FitBit support for Android Wear devices

Please add support for Android Wear devices to the Android Fitbit app like you did for the iPhone 5S and HTC One M8. 🙂 The current Android Wear devices (LG G Watch & Samsung Gear Live) all include step counters.


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I'd be happy just to be able to see the steps from my one on a Google Gear powered watch.

If I could access all the stats that would be better and if I could substitute the watch for the one occasionally I would be extatic.


Please intergrate.

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I still plan to use FitBit (I have a like the Zip, just bought 8 more as Christmas gifts) for activity tracking. I don't see wearing my Moto 360 around as much and all day, but I always keep my fitbit on. Sure the platform could be considered competition, but I would love to see the fitbit platform extended to android wear. Otherwise will be stuck with IFTTT hackery.
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Please add this feature. I love my FitBit and the FitBit community but don't want to always have to wear my FitBit AND my Asus Smartwatch. With the step tracking and heartrate capabilities of Smartwatches using Android Wear, it would be great to pair with the existing capabilities and tracking of my Fitbit!

Dear Fitbit R&amp;amp;amp;D Team,&amp;lt;br&amp;gt;&amp;lt;br&amp;gt;I have enjoyed your product for some time now. I would like to point out that in some ways you are beat the living day lights out of the competition, but in some areas you are being beaten.&amp;lt;br&amp;gt;&amp;lt;br&amp;gt;Basis is beating you in how you charge your device, water proofing, and electric impedance for sensing sweat. Your beating them in sharing of data.&amp;lt;br&amp;gt;&amp;lt;br&amp;gt;iWatch looks like it is beating you in device charging, smart watch areas, and voice integration with Apple's phone. Your beating them in sensors.&amp;lt;br&amp;gt;&amp;lt;br&amp;gt;Microsoft Band is beating you in UV detection and voice integration with their phones.&amp;lt;br&amp;gt;&amp;lt;br&amp;gt;Android Wear is beating you in a number of these areas.&amp;lt;br&amp;gt;&amp;lt;br&amp;gt;Withings is beating you with SpO2 via firmware update.&amp;lt;br&amp;gt;&amp;lt;br&amp;gt;Now I know you are more about the physical fitness side of things, but I suggest you get on the ball on water proofing, wireless charging, UV, electrical impedance, SpO2, voice integration with all OS's, Google Fit &amp;amp;amp; Apple HealthKit integration, and features like I discuss on the following blog:&amp;lt;br&amp;gt;&amp;lt;br&amp;gt;&amp;lt;a target=&amp;quot;_blank&amp;quot; href=&amp;quot;&lt;a target=&quot;_blank&quot; href&gt;<a target="_blank" href>
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I'd love to be able to import my data from my fitbit into the Google fit android app. My g watch r doesn't track sleep or walking as accurately as my flex so I don't mind wearing both! Integration of data with the Google fit app would be awesome.
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Please add support for Android wear ( LG watch R)


Voted this up. My Fitbit One--I have owned three or four Fitbit devices and turned a couple dozen friends and relatives on to them--just died. In looking for replacements, I'm leaning heavily towards the LG G Watch R. The only downside I can see is I won't have and the nifty dashboard, nor a fun comparison to all the friends and family on here who also use them. If there were an interface between Google Wear and Fitbit, I'd be all set. 

First Steps

Is this a feature that is considered? Jawbone has already implemented support for android wear in there "UP" app, so I imagine its not hard for fitbit to do the same. Or do you want to exlude other step counters and only support the ones you are making? I've never used my fitbit flex after I got a moto 360, and wearing 2 devices on my wrist is just dumb.

Recovery Runner

Just remember, we've asked for this way longer than the Apple iWatch integration could possibly have asked for (the watch was only announced yesterday). Please don't snub us and put this integration in place.  Heck, it could even be integrated in Google Now cards that will flash up on the screen.

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I would really like to be able to use the stepcounter integrated in the LG G Watch R to track my movement and have all the data collected in the Fitbit software alongside the data from my Aria. To be honest i dont understand why this feature hasn't already been implemented. I understand the will to sell hardware and keep customers "trapped" with the Fitbit ecosystem, but that only causes frustration and in the long run will probably just make people choose products from someone else instead.


My 2¢ is that tracking steps via an Android Wear device should require a premium subscription (so that Fitbit still makes money) but users with a Fitbit device should still be able to get step counts and control run tracking for free.

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I own an Aria and also own two fitbits. Now that I own an Android wear watch, I don't use my fitbit, but I'd still like to be able to track my fitness results with my Aria and watch in one place.


Please provide an android wear interface to track steps so i can continue to use your products.

Add support to android wear please. Lots of people want this, but just don't use internet enough to search for this page to sign onto
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I agree that if this is to be implemented, it should be a premium subscription based app. I'd even pay $5-10/month for it so Fitbit still makes money.


Integrating the heart rate monitor, accelerometer, etc. would be we don't have to wear two trackers.

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I purchased the LG G Watch R, and with the failure of Google Fit and all the friends who have FitBits.  I'd be willing to pay a premium for a app that would allow us to use the app with our devices.  I know it's about profits so consider this.  Say you charge $25 for the app.  That's 25% of the cost of the device, and you just got paid for just downloading the a app that does nothing more except allow us to use it with a device of our choice.

First Steps

I have a Fitbit Flex and loved used it, particuarly for the sleep tracking aspect.  I got a really good deal on a Moto 360 so I wear that now instead but I really miss the Fitbit app.  I'd be willing to pay a reasonable fee for Android Wear integration with the app and website.

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Really need this. Happy using my fitbit, especially in the gym, but would love to be able to put my Moto 360 on sometimes and have it continue the step count. No, I don't want to wear two devices.


Your software and ecosystem are great at the moment, but I feel it's only a matter of time before someone produces something that makes a big dent in your market. I'd happily pay for the software so that I can use it on other wearables. That will keep me with you rather than jumping ship completely if I see something that serves my needs better.


Keep up the great work. I love my Charge HR.


Please provide the ability to control Fitbit app from Sony Smartwatch 3 ( Android Wear) This is desperate request!!

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+1, I'd prefer to use the Fitbit app, but Google Fit for the smartwatch + android support.

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sbyt hit the nail on the head with their post:


Most smart watch owners who have a Fitbit Aria and enjoy the Fitbit app would simply like to have their steps counted. Emails to Fitbit customer support get a "post it on the forum" reply, and sbyt's comment about customers choosing other devices or products outside the ecosystem that promote integration are more likely to succeed in the long run (technology history 101).


I am becoming more and more dissatisified with Fitbit over time because of a lack of integration and transparency (and plan on voicing that fact on blogs and product reviews). Afterall, who wants to give up the power of a smartwatch just for a pedometer function that already exists? And just for app-integration that the developers REFUSE to implement? HAHAHAHAHA! Fire your business team while you still have a chance.

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You can add me to the list. I use my fitbit one and a G Watch R at the same time - the G Watch seems to be WAY off on my step count, so I prefer to use them both at the same time (although if you have a wrist-based fitbit I could see why you wouldn't use both together). That said, I'd love to be able to see my fitbit steps at any time on the watch so I don't have to mess with the One or pull out my phone to use the phone app. Please please make this happen.

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I'd definitely love to add a fitbit Dashboard to my watchface.


Could be the steps, where I am with my nutricion, etc.

I also do not trust the watch stepcount and would love to see implementations similar to the Under Armor Record App or the Google Fit watchface.



First Steps

Would really like this. Using an Android Wear device and want to gather step activity in Google Fit and export it to Fitbit.

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