Integrate with iOS Health

Hi there,


I'm really excited about Apple's announcement of the Health App in iOS 8 to be release this fall.  I'm looking forward to seeing a product announcement by Fitbit for a successor to the recalled Fitbit Force, and I'm really hoping to hear some exciting news about Fitbits intigration with Apple's new Health App to be released alongside iOS 8 this fall.  


This is a huge oportunity to make your devices even smarter and more integrated - Please support these APIs!  Thanks!


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity and labels.

Stepping Up

@SunsetRunner I noticed the same thing yesterday.  It looks like this suggestion has been hidden.


First Steps

I have started inputting my weight into the FitBit app every day so that I can take advantage of TrendWeight. I'd like for that info to also appear in Healthkit so I don't have to enter the data twice. I'm considering FitBit's WiFi scale, but if I can't get the data where I want it, I think I'll have to pass. 


I understand the business decisions to limit tracked feeds to Fitbit product but, it seems a viable solution could be found. I now have an Apple Watch but, I love Fitbit's tracking app more than HealthKit. How about creating a tracker that makes sense if I am already wearing another smart watch or, creating some kind of premium feature to pay a fee to allow my Apple Watch to track on Fitbit?  Thanks for the open dialogue!!

Not applicable

Dear Fitbit.


It's a shame to see you have tried to hide this feature request.


It's a feature purchasers of your product would like to see added.


This thread has been open since 2004 and has 173 pages, over 4,300 comments.


Could we please have an answer as to why you are ignoring your customers?


FitBit feels a little bit of "Trumpý" with this request..

Everyone in this community should write a new Feature Request, with the same request, this when Fitbit does not explane why they dont intregrate with iOS or Android -healthapp.

Would be a nice friday work for them Smiley Wink

First Steps

Integration with iHealth. Wow, with the number of comments and votes, it's very disappointing to see that Fitbit has done nothing about adding this to their app. I wish I'd seen this before I bought my Fitbit. This is something that should be in the Fitbit app, not something you have to pay extra for. Pretty much all my other stuff provides this integration in their app. Looking at how long ago this was requested, it doesn't appear Fitbit intends to do anything about this so I guess once my Fitbit wears out, I guess I'll be going to something else.

In agree in this matter !

Sent from my iPhone
Cross-Country Runner

Hi everyone! We appreciate the time you all have taken to provide us with your feedback. I don't have an update to provide but do know we're still listening! 


@Deliany @SunsetRunner Thanks a lot for posting! 


@Amandalia I think that's reasonable. Good logic. 


@KlueBat I could see how that would be tedious! Making note of your feedback. 


Dear @SunsetRunner,


Thanks for your post!


Know that every time someone responds in this thread, some high level Community Moderators and I receive a notification stating that a user has posted in this thread.


Your voices are being heard and seen daily.


We don't post often because we don't have an update to provide. 


@njohan81 Here's 4 reasons why I think that's probably not the best idea:


  1. That would create much work for everyone involved and I'm sure that time could be used to benefit another cause. 
  2. What you propose will focus on the negative - be positive about the change you want to see! 
  3. Whoever participates will be violating the Community Guidelines . That's a no-no. 
  4. This is a very hot topic already. There's no need to escalate. 

@MacTheKnight Thank you for your feedback and understanding. I feel there could be a viable way as well, and you're suggestions could work, however, I think there's a lot more that's involved. Regardless, I'll note your feedback! 



Stepping Up

@RickyFitbit Then maybe you can explain why this item is not showing in the Top Ranking even though it has almost twice the upvote of the item that is showing as the top request.

Keeping Pace

@RickyFitbit, the problem isn't that you do or do not want to integrate at this point... the problem is that you've had this topic "Under Consideration" for 2, nearly 3 years and as @EricJilot mentioned have "hidden" it from public listing so that it's now only able to be found by a direct link or a search engine such as Google. Despite that dubious and borderline unscrupulous tactic/behavior, the topic remains to be the #1 most requested feature by a landslide.


Your consumers (self included) deserve an answer. What's more disheartening is that it's taken me 3 months of back and forth with support trying to get an answer and pointing out how stale the last official response on here was for someone to actually respond. You claim to take user feedback seriously and care about your consumers, yet actions speak louder than words.


At this point, rather than having us provide reasons as to why integration would be a good idea... why don't you (Fitbit) provide us reasons as to why it wouldn't be a good idea. Because frankly, aside from some corporate bureaucratic bs, I don't see any such reason. Fitbit is one of few in the industry and the only popular one that is designed to work with iOS and doesn't have the ability to sync from or to Apple Health. Withings, Huawei, Misfit, Jawbone, Xiaomi, and many others all integrate with Apple Healthkit.

Keeping Pace

@Amandalia, I've already done that and encourage others to do it aswell...


(For those who don't wish to scroll up: I'm referring to their suggestion on downvoting the Fitbit iOS app and leaving a comment stating that it doesn't integrate with Apple Health.)


Don't feel like writing a review? I've done it for you!


Despite being their #1 most requested feature for over 2 years, they still haven't implemented the ability to sync with Apple Health. 

They say they care about user feedback... well actions speak louder than words.


Not applicable

@RickyFitbit But am I right that you're "merely" (no offense!) a social media coordinator? So your job is to keep the communication civilised and keep everything tidy. You have no power over what is going to be worked on nor any means of "pushing" the development into any direction - whatever the numbers of votes here say?


Well @RickyFitbit, your reply just is not good enough.  It seems you have been "listening" for too long now.  It is time that someone from Fitbit came on to this site and came clean with us.

1) Why will Fitbit not integrate with Apple Health?  it cannot be technically difficult because lots of others have done it.

2) This is clearly the most requested feature on the feature suggestions list.  Why is Fitbit pretending it is not by hiding it?

3) Is Fitbit ever going to do something about it?

You are losing customers, there are lots of other gadgets out there.  You have a great app and great products, and integrating with Apple Health is not going to lose you custom.   Some people want to get their Watch data into Fitbit but that is a different issue, we will settle for Fitbit integration with Apple Health.  Nowadays customers can easily vote with their feet and Fitbit's failure not only to provide what is being asked but your complete disregard for frequent requests for an explanation is making matters worse.

Come on Fitbit, DO SOMETHING!  Moderators may look but they clearly do not pass on this dissatisfaction to the senior management.  




Here's 4 reasons why I think that's probably not the best idea:


  1. That would create much work for everyone involved and I'm sure that time could be used to benefit another cause. 
  2. What you propose will focus on the negative - be positive about the change you want to see! 
  3. Whoever participates will be violating the Community Guidelines . That's a no-no. 
  4. This is a very hot topic already. There's no need to escalate. 


Answeres from me.

1) If an feature request has been a number one from the Comunity sence 2014 (about 3 years, its like 1440 Request /year), then you are (- Fitbit firm, not you) self doing the extra administration by not implementing this wish from your custumers. The thing is, i like your (-Fitbit) hardware but i dont like how the response from Fitbit, almost 3years has past. You (Fitbit) are litterly scaring away custumers to Apple Watch (-or Samsung Gear 3, etc.).

2) This whole page is a negative finding to a positive request from a custumer and with over 4000 that suports that request. 

3) Yes, i did go to a little extreme, sorry about that....but.. it´s also a no-no to Fitbit, when a number one Request has been ignored almost 3 years, and in a way also "hidden" from the site, explaned in 4.

4) Yes!! This is a very hot topic! but its also hidden, from the "top" or "hot" on the Request page, and that feels also like a no-no to Fitbit. I think these 4000 requests would have been near or over 10 000 or moore if it not would have been "hidden" from the "top or hot" on the feature request page.



Closing words, i have been a fitbit user almost 1 month, i do like everything with fitbit, but extreamly anoid when my health data is locked to one provider, i want to use my own data, my private data! and may like to share to other apps that can do other magic statistic thanx to your hardware! some how it feels like you (fitbit) own my private data and this is where Apple (-for once!!!) has helpt, with an universal health -app that can share data to other programs.

God speed, with the integration to iOS Health -app
Please do this a priority to fitbits next "PR-and-feature-requests-meeting".

First Steps

Shame I can't track progess on a app that integrates my iHealth scale and fitbit on my iphone. Suggestions welcome. Best thing would be for Fitbit to integrate with iOS Health.

Keeping Pace

@Willett3, unfortunately this has been an ongoing issue for a long time... There are some 3rd party apps that attempt to sync this data for you but don't do it very well. At this point, all I can suggest is to send Fitbit support tickets requesting this feature, being persistent on getting an answer as to rather or not it will ever be implemented (I've been on a back and forth basis with them for 3 months now...)


Additionally, I'd suggest downvoting their iOS app in the App Store and leaving a comment about their constant disregard for what their consumers want most and by not implementing the ability to sync to/from Apple Health.


Don't feel like writing a review? I've done it for you!


Despite being their #1 most requested feature for over 2 years, they still haven't implemented the ability to sync with Apple Health. 

They say they care about user feedback... well actions speak louder than words.


Encourage your family members and friends to do the same because apparently they've either compartmentalized their company so much that the message isn't getting through to the ones calling the shots, or they simply don't care. I'm hoping it's not the latter of the two.


It's ludicrous in this world of connectivity that Fitbit will not sync with Apple Health. My outrageously high monthly bill from my health insurance company allows me credit if I meet the step goals. But my Fitbit data can't get to them and I miss my credit even though each day I am exceeding my goals. If Fitbit really cared about tracking data for people's well being they'd allow their customers to be able to benefit too by allowing their data an access point through Apple Health to the insurance company

First Steps

Seriously though. There's already a 'Premium' subscription for various Fitbit features. Why not just have a paid or subscription app so I can wear one device, which happens to be my Apple Watch? Fitbit would make more money in the long term doing this and have much happier customers.


Why would I buy a Fitbit (which I would like to do) if it does not integrate with the iOS SDK and the data ecosystem of the phone I use? Until it doesn't I will not buy one. Again, whoever keeps postponing this decision is costing Fitbit at least a partial loss of revenue which is part of this -20% year on year and 110 employees. Truth hurts. Not realising where the wind blows hurts more.

Keeping Pace

@Strykar, having to have a subscription for apple sync would be ridiculous and I'd immediately throw out all of my Fitbit products if they made that a thing. Why would any consumer pay extra for a feature that (aside from initial development costs) costs them nothing to maintain and nearly every other iOS compatible tracker already supports data sync with Apple Health at no extra charge?


I understand the mentality if you're already a subscriber because you enjoy their premium services and have nothing to lose if they were to take that course of action. However, for those of use who don't care for any of their other premium services and just want a tracker without any strings attached that works and integrates well with other platforms, it's not a viable solution.

Keeping Pace

First and foremost peeps: stop dreaming and asking for features that, as owner, you would implement yourself, like syncing the Apple Watch with Fitbit. Why would they? (I already said that in another post).


They primarily sell hardware, opening up for free to other hardware vendor, where will be the profit? It's like letting Walmart park a truck full of good on a Target parking lot selling their good without paying a fee to Target. Nobody would let that happen. Here it is the same. You opt for a hardware from a different company, don't expect this company to welcome your hardware for free if it's in conflict with their primary line of business.


When you switch from Android to Apple or vice and versa, do you expect Game Center to be available on Android?


The real issue here is that Fitbit may (is) selling health data, and that is against Apple policies to use HealthKit. So unless they stop doing that, I guess we can ask all we want, it can not be legally implemented. Someone correct me if that statement is incorrect.


I sure would like to see it writing data to HealthKit automatically 🙂

First Steps

Hi.  I've been using Apple Health since it came out with iOS 8.  Please integrate FitBit's app with this so that I don't have to use multiple apps to continue to have the historical data.


First Steps

Adding to the others, I'd really appreciate if you at least opened up the ability to connect my Apple Watch to fitbit. 

Right now my family (particularly my elderly parents) have fitbits and are on the app, and my dad was super excited to "compete" with me on steps. I can't enter my steps at the very least, so it's been frustrating.

First Steps

Add my vote. I use Apple Watch and IHealth. I would love to use the Fitbit App to compete with friends and exchange data with them. Right now Fitbit App does not read my IHealth data and I have to manually enter my exercise. My step count is always off from my Apple Watch understandably. Please create an App that reads my IHealth information!!!!

Cross-Country Runner

Hi All,


I just wanted to reach out and let everyone know that we are taking some steps to better the user experience on our Community. We're looking at different ways to maximize the power of the Community we have. This feature suggestion can still be viewed by using the Community search tool and as some users mentioned, Google.


I'd also like to mention that we've received thousands of votes and comments! We appreciate the passion you all share for this integration. I understand that a lot of users want an answer. I'm sorry, I can't provide a "yes" or "no" answer, however, I will continue to forward your feedback. 


Thanks for your understanding. 

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