene.

While in the process of thinking about this type of scenario and what potential options might be with which to address it, what came to mind is about how I already have the technology on my wrist, my Fitbit Charge 3 model fitness tracker smartwatch, that could do just what is needed should something along the above lines ever happen.

What would be required is to include an app within its main app that people with the device could select and program with contact information and the like for if and when something happens, like a fall or other need for assistance or alert 911.

So, with this in mind, I just called Fitbit and provided them with the details of my idea and the person who took my call wrote it up and will be passing along my suggestion for potential consideration.

Am hoping that Fitbit will seriously consider doing something meaningful along these lines. It could help save some lives.

First Steps
I've read other smart watches have SOS & Fall detection features, are these being considered for fitbits new or additional feature to existing models?
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Pudsbeaut, thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about adding SOS and Fall detection features. I've moved it into a similar request. I think that a lot of users would like to have this option on their Fitbit devices. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.


Thank you again for your participation in the Feature Suggestions Forums.


After seeing how the Apple watch works with fall detection, I know I need this on my Fitbit. I am an active senior and yes I do fall at times. Please consider adding this to the Fitbit.

First Steps
How I wish Fitbit had this piece of technology. I wore a "fall detection" device since Fitbit didn't have this feature. Hadn't wanted an Apple or others because of the size of the clock face. Love my Fitbit. However, I had a very hard fall in December at which time (I realized later post ambulance, etc) never went off. Had I been alone there was no way I could have 'pushed the button' (which they told me I could have just pushed if it didn't happen to go off) -I was definitely not in a position to be able to do that. Rather needless to say after testing it a few times & it didn't go off, it went back to the supplier. I had no confidence in something I was paying $44 a month only to find it didn't work -at least for me. So hoping Fitbit can finally bring this piece of technology into their devices!Dee
First Steps
I gave up and got an Apple Watch. There are things that I miss about my Fitbit, but I'm tired of waiting.
I now have a Garmin, most of the time I am alone on my walks / runs in the
forest. When I fall, the watch detects this and gives a alarm with
coordinations to the emergency person that I activated. It works perfectly.
When you don't feel safe, you can hit the watch and it will activate the
alarm. Feels good that you at least can do something in case of an

Thanks I wasn't aware of the Garmin. I can't believe Fitbit is dragging
there feet on this.



Thanks, but I hate Apple products.
Fitbit needs to get moving on this.



Hopefully Fitbit will have this feature soon.

They are taking way too long I have already switched to Samsung Galaxy 3 smartwatch
And this has fall detection? Are you happy with it? How is the battery life?
I'm getting very frustrated and impatient. I'm looking into Samsung
I am too, but concerned with the battery life. The Garmin looks best but
much higher in cost.
Recovery Runner

Falls and  siezures very important 


I had a siezure last summer. But I fell out of bed contorted  for another hour with a dangerously high heart rate.  The siezure probably only lasted 5 minutes, but the lack of proper after care meant 6 vs 2 weeks of recovery.  if I had fallen in the woods, street or into water ..  or hit my head harder or in a different way, I could be dead

I have a similar problem with falling. It becomes dangerous when I am
walking my dog. I prefer the Fitbit watch to the others but the lack of
fall detection and notification is a deal breaker.
First Steps
Like I said before....I had a stroke in jan 2020 and they have been promising me since then something re: fall detection.   Still nothing. 
I too have had falls, reported them, no action. This thread documents many
people who have had similar experiences. Mothing has been done.
I agree with you
You said "be sure to add.your vote on fall detection:. Where and how do I
do that?

Jim Coates
773 519-3418

It's very disturbing that after 3 years there is no progress on this feature. I love my Fitbit and would hate to go to another product because lack of concern by the Fitbit company

First Steps
Sorry to hear of your injury. But glad you've recovered. Yours is exactly
the reason Fit But should use the electronics already in its devices for
fall notification. I'm very frustrated with their recalitrance. I'll be
buying a fall detection device when I can afford to.
Yes the technology is there they need to get with it.
Not applicable

I'm still hoping for a fall alert feature soon.

Yes me too. I'm looking to upgrade my Fitbit but I won't if they don't
include this soon.
Fall Detection feature required to detect hard fall and show option to call SOS or automatically call emergency contacts.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @giri210995, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback about the possibility of adding a Fall Detection feature to Fitbit devices. I noticed that a similar feature suggestion already exists, so I’ve moved your post here, this helps to keeps the boards more organized. Make sure to add your vote as well to support this suggestion, this helps the team of developers to keep track of popularity and demand over time. 


Thank you again for your participation in the Community.

Will all the posts about fall detection is Fitbit actually working on this?
Or am I wasting my time.
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