Find my Fitbit (track location of device through app)

The other day I didn't have my band on right and my Fitbit fell off in my car. I searched for about an hour before I realized where it came off at.. The ability to track the location of your Fitbit through your iPhone would be awesome. (Kind of like the find my iPhone app, only a little more precise) Skip a few heart attacks 😉 


Thank you! 


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity and labels.

Recovery Runner

Maybe they can get together with the guys from TrackR. They sell products for keys, wallets and whatnot, but their app also does the proximity alarm thing with bluetooth hands-free devices. They use smart bluetooth on their tracker devices, so it would be easy for them to add.


FitBit could do a number of things to help alleviate the issue of lost FitBits.


#1, Add an audible alarm and "find FitBit" capability, that allows you to activate the alarm upon a sync, so the owner can find the device that is lost nearby.


#2, Create an anonymous BlueTooth to phone/GPS to the cloud connection, that lets lost FitBits tell other owner, via other FitBit app owners (anonymously with their phones by BlueTooth) where it currently is.


This is like what the Tile and Tile application does.


#3, Create a location based marker with each sync, so you can look back at your last sync, and know where that was. 


#4, Add the FitBit Finder functionality to the FitBit app, rather than have their customers buy the app from a 3rd party, for $4.99.  The ability to tell how strong the bluetooth signal is and as a result how close you are to the fitbit, would make finding a fitbit that is nearby, much easier, and probably more feasible then adding an alarm to existing models. 


Hopefully somebody @ FitBit is listening and doing something about this.  While they probably make  money on FitBits that are replacements for lost ones, this could win over a # of customers from competitors, when they have a solution to finding lost ones.



Recovery Runner

I am finding that when using the new GPS tracking, it overrides the steps that the Fitbit would record.  It takes the miles you walk and determines how many steps you took.  Also, it does not work when doing laps in a building.  I find it will only be accurate when you are taking a walk.

First Steps

I too lost my One in the house. I set numerous alarms only minutes apart to try to keep the tracker vibrating, but still could not find it. Adding a "Find Me" feature that either emits an audible alarm and/or continuous vibration would be most helpful.

First Steps

I lost my fitbit TWICE in 4 months- and reached out to the customer service team to replace the second one because I could not believe it fell off walking to work. They were super helpful trying to help me locate it first and then when I sent screen shots of it giving the same calorie count every day, my proof of purchase within the time frame and explained my previous situation they sent me a brand new one within a few weeks! They were nice, accomadating and helpful the entire time. If they choose not to send me one for a good reason, they were still very nice, but they pulled through. 

I do think that there should be a tracker or Find my FitBit App available if it falls off. the snap band is not very secure like the other brands out there but the look of this one is WAY more sleek and low key then the ones that flash and blink!




Stepping Up

To add to G_Dap' s great Idea I would like to suggest a "metal detector" type feaure and a 30 sec vibrate feature within the fitbit app to help locate your tracker.

Recovery Runner

I read somewhere that someone lost a FitBit, and used the open source code for syncing with Linux to locate the device.


Here's a link describing what they did:



Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi there! I'm going to go ahead and consolidate this idea with another "Find my Fitbit" idea. Thanks for the feedback!

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi there! Thanks for your feedback @zanzix and @KFrederickson . I'm going to merge your idea with an existing thread requesting the same feature.

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi there! For the sake of consolidation, I'm going to go ahead and merge this idea with another "Find My Fitbit" suggested feature. Thanks for your feedback on this!

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi there! Thanks for your feedback about this. I'm going to merge your idea with another existing thread on the same suggested feature.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi there! Thanks for all the feedback about adding Fitbit location as a potential feature on the Fitbit app through BlueTooth or other means. Your continued feedback about these ideas is encouraged.

Incorporate a Fitbit finder within the app so if the Fitbit is lost but still within sync range it beeps more the closer you get.
First Steps

I love this app.  It is the only one I have ever paid for ($5) and it was well worth it!  4 times now I have used it.  Twice in places outside where I would never have found it otherwise.  Lost in blackberry vines, in the grass while mowing. Also under the car seat and in a crevis near the hot tub.


Even if FitBit does not include it in the package, they could at least sell it in their store or recommend it for lost FitBits.






First Steps

Thanks Msyoga for letting me know about this app!  It will well be worth the cost.

First Steps

Other suggestions have been made but losing your Fitbit is so frustrating. I would suggest things like:

  • An audible alarm when it has been in use and then falls 3 feet or you get 5 feet away from it so you know to look for it right away
  • A display option to tell someone who finds one to return it to Fitbit so you can contact the person who lost it. Maybe give the finder a coupon towards a Fitbit as an incentive.
  • Use GPS to provide a way to find the approximate location of the device

Good idea, Samsung have a similar thing on their Note 3 phone. If you dont put the pen / stylus back in the slot and walk away, it alerts you.

10K Racer

I had put in a feature request to update the one to display an 'if found' message.  Click here and vote for it if you agree.

Recovery Runner
This would also useful for those times when you leave your fitbit charging and then run out of the house without it. In fact, for this what I would really like is a way to trigger the "missing fitbit" tedt based on a geofence that notices I've keft home without the Fitbit. Another variation (or trigger for the "is my Fitbit here?" test) would be to look for other bluetooth devices like the hands free device in my car. That is, if the app detects (via Bluetooth discovery) that I just got in my car but my Fitbit is not with me, then it should immediately alert me to go get it. Integration into IFTTT might allow people to set up their own custom notifications as well. Another option would be to recognize that the Fitbit is charging, and notify the user in the app when the charging is complete -- to go get the fitbit and put it back on.
First Steps

Not sure if it's been suggested yet but I know alot of lose our fit bits at one time or another. This time I have lost it for what I fear is forever. I have tried to sync the phone with it and it says zip can't be found  yet it says it sycned last on Sun (when I tried yet again to see if it was in the house).


Would it be possible to work a way into getting a beeper system set up so that you can sync it with the fit products so that we do lose them we can get onto our dashboard and it sends a signal to the fit product to let us know where it is (like those on a key alarm).


I really miss my fit, it was only a zip but it really helped motivate me. Off today to hopefully buy a new one.


Thaks in advance.


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This post has been archived due to inactivity, and can no longer receive votes or comments. Any other ideas you might have, feel free to share them or vote for it, if it’s already suggested in the Feature Request Forum.


First Steps

My husband and I have both recently misplaced/lost our fitbit.  Even when it's in the house, its hard to find (we have a zip and One).  some kind of tracking app or beacon sound we could activate would be a huge help.  

First Steps

I wish there was a Lost function utilizing Blu-tooth & Vibration. 


So far, I did find a neat way that helped me found my One (only when you know it's somewhere in the room but it's too small to find). I would set up several series of alarms, sync it to my One and then have the alarms go off. For example, set it 5:30, 5:31, 5:32, 5:33, etc. Listening to the vibrations helped me find my Fitbit eventually. This would only work if you haven't lost your Fitbit too far and if you can still sync it. 


Still, if you can find a way to have Lost function available to indicate location and vibration, that would really be wonderful!! 

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Moderator Alum

I appreciate your contribution @Redhedgurl. This sounds like a good feature to be added to our tracker, although, there are some existing apps that can help you out with this in the meantime. You can check out this article in which you can get more information on this.



First Steps
My band has literally split in half so now using smaller band that came in package, but has now fallen off for the third and final time since I cannot remember exactly where I was! So my $150 Mothers' Day gift from my 3 girls Courtney-19, Briana-17 & Peyton-6 has lasted less than 5 months!
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