Improve Charge 3 Clock Faces

Please add new (and better designed) Charge 3 watch faces, as the current selections are mostly hard to read and very disappointing compared to my Charge2. At the very minimum, please add ALL the Charge2 faces, which are far better than the current ones. Think big! Use bold sans serif fonts with clear & legible designs! Thank you.



Moderator edit: Clarfieid subject


yes,Charge 3 watch faces, as the current selections are mostly hard to read and very disappointing compared to not only Charge2,but to fitbit Inspire also. Its strange- charge 3 is good smartband with worst  watchfaces  I’ve ever seen. Shame on you ,Fitbit 

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hello @travelheaven.


Thanks for sharing your feedback in regards to the Charge 3 Clock Faces.


Let's see what other users have to say.


I like the Analog Face with seconds hand and tiny wipe up/down stats changer. I would like a Weekday indicator added near the Date please. Perhaps could be a wipe stat display? 

First Steps

I think a lot of the options recently released are a step in the right direction, but they are surprisingly limited in scope.


For example: the "Retro Double Stat" clock-face does not allow you to choose the combination of which 2 stats you want to see on each screen. I personally only care about my heart rate and calories burned, but I have no option to set this as my clock-face on the Charge 3 even though I did have that option on the Charge 2. Sorting through 2 screens with personally useless data on half of each screen is not enjoyable.


I bought the Charge 3 because I thought it was a given that the next generation of device would outperform the previous generation, and I don't think it is too much to ask for this small level of customization (or just even add a simple selection of each combination of 2 stats). This regression in functionality from the Charge 2 is making me seriously consider returning my purchase.


I bought Charge 3 expecting it to outperform the Charge 2, with Heart Rate monitoring, potential to track non-traditional exercise effort like Kite-Boarding, in addition to great water resistance and sleep tracking display (which currently does not display on my Watch). Accu Weather is a total 'nice to have' and is working great. Thanks Fitbit. I didn't bother with Email/Social Media Notifications yet as my Exercise Time is Sacrosanct. Although, it might be useful when I'm out in the field Coaching, and recently I read Notifications can be Toggled Off anytime. I have never had a Charge 2, so I don't have those highly rated clock face options to compare to.  Did any give a digital Seconds display?


Personally, I do like the "Analog Stat" clock face option,  as I said before, elegant, has the second hand, and I can swipe down to cycle through the stats. I WOULD like the Date field to show the Day of the Week, and, if real estate is a constraint, will settle for a swipe down to Cycle through Day of the Week or Date. Thicker lines at 12, 3, 6 and 9 o'clock would improve the speed of time recognition.


Thanks again Fitbit.

First Steps

Please add complete date. Example Thru June 6. Simple yet so important! Not just June 6. Put the actual day of the week. Thanks! 

First Steps

Yes, the Charge 3 is still missing some of the components from the Charge 2 displays. In particular, I enjoyed the Charge 2 display which allowed two stats to be displayed along with the date/time. This is really similar to the "Retro Double Stats" except that with the Charge 2 you could choose the order of your stats to be displayed and which stats to display.


The "Retro Double Stats" is missing an hourly activity stat and it is set so that the two stats that you can cycle through by tapping are: steps plus heart rate, distance plus calories, and floors plus active minutes.


In order to view the hourly activity stat, I need to swipe up on the main home screen of the Charge 3. It would be better to have the flexibility to put the hourly activity stat in the first screen of "Retro Double Stats" to mimic what I had on my Charge 2.

First Steps

It would be cool to be able to make your own simple faces too!

First Steps

Some nursing schools require an analog watch with a sweeping second hand (one that moves smoothly rather than ticking), so a watch face like that would be great for nursing students.

Recovery Runner

I would love the option to build a custom clock face by choosing from several fonts/formats/arrangements.   Sort of like dividing the clock face into sections and we get to choose what does in which section.


I also currently use the Stats Heavy clock face and would like to have the hourly activity tracker added to that.


As a new Fitbit community poster, I'm curious as to how many votes a post needs to get before Fitbit takes notice and makes the changes requested? The thread regarding widespread disappointment with the overall design, function, flexibility and legibility of the Charge3 clock faces is not a new one, and yet, nothing appears to have changed. The criticisms and suggestions are all valid. Does Fitbit listen to its community? Can we get a sense of when action might be taken?

First Steps

something specific i want in a watch face is the Date in number format. such as mm-dd-yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy. heck it can even be yyyy-mm-dd. i just want the month as the number. all the current faces have the month abbreviated.

Recovery Runner

Add day of the week, please.

First Steps

I had a Charge 2 and had the clock face set to the largest figures so I could tell the time without my glasses on. I have just bought the Charge 3 and it doesn’t have this clock face or one I can tell the time without my glasses on! Please can that clock face be added?

First Steps

 Please can the charge 3 have the top left clock face with the large font


First Steps

After passing 40 years I've become so far-sighted that the only way I can read the time on my Charge 2 without putting on my glasses, is by using this clock face that ONLY contains the time and the date. I can't read the date, but I can read the time - which is quite useful 🙂 I obviously have to wear my glasses to consume all the other information on the watch, but being able to check the time without finding my glasses is a basic need that happens much more often than studying the rest of the information.


My Charge 2 is broken and I was considering a Charge 3 due to the water protection and that it's more lightweight, but not having that simple clock face is a blocker for me.


I hope that Fitbit thinks about inclusion in this matter!

Recovery Runner

I'm not sure how many people need to see their heart rate constantly.  I had recently found the face on the charge 2 that had both my hourly steps and my total daily steps on the clock face.  This face included the time and the date.  I REALLY would like to see this clock face on the Charge 3 or at least the ability to pick the top 2 statistics to show on one of the existing faces. I only look at the heart rate every once in a while in the middle of exercising.  I use the hourly steps - let me think about that - at least hourly.

Not applicable

Add the day of the week to the "Retro Double Stat" in bold like the date is.  There is room right below the date. Thanks!


First Steps
Good idea!

Max Cooley
First Steps

There is no way to personalize the clock faces for the Fitbit Charge 3 in order to set the data showed accordingly to my priorities - it was able for Fitbit Charge 2 and I really miss it for Charge 3. I would like to see a date, time and then f.e. calories and steps and have the opportunity to change it (and the face can not change itself by the time)

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Blauee! Great suggestion, thanks for sharing your feedback. I've moved it into a similar request. Post a comment or click on the thumbs-up to show your support.

Recovery Runner

With the newest update, I cannot even FIND the Charge 3 clockface choices. All I can "see" are Versa and other square faces, thousands of them from third parties. Even the 5 old ones would be a welcome discovery. Please tell me where to find the Charge 3 clockface choices! 

Wish I had known the update would screw up all my settings.

Recovery Runner

Please undo the latest update. 

It's apparently eliminated Charge 3 clock face choices. (Or perhaps you can tell me how to find them, instead of the thousands of irrelevant Versa app faces that I find.) 

It's made it harder to use my Fitbit Charge 3 while exercising. 

It's added sleep scores, which mean nothing to the average user except to belittle our sleep attempts. 

Perhaps it you could allow peop

Perhaps you could allow people to use the old version as an option. I'd prefer it.

Thank you.


I have been using fitbit almost five years and always liked it, but now im getting to feel disappointed because you have promised many improves a long time ago!

Fitbit Charge 3, always the same specs, nothing changes. We need something new.

It doesnt motivate me anymore, and i feel i need to move to another brand, if there isnt any improvements coming soon!

First Steps



I'm wondering how can I redesign the clock face according to my preference:

1. Font: can be chosen.

2. Time: 24h or 12h am/pm.

3. Steps: 

4. Heart rate:

5. Burn calories

6. Distance:

7. Stop watch/ timer.



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