Increase or customize hourly activity goal from 250 steps/hour

It would be really cool to have the option to increase the reminder to move minimum count.  Currently, the reminder to move is set to 250 and I would really like the option of raising that number as my activity increases.

Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and label


It would also be good if you could set more than one alert per hour.I had the Jawbone Up24 and I could set alerts to move every 10 mins.

First Steps
I am old and disabled, and I can't walk 250 steps an hour, 25 steps is more my speed. I would like to customize this. Also disable the stairs ZX I can't do them. I have osteoarthritis in my knees, need a power chair to go long distances, but walk in my apartment. I am in a study right now on knee pain and. exercise, and I'm not the only one in the study with a Fitbit. Right now we are also using research grade pedometers, but the study ends in a month and we will need some sort of motivation to continue. That's why I bought the Fitbit.
First Steps

I just want to share daily steps with my friends not weekly totals because my weekend steps are over the top so it discourages friendship but my week day steps are slow to average. How can I just share steps on a daily basis so it motivates everyone?

First Steps

Love this new feature and have some suggestions

- enable reminder setting (currently buzzes you at h:50).  let me set it to go off at h:30 or h:40 or whatever

- tell me on the app tile and/or on the device how many steps remain (it does this sometimes but sometimes doesn't and doesn't count down

- let me customize how many steps per hour.  maybe i want to increase to 300? 

- put times by the dots on the app graphic.  at least a number



First Steps

I'd like to be able to increase the number of steps in the hour. I spend a lot of time sat down during the day. I know I can do as many steps as I want but when I'm working and getting up specially to do the required steps I want it to buzz me when I've done say 350 or even 500 so I can return to work knowing I've done more. I want to increase the amount of movement I do and the buzzer is a perfect idea but it's just not enough steps. Now I've got used to doing the 250 I want to push myself more and the buzzer is a perfect way of doing it.


Moderator Edit: Added Labels

Community Legend

This is a duplicate request, i would advise adding your votes here instead of starting the count over. 

Not applicable

+1 Cat Happy

I would like those 250 hourly steps to become 8-10% of your daily target so that it helps to spread your steps more evenly.
First Steps

I love the steps per hour goals.  It would be really helpful if it was customizable goals (ie:  less than or more than 250 per hour).  Also, if there was an easy quick way to see on the dashboard how many of those steps you've achieved in the hour would be also very helpful.


Otherwise, does anyone have any suggestions for how to make your Alta understand that you are not asleep if you're, say, watching TV on the couch for 2 hours?

Not applicable

+1 Smiley Wink

First Steps

I agree.  I would like to be able to set my own hourly step goal and be notified when I reach that goal.  


Thank you for your consideration of this request. 


YES!!!  I would love to be able to change the hourly step goal to a higher number than 250, and would also like to be able to adjust the number of hours to more than 14.  Yesterday I hit the 250 from 6am to 11pm, but it will only display 14 hours at a time.  Customizable would be great! how many hourly steps you've achieved so you know how many more you need to get your goal!  Apparently i'm extremely ocd and these features would allow me to be even more obsessive about my steps!  🙂

Thanks so much!  

Oh, and I'm using a Surge.

First Steps
I'd really like to have the option to change my hourly tracker from 250 steps, or at least for it to automatically match my overall goal. So if my goal was 10,000 over 14 hours, I would be expected to achieve about 700 steps an hour. That way, I'd know if I was doing enough across the entire day.

I also think if this hourly goal could be changed depending on the hour of the day, that would be incredible (but less important!) So when I wake at 6am, my hourly goal might be lower, as I'll be driving to work, than when I walk to get lunch at 1pm, so it will automatically adjust to give me a total amount of steps that matches my overall goal. Then this can be manually overruled if one would like.
Keeping Pace

i would like to know how to track my roller skating in the rink with my blaze please

Keeping Pace
I would like to be able to set my active hours differently for different days of the week. On Friday and Saturday nights I tend to go to bed later than work nights and sleep in on Saturdays and Sundays.
First Steps

I would like to see the reminder to step customizable based on your step goals


Would like to have the ability to change number of hourly steps to 500 or 1,000. Would be more challenging and help me reach my daily 12,000 steps a day


Moderator Edit: Added Labels

Recovery Runner

"let me customize how many steps per hour." YES! I agree with this!

Tempo Runner

Yes,  now that the reminder to move has been rolled out to more fitbits, I would love to be able to set a hourly goal, Like 1000 steps to remind me that I have not on track to make my goals.

I like this feature as a gentle reminder to do some activity each hour but would it be possible to adjust settings so that rather than restricting it to certain hours of a day (say between 1000 and 1800) you could have an aim of 8 hours in total of the day (so 8 of 24 that you're aiming for rather than every hour between 1000 and 1800) for those of us who don't have regular schedules/work patterns?
First Steps
I would like to be able to set my own hourly goal above 250 in increments of 50. My goal would be 500 per hour.
First Steps
I want to accomplish the hourly 250 step goal but keep forgetting. It would be nice if Fitbit would alert you say 7 minutes before the hour is up. I tried to set a silent alarm but it will only save up to eight alerts for some reason. Even better would be if it notified you of how many steps you would need to get to 250. Another nice feature would be to set your own hourly step goal perhaps 300 or 500. Thanks.
First Steps
I have Charge HR
Recovery Runner

I've been using this device this entire year (almost), and when the hourly activity buzz feature was added (which is a great feature, by the way), I was immediately able to do my minimum of 250 minimum steps each hour for five consecutive hours (my current setting). I've been doing that since the buzz feature was added (I think September 2016), and it has shown up fine on my tracker, everyday. I'd go back in history and see that I've had five hours active each day since that time.

But I looked back last night and noticed that for a two-week span in November, 2016 (7th -18th) my tracker shows 0 hours active. I was active every day of that time, as evidenced on my activity log. But the hourly activity doesn't show those hours active.

That's what generates my request: to be able to manually tell the system to record the appropriate hours as active in times when the system isn't working and doesn't record. If there is a way to tell the tracker to go back and check the activity log for those days or to manually input that the user was active during those hours, that would be a big help because I've grown to depend on my Blaze, and it's a bit discouraging not to see it there.

I don't want to manually enter the activity itself. I just want to manually tell the hourly activity tracker that activity did occur.

Recovery Runner

Good one! Why doesn't it show up when I search 250 or steps? And, for some reason, I can't vote...

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