Idle Alert

I would love to have an "Idle Alert" feature added where the device would vibrate if you've been idle for a certain length of time.

Moderator edit: Added labels.


This is a feature I thought was part of the Premium Package... I NEED THIS... sitting at a desk for 10 hours a day needs some motivation.


Any possibility to have the Flex vibrate if you have been idle too long or if you are below where you should be? Maybe a part of the app could be that you set your "awake time" on the app, say 8am to 11pm for example and if you don't have 50% of your goal by 3pm, you get a little vibration. This would be a reminder to get up and move.


First Steps
Great Idea!!

 People have been asking for some type of idle alert since back when there was just fitbit (rebranded as classic after the Ultra came out).


So since classic they have had:







Still not alert.

First Steps

It would be a very good motivation if the FitBit Flex alerts us via vibration if we are not moving for a longtime. One should be able to set the time for idle alert (so that it wont alert us when watching a movie or game of thrones episode 😉 ).


Thanks devs!!

First Steps


When I bought the Flex, the guy in the shop told me it definitely had an idle alert feature.  I am disappointed to discover that it doesn't.  Please add this, it is something I really wanted. 

First Steps

Bought a Flex for hubby after a stroke - thought it had a feature to remind him to get up and move.  "Idle Alert" or whatever you want to call it would be a wonderful addition to this product. 

First Steps

And also an option to alert on the iPhone if the phone is moving, but the Fitbit is not; this means either someone has stolen your phone or you have forgot to clip on your Fitbit.

Recovery Runner

The "Reminds You To Keep Moving" statement on the Fitbit Flex's webpage is very misleading!  When we got mine for my birthday last week, we thought it had an "idle reminder"... partially because of that statement on your webpage, but also because we probably read to many reviews and comparisons and got a little confused.  I'm sure this has been brought up before, but I thought it was worth bringing up again.  You really need to add an idle reminder!!  Whether it be a set thing and it automatically vibrates when you've been inactive for a set time (say an hour) or be custumizable in the settings online, something needs to be added!  My husband works 24 hour shifts and I'm home alone a lot, which leads to me sitting at my computer for longer periods of time than I should.  My Flex vibrating after an hour would be a great reminder to get off my butt and "Keep Moving"!!  PLEASE!!!!!  

First Steps

Please add a remind to move vibrate feature to the fitbit one.  I believe the flex has this feature

First Steps
It would be great to have an alarm reminder if you haven't been moving or haven't logged water in the last hour
First Steps

The "get up an move" reminder request is a no brainer and clearly what many people thought they were getting. Given that so many of us are at our computers too long or in meetings, it would seem that this request would have been fulfilled quickly by any company concerned with fitness and health.

Recovery Runner

+1 More on this, I'm happy with the recent updates, but do wish we could have a configurable inactivity alarm.


Still a very Happy Force user!


An activity bar will show you whether you've been sitting for too long. 


Set it up to vibrate at different times to keep body from sitting still all day.


Android app function similar to the alarms? 

This is on the Garmin VivoSmart. That's what I used recently until the Charge was released. I liked it. When it alerted me, I got up from my desk and walked around until it alerted me again that I was good to go again. I like the idea...KGO
Recovery Runner

Not bad!. As an animator stuck in front of a Wacom tablet almost all day long, that feature could be set to warn me to go off for a break. Trombosis is a very deadly killer. I know of one artist that died of it, and many colleagues wear presure socks to help with lower circulation.


This could help a lot of people that work seated for a living. Brilliant.


If you do this, please make sure it is optional.  I understand that this is useful for some users, but I would find such a feature highly annoying and would prefer not to use it.

First Steps

I agree this would be an awesome feature as an update to the already existing silent alarm.  It should be able to be reminders set at timed intervals between certain hours set by the user (like a snooze button) and also offer the ability to be set to remind you when you are sedentary for too long maybe also defined by the user.  It would be great it the company added it as an update to existing devices instead of a feature of a new product as a way to generate new sales.  If they do that I might just be tempted to forego loyality and re-compare brands.  That isn't a threat but a likely outcome: if I have to buy a new fitbit I might as well treat it like I would any new purchase and compare to other brands which may lead to fitbit loosing business.  To drive revenue I would understand if they offered it as an update feature only allowed through the subscription to the premium.  That I can understand and is what I thought was the case when I first bought the fitbit.  It was a surprise to find it not a feature of primium when I did the free trial.


Yes! An inactivity alarm is EXACTLY what the Flex is missing.  I signed up for the more advanced features thinking that surely it would be offered there... but NO!  Really?  How ridiculous.  I'm no computer programmer, but it seems such a simple thing to add, considering the other features.  I really hope you don't put it on an upgraded version for the New Year.  The newer offerings are great big and not something I'm interested in wearing everyday, although I would enjoy some of the features.  I should be offered on the Flex just as a software update like you recently did.  I was actually pretty happy with my Flex, until I realized there really wasn't a way to do the inactivity alarm.  Now I'm kind of disappointed and on the hunt for a better option. 


First Steps

What a great business idea. If "sitting is the new smoking," then a device that helps users to not do that would sell like hotcakes!


First Steps

An option for a reminder to get up and move via a vibration from the Charge would be wonderful.  Sometimes I just lose track of time sitting at my desk, and a gentle 'nudge' from the device would be great.  A good way to do this would be to let you set a reminder to get up and move after N number of minutes of inactivity in the app.

First Steps

I had my eye on this. But it wnt to 'under consideration' and then back to 'new suggestion' so maybe it won't happen. 

First Steps

I'm commenting to vote for an idle alert feature. I just purchased my Flex because I thought it had this feature and I'm extremely disappointed this isn't a capability (and also feeling a bit mislead with the marketing "reminds you to keep moving!"


Co nsidering sending it back because this was a primary reason for purchasing. I'm disheartened to see that this idea has been commented on for almost a year and the status just changed to New Suggestion. Jawbone does this... how hard can this be? 


Hmmm. I have 45 days to send this thing back..... 


FitBit, are you listening to your consumers? 



Base Runner

This feature has been asked for as much as heart rate and health kit. Seems like an easy firmware update and a feature that could be added to most if-not all of their devices.  


The only reason I see that they wouldn't do it would be battery life, but being able to set it (similar to silent alarms) On/Off, increments and during what times/days would be pretty useful. 


Everytime I see a post like this I vote - hopefully it would be added. If anything just put a disclaimer that utilizing this feature will decrease battery life.

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