Idle Alert

I would love to have an "Idle Alert" feature added where the device would vibrate if you've been idle for a certain length of time.

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Base Runner
Great idea

this is actually already being considered... Maybe you should cast your votes there?

I would love to have idle alerts.
First Steps

Critical feature. Surprised it has been in the backlog since 2013 compared to major competitor jawbone has this feature.

Recovery Runner

+1 I would love to have an idle alert that I can turn on and off, and maybe set by the day of the week. It's one of two features that has me eyeing the up3, but the issues they've been having have kept me from making the leap. *fingers crossed*

First Steps

After a period of inactivity is detected during alarm active period (ie 9-5 M-F).  Alert user on the hour (half-hour, etc) and advise them that they have been sedentary.  Just a short vibration to remind the user to stand up every hour, if user has been inactive.  


New Surge user

First Steps

I am questing why the Fitbit does not allow us to set up an inactive alert. I feel this would be a great feature of the phone application. Allow the user to set up a time threshold and step threshold to trigger a different vibration alert. We would set the start and stop times for this alter (8-5). Then set the length of time to allow us to be inactive (15, 30, 45, 60, etc) then the number of steps needed to reset the counter (say 500 steps). Therefore, during normal business hours, I need to take a minimum of 200 steps every hour or I get an inactivity warning.

Our days get busy and for those of us in a desk job we often fail to remember to get up and move. We are buried in work and before we know if we sat her for 2 hours. I drink a lot of water to force myself to get up. Therefore, I have a work around but it would be nice if my Charge would be able to remind me.


Thank You


Yes, plllllllease add an idle alert!

Stepping Up

Please add IDLE ALERT !!! I loved this feature when I used the Up device. I found this incredibly helpful to being more active- which is the whole point ! 


First Steps

Apple I Watch has it.. So this is not just a Jawbone thing.. Yes Please 

This i thing would be a simple and kinda why was this left out in the first place.. 


Give it how long of idel time between what times of day and maybe a easy way to turn it on or off and boom. 


I think you have something to work with..  I love everything abouit my Charge HR except the alerts are crappy.. Even a simple text message aleart would be nice to also see.. 


First Steps

Simple thing i would think that it would be in the beta 1.0 release after any unit shiped.. 

Heck apple i watch now has it..  by this time the iphone it self will have it next..

This i thing would be a simple and kinda why was this left out in the first place.. 


Give it how long of idel time between what times of day and maybe a easy way to turn it on or off and boom. 


I think you have something to work with..



First Steps



Such a great feature to have....Just gives you that nudge and reminder to get up and move!!!!


Is this even in the works??



This idea has been "under consideration" for awhile and originally posted 1.5 years ago.  Can we get a promised date or at least some sense of what the plan is to implement this?

I agree that it is something that seems possible to implement this feature. If I has a desk job with a regular schedule, I might set an alarm for mid afternoon to judge me to move. But that isn't the same as the feature we want.
First Steps

Please add the Idle Alert feature!!!

First Steps
I was under the impression that the charge hr would vibrate if you'd been inactive for too long like the polar loop does.. Will this feature come available soon? It was a big reason for me to get an activity tracker and there's no way to install such a notification, a bit disappointing.
First Steps

The idle alert is an absolute necessity. All the competition has it and it actually makes you active, unlike the badge-system. Please inform us about the releaste date of this feature!

I have the same thing with the double tap. Sometimes I have to tap 8 times before it finally turns on.
You have my vote
Recovery Runner

@Eva123 - looks like fitbit is only good at collecting data - not taking it to the next level: making all the data they collect useful for improving your health (like idle alert, waking up at optimal point in sleep cycle etc). 


Really a massive disappointment... and this forum is even worse (should just close these requests instead of ignoring them)


I want an idle alert as much as anyone does, but I'm also capable of thinking and realizing i need to move around.  My FitBits have been one factor, along with better diet, workouts and walking stairs and hills and just walking in a 50 pound weight loss and improved health.


FitBit is a tool and a good one.  But <idle alert> if you are sitting for long while experiencing disappointment in a forum or a device.  Having cancer is massive, not having an idle alert?  Eh..


And yes, I still want it!!   

Stepping Up
Any idea when this feature will come to Fitbit. New Charge Hr owner, disappointed to not see this feature
First Steps

I work from home and have a tendancy to completely lose myself in my work. This is something I would like to see as an update. My One already has the ability to vibrate, it does so when I put my device to sleep, so it can't be much of a stretch to add this to the alarms function. Users could turn it off/on there. Just a thought!

Recovery Runner

@Seamonkey - the point isn't that we can't (with considerable effort in some cases) all do what should make us healthier, but rather how can Fitbit help us along the way? How complicated is idle alert? Again, Fitibit is just good at gathering data - makes next to no effort it making the collected data actionable or using it to prompt change/good-habits.


Idle alert is not my main problem with their approach, their dismal sleep tracking is. Using pretty much the same technology, Basis can do this:

and we are stuck with


Yes, not having barely competent sleep tracking or other basic features like idle alert is not cancer - but we can still ask (and hope for)  Fitbit to make a marginally better attempt at making their devices and reporting more useful.

Not applicable

I'd love a 'get off your butt and MOVE' alarm. and this idea sounds like the perfect match. 

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