Individual "Self timer" to guided meditations list

In the Track your mindfulness category on Fitbit home screen, may I suggest you add a "self timer" option to your list of guided meditations. This feature would allow the user to set a time for how long they meditate, and do it on their own in silence, without having to listen to a guided recording. Maybe just have a nice chime when the time is up.
First Steps

As someone who prefers SILENT meditation, this is a huge one for me. There is no guided meditation that would meet my needs. (I guess I could find one of the same length that I meditated and run that with the volume turned off?)

First Steps

This is a fantastic idea. I can’t use the mindfulness section in its current form as I have my own practice which works better for me than fitbit’s, but I’d love to be able to log my sessions.

Base Runner

I've given this suggestion a thumbs up, but I also want to say how excellent it would be to be able to log mindfulness/meditation sessions separate from using any of the Fitbit guided meditations. I don't like guided sessions at all, I like silence or the occasional gong when meditating, so I use a very simple timer app. I don't want to have to do one of the workarounds suggested elsewhere (turn on the guided meditation and just mute all sound), when it should be a completely simple fix for the fitbit app which already allows you to log exercise rather than just track it.


Please, people have been asking for this feature - the ability to log meditation sessions, and thus have data available for that time - for 3 years. Seems it's past time for this simple tracker to be added.

Recovery Runner

Same here. The “Relax” shortcut function should count towards your mindfulness activity and daily goals. And it would be great to have another option, besides the 2 and 5 minutes, that keeps track of your meditation for as long as you want and without the annoying inhale and exhale guidance (i want to take even deeper breaths).


I would also like the ability to log my meditation sessions without having to use the guided session provided by the app. Im surprised that we are able to track everything else within the app, except this feature.

Very much looking forward to this feature in a new release.


I track it as Yoga in Exercise, but it also auto detects is as deep sleep :S

First Steps

I'm just here to enthusiastically support this suggestion. I also have my own mindfulness practice, and have very little interest in the guided meditations. It would be lovely to be able to track my practice. I'd particularly like to be able to add past sessions, similar to how I can add past exercise, so I can use my own timer.

Recovery Runner

Hey everybody! I found a very simple workaround!


Just open any guided practice and pause it. You can then open any other app (I use spotify to listen to ambient music) or just meditate on your own for as long as you want. When you are done meditating, just go back to the fitbit app, forward the paused video to the very end (using the video player scroll bar at the bottom) and listen to the last seconds until the video ends. When you close the guided practice, it will ask you if you want to record the session: select YES. Your fitbit will have recorded your heartbeat from when you opened the guided practice until you closed it (and all your meditating in between!). There you go! hope you like it!

First Steps

Thank you!

Moderator edit: removed personal info


I would like this option available also.

I love the new meditation feature and the great metrics it gives you in the app. But I meditate in silence and don't do it for a pre-determined ammount of time.

I want to be able to start and stop a meditation session on my watch (like for exercise) and have it record the metrics which get logged in the app.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Fitbutt84, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to add your own individual meditation on Mindfulness. Thanks for sharing your feedback. I've moved it into a similar request.  A lot of users are asking for this option, I hope we receive updates soon. 

I had read through other posts but only found ones that wanted control
through the app but what I want would be on the watch itself.

Thanks for the response. I have a good deal of experience with meditation. I would volunteer as a guinea pig for Fitbit. Meditation has too many physical and mental health benefits to be treated like an afterthought.



Moderator Edit: Personal info removed

I'm newer to meditation but I've designed my own practice and no longer use
guided meditations. Sometimes i do it for anxiety and others i do it for
overall wellness. I'd like to keep the distraction of my phone out of it.
First Steps

I would love to be able quickly start my own meditation session on my wearable and have it timed and tracked. I use various apps and self practices. 


Yes - I would love to be able to track my mindfulness using a third party app, but still get the heart rate monitoring and session logging within FitBit, so the ability to start and stop a session as we can with the exercise feature would be amazing. I currently use Down Dog Meditation, and I have a lot of friends who use Headspace - there are a lot more session features/functionality than FitBit mindfulness, so it would be great to capture the health metrics and design mindfulness goals while not being stuck with only doing this with the limited FitBit mindfulness options/programs. GREAT feature suggestion!

First Steps

I agree as well. I would like to see Fitbit add a meditation timer. I do like the guided meditations, but I would like to be able to log my meditations without having to use a guided meditation.  I would like to mediate in silence,  and set a timer. I have to use a separate app for a timer.  I would like to see my information stored in fitbit, not in a separate app. Wishing you all well, and hoping that fitbit adds a meditation timer soon!


How hard can it be to add a "+" next to the Mindfulness tile so we can manually enter a mindfulness session like meditation?  Most meditators don't want to be fiddling with the phone to listen  to one of Fitbit's recorded guided meditation sessions.

This would be just like manually entering an exercise activity using the + sign on the Exercise tile.

First Steps

Adding my voice to the request to be able to track meditation sessions without using the guided versions provided, none of which appeal to me. A quick fix would be sessions that are nothing but bells at stated or random intervals, but completely manual input would be vastly preferable.

First Steps

I would love this feature in Fitbit.  A quiet timer or with just relaxing sounds in the background. I currently use insight timer for this. 

First Steps

Yes! Please, please, please add this!! Fitbit was instrumental in helping me start a daily meditation practice, but I've reached a point where I want to choose my own durations and what I am (or am not) listening to. Guided breathing under Relax kinda works, but is limited to 10 minutes, and I don't always like the breathing pace. Another option under Relax without a time limit and the ability to modulate your own breathing would be perfect, IMO.




I recently posted asking how to do meditation sessions longer than 2 minutes that would save, and was shocked to find it's simply not an option. There are only guided sessions of 6, 7, 9, and 11 minutes so there is nothing for people who don't want to meditate for those time periods specifically. I cannot believe this is not a standard feature.

First Steps

Yes please add this feature. I'm surprised it's not there, it seems trivial to implement.

Will be looking forward to it soon 🙂

First Steps

Yes, please! I can’t believe they they allow us to log exercise but not meditations. It makes zero sense. Especially as a Premium member, I’m appalled that this feature isn’t available. Please make this a thing! 

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