Favorite section for recently used Clock Faces

It would be helpful when the settings for a clock face will be remembered even after installing a different clock face. That way, you could occasionally swap the clock face and go back and forward without having to customize it every time. These settings shouldn't have to use too much storage and could be stored on the phone of the user, so that they'll get loaded in as defaults whenever a clock face is installed again after some time.


Moderator Edit: Added Labels/Title for Clarity.

Stepping Up

Bought an apple watch...

Bye bye fitbit...

I will be doing the same. Never again.
Stepping Up

Do it. I went to Garmin and I'll never look back.

There are plenty of watches around the same price that are far more superior to Fitbit. Let's face it, Fitbit are not gonna implement this idea on its current product range or if ever at all. This as been going on far too long and still only "under consideration" even after this amount of people asking for it. 

By the time they do implement it, other manufacturers will be way too far ahead for Fitbit to catch up. 

Biggest thing for me is no Spotify. Another thing that has been going on
for years and has not been implemented. I'm just so over it! They are like
the blackberry of smart watches!
Stepping Up

Smart watch? More like Fart watch 😂

First Steps

For the Ionic, there is already a - Clock Faces icon on the Fitbit app. Wouldn’t it make sense to allow us to download several of our favorites, have them stored in that section and then upload and interchange them depending on our mood or situation. Since the Ionic is a blend of fitness tracker and smartwatch, I like to have one that is a classical look for work or evenings out and a second for running and exercising. 

Recovery Runner

I want this feature. Give it to me. 

It's been 2 years, don't count on it. I've given up on Fitbit. Never again!

Yes! I have been thinking this too. I have a few favorite clock faces and the names of them are very unique and it's so hard to remember them and always wish there was a "my favorites" folder..

Recovery Runner

Hey Fitbit...any chance this might happen?  Seems so easy but "under consideration" for 2 years is ridiculous!!  

What's up!

Recovery Runner

Let me get this straight. FitBit bought out Pebble. Pebble had this functionality with their software. FitBit doesn't include this feature. FitBit also hasn't updated the crappy navigation you have to go through in order to find watch faces. You have to start all over again when you are browsing the galleries, find a watch face, but decide it isn't for you when you look at it closer. What part of all of this actually makes sense? At my job, I don't try to reinvent the wheel. If I'm involved with a project that requires me to pick up where a colleague left of because of vacation, I don't try to start all the way from the beginning. I use what he/she has completed as a starting point. When you acquired FitBit, was the only thing that you actually brought on-board the quick release watch strap pins? Seriously, I don't think the community is asking much. Also, what are the employees doing that has taken this long to implement something that already existed in the company that was purchased? I came from an Apple watch to this crappy thing. Luckily, I got the Versa for free. I would have promptly returned this thing if I had paid for it. I need to start up a company that can put out 50% of a product and still be in business.

Recovery Runner

You hit the nail on the head. Trouble is Fitbit does NOT listen to it's users. Just like any of Fitbit's smartwatch's not being used with United Healthcare Motion (Fitbit just does not listen or hear their users). I can honestly say because of this, I will not be buying another Fitbit when this one breaks. Very poor customer service.

I'm done! Bought the Galaxy watch active. Very nice watch. A little small
(40mm) bit works great and and has a ton of bells and whistles! Biggest
thing for me, it has the Spotify app!
Recovery Runner

It is like Fitbit wants to fail.

Recovery Runner

With everything migrating to the cloud and presented as a "service" to the customers, I'm sure that FitBit is going to start providing the watches/trackers as a service as well. You'll have to rent the hardware and maintain an internet connection to use the device at all.


Yes, yes, yes!  Fully agree that a favorites section needs to be added for the watch faces.  It is so hard to go back and find a watch face that I previously liked and didn't select (like finding a cute Thanksgiving face in July).  Having a favorites section would be super helpful for that.

First Steps
I actually took several screenshots of some faces I wanted to remember.
Some others I entered the name into a note app to remember it. When you
email Fitbit about it, they simply divert your attention to a "forum"...
Recovery Runner

I’ve thought since I got my iconic that there should be a way of saving faces that you like. It would make it easier to change and they would only need to be downloaded to your phone etc, once, not every time you fancy changing it. 

Recovery Runner
I agree! Great idea but seems that Fitbit is not listening!

Florie Enders

Check out my website
Base Runner

I would definitely be interested in being able to try a different watch face, and then have my previous one(s) in a recent or favourites list where I can go back to them, and maintain the Settings I have input.


Currently you have to remember the names or search forever to find your previous watch face to go back to. It's a real pain and makes you far less likely to try new options as it's such as hassle.

Recovery Runner

The only thing that has worked for me is to take a screenshot as scobiwan1 suggested. The ridiculous thing about this is that Pebble already had this functionality. I've checked a few different sites and have seen that FitBit employs between 350-1800 people. If none of those people can bring back features that previously existed, they need to be fired. What are the developers actually developing? Sub-par fitness trackers that "kinda" work as a smart watch? This company is pathetic. I'm done with them.

Recovery Runner

So I found that the best way to get around this issue is to use gallery.fitbit.com. You should be able to browse watch faces quite a bit easier.


I don't understand why fitbit never do the clock faces favourites section on app.

don't even bother to talk about it and why it's not done, it's a complete disrespect for customers

Fitbit forgets that it exists because there are people like me who buy and bought..., but maybe in the future won't buy again. luckily there are more smartwatches brands.


Recovery Runner

After all this time, I think the thing that bothers me even more than the feature not existing is the complete lack of any response or acknowledgement from Fitbit. This is a company that's usually known for its stellar customer service, but we haven't even heard whether this is planned or will never happen. Between this and the oxygen sensor, and the fact that they've even released new versions, I just don't get it. 

Recovery Runner

That's what bothers me the most. They've released new versions and haven't fixed these long-lasting issues.

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