Find my Fitbit (track location of device through app)

The other day I didn't have my band on right and my Fitbit fell off in my car. I searched for about an hour before I realized where it came off at.. The ability to track the location of your Fitbit through your iPhone would be awesome. (Kind of like the find my iPhone app, only a little more precise) Skip a few heart attacks 😉 


Thank you! 


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity and labels.


So I had a FitBit One and I eventually lost it.. I used to strap it inside my pocket and my guess is that it fell when I was taking something out of it..

Anyways, now I have a Force. And surely I dont want to lose this one also. 

My suggestion is that in case we end up droping our trackers that I have a screen that shows a phone number. 

Like the One would show my name and the Force shows some incetive messages... 

If we could add our phone numbers (user can decide to enter it or not) and we lost our fitbits, the person that finds it could then see the phone # and call us back!..



I'd love if they could integrate a "Find my Fitbit" function into the App or web dashboard.  It would help you figure out where it might have fallen off in your travels.

I've only had my Force for about ten days and I've had it fall off 3 times now. The clasp is NOT secure for something you are supposed to wear all the time, especially while active.  It is too expensive for such an unsecure clasp.  Something needs to be done to improve this...and there needs to be a retrofit for already purchased units.

It would be nice if there were a way to laser engrave the underside of a Fitbit Force wristband with the owner's contact info if so desired.  At the very least, the FitbBit website shoudl be legible (whatever is written on there is too tiny to read with the naked eye) so that if someone were to find it, they could go to the website and find a way to re-unite it with it's rightful owner.  

It would be useful if your phone and/or fitbit would vibrate when they go out of range from one another. I am pretty careful about not losing my phone...and if it vibrated or I got a push notification that I was out of range from my fitbit it would alert me to retrace my steps and try to find it. (It would also be useful if I lost my phone that the bracelet would send a vibration alarm!)

I agree with the original poster that this is an issue that needs to be addressed in either a low tech or high tech manner. 


I haven't had this issue yet, being a new user and only taking off the force for showers/swimming, but seems like a likely scenario that people will lose these devices. (Potentially showring at the gym, leaving in a car, etc . . .)


The best case is to incorporate a GPS ability, which not only could be used by the app and computer to find the device, but in addition would be able to better track your activity and would give you additional informatoin to share with your social community. (Check in spots, tracking your runs, etc. . .) In addition you could have add on packages for things like hiking (geocaching), golf range finder, etc. . . I'll admit in one way it takes away from the simplicity and intention of the device, but it ultimately allows you to do more with less and not have to switch between multiple devices. Probably would require a larger device at this time but in a few years technology will be smaller.


Simpler solution in the intermediate would be to have your phone alert you when you move out of bluetooth range as this distance is limited to around 90 feet I believe. Could just pop up on your screen reminding you to locate your fitbit. Could also work vice versa with a vibration alert if you leave your phone behind, with a message on your fitbit.


If you lose both though, you may have bigger problems.

First Steps

I would like a "find my fitbit" capability for when I misplace my tiny Fitbit One

First Steps

My Force, unlike my Flex, keeps getting pulled off my wrist.  A few times, I had a hard time finding it (e.g. it got lost in my Christmas tree, when I was taking it down).  Anyway, it would be nice if we had a tracking feature or buzzer noise feature we could activate through our mobile devices to find our trackers, when they are misplaced, fall off, get lost, etc.

Recovery Runner

I don't understand why it takes 5 screens to get into the Fitbit site.  Much seems redundent to me.


Does fit bit collect data and rank users by age/sex/region? If so how do I find rankings?

Recovery Runner

Is there a way to wear the fitbit flex in a discrete place so I can dress up in a nice dress and not have the band on my wrist but yet I still want to track my activity.



Many users complain about the Fitbit Force band unclipping, and although it works fine for me, I wonder if it's possible to implement a software bluetooth feature with notification to inform you when the Fitbit is 10m+ away from your iPhone... or something in those lines, similar to technologies like Tile and Chipolo.


I understand the fitness nature of Fitbit, but I think this can be really useful option for users.

Stepping Up
I wish there was a "Find My Fitbit" feature. I only had my Fitbit One for about 2 1/2 weeks (it was a Christmas gift) when it somehow worked its way off of my waistband. I would have thought it impossible if it hadn't happened to me. I thought it might turn up somewhere, but not so far. 😞
Not applicable
Would like an audible alarm to help me find the fitbit one when I misplace. It is so small and a dark color that easy to overlook. Too expensive too lose.

Just in case we happen to misplace the device, it would be great to have a way to find it if lost. 


I think it would be awesome if Fitbit would develop their own GPS tracking software and integrate it into the already existing Fitbit smart phone app. 


Elimate the need for users to run a third party app like Runkeepr or Endomondo. 


Or for when the band comes unclasped

Not applicable

Not going to happen .. the Fitbbit uses bluetooth, while things like smartphones use GPS erc. Apple has find my iPhone, cause it is able to use the internet and built in gps of the phone to find the phone. The Fitbit just doesn't have the hardware technology to allow this functionality. I really would like this too .. but probably cost would go up as more technology costs.

First Steps
How about find my fitbit seeing the force band tends to fall off quite easily?
Recovery Runner

I do have a suggestion that could improve group and team challenges that must involve only distance stats, and that is to be connected to a GPS service that provides accurate maps with the distance being varified by syncing the two sources, the device data and the GPS data.


At the moment, I only see either the one, analog or digital devices measuring steps and distance based on stride length (dodgy if you ask me), or, sites that upload GPS data through smart phones but I have been having accuracy problems with the one I use, MapMyWalk .


I know that Fitbit and MapMyWalk do sync, but the maps cannot be uploaded to Fitbit and incuded in the overall stats to be used in the above mentioned distance group challenges. 

First Steps

I love my FitBit One. I lost my FitBit One yesterday & am unable to find it after searching for hours. I'd like to suggest that "FindMyFitbit" be added to the devices, something like Apple's "FindMyIPhone".


Moderator edit: Labels

Not applicable

There's an app for that! Fitbit Finder (iPhone-only) (App Store)


Besides the silent vibration alarm, it would be great if you put an alarm that one could use to find a lost Fitbit. They are too expensive to replace and they are small enough to lose easily. I have one lost in my bedroom but cannot find it anywhere. I have set the vibration alarm, but that has not helped. 


I lost mine at the airport in the security line.  I think someone saw it & picked it up.  I looked everywhere for the little thing but it was gone. I would have loved the ability to whip out my phone & locate my Fitbit!  "Did you happen to find my Fitbit because the GPS shows it's in this area?"

Unfortunately I did not find it. Upon realizing it was gone I pulled out my phone as the blue tooth search feature will indicate if it's close by synching up. However if it's outside of 60-90 ft it will not find it. Tried this in several locations but no luck.

There isn't actually a GPS feature on them unfortunately as that would solve the problem.

Yes, agreed!  An alarm would be great for lost FitBit's - I have recently lost mine, it's in the house somewhere because of the sync but I can't find it.  Rearranging furniture and tearing my place apart hasn't helped. I LOVE the FitBit and have used it daily since purchasing it 6 months ago and feel lost without it.  

Recovery Runner

I don't know if I have a new idea but a feature I'd like is someway to have the fitbits quit getting lost!  I had a zip several years ago but lost that and then this Christmas got a Force.  I was ecstatic about the Force until I got the problematic rash (still waiting for a definitive answer from Fitbit about the cause of that) and sent it in over the recall.  Even after that I really like the product and decided to give the Flex a try.  While I wished it had the display the Force did I was ready to stick with the Flex until a new replacement for the Force came out. Then a couple of weeks ago the Flex slipped out of the wristband someplace and it is gone.  I've narrowed it down to about 10 miles of stores, parks, and mowing the lawn so it's a goner.  I thought the One was the best option for me and still being a loyal Fitbitter I'd give it a shot. Charging it off my laptop last night it fell out of the charging cable and I have just spent 5 hours looking for it under furniture, through garbage bags, and through the vacum crud holder hoping against hope that the dog didn't swallow it.


Well, I found it but the entire time I've been looking for the Flex--still gone and this One not to mention the 2 Zips (both still lost) I have been thinking how easy it is to find my phone through the mylookout app or the find my phone app from Apple.  I'm no tech guru so I don't know if it is feasible but if y'all could put some kind of locate when lost feature into your devices it would be great. As for me if the One goes missing again I have decided I have to be done with Fitbit.  If I lose a $20 pedometer it hurts but I'm out there buying another one but the thought that I could have been down the money for a Flex and One both in the same 2 weeks convinced me I'd have to find an alternative.

Not applicable

Few weeks ago I lost my Fitbit One, Fitbit was nice enough to send me a new one, thank you again. But this got me brain storming ways to prevent this.


So here is my idea, a proximity alarm built into the app. Say it falls out of your pocket like mine did. You leave the area, the app sounds an alarm to let you know it can't connect to your Fitbit. You can go back and retreive it. They already have a notification when the battery gets low, why not this?

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