Integrate with iOS Health

Hi there,


I'm really excited about Apple's announcement of the Health App in iOS 8 to be release this fall.  I'm looking forward to seeing a product announcement by Fitbit for a successor to the recalled Fitbit Force, and I'm really hoping to hear some exciting news about Fitbits intigration with Apple's new Health App to be released alongside iOS 8 this fall.  


This is a huge oportunity to make your devices even smarter and more integrated - Please support these APIs!  Thanks!


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity and labels.


2014. I guess fitbit and aria will never update my apple health app. It must be time to cut fitbit from my life. 

First Steps

As so many people have already expressed, it would be really helpful for Fitbit to sync with Apple Health. Apple Health has focuses on broader health issues that Fitbit doesn't. For me, it collects all the information from different apps and compiles it in one app to create an overall picture of my health. Fitbit itself is not capable of that. Also, as many others have said, thousands of people have been requesting this feature since 2014. It's clearly something the community wants. Other competing companies have found ways to work with Apple Health, it would be a shame if Fitbit lost customers because this integration feature wasn't seriously considered.

Recovery Runner

   Fitbit has already lost many customers over the past 3 years. 

In my opinion, it is not a shame but what they deserve for their
disrespectful ignoring of this request.
First Steps

Wow. 194 pages of comments requesting this feature. I've always thought that the Fitbit was preferable to the Apple Watch for its simplicity and long battery survival time, but with responsiveness like this maybe I should reconsider on my next device. 

Community Legend

Of course there is nothing stopping Apple from syncing with Fitbit 

First Steps

Before I get to my comment let me just say that I did contact work for the FBI and I had to tick fewer boxes, read fewer documents and fill out fewer forms to do that work than I did to make this comment...

I would like very much to sync my Fitbit data with my iOS Health app. I would like it so much that I may return my New Ionic in exchange for an iWatch. 

Except that Apple Health has an open public easy-to-use API that every
other popular health app uses to share data, fit-bit not so much...

I was about to buy my first Fitbit, until I came across this page, too bad Fitbit. Ignoring this request for 3 years is quite extraordinary.

First Steps

I understand Fitbit wants to control the user experience and keep engagement within the Fitbit app, but not being able to sync with Apple Health is a big deal breaker. It’s not difficult to implement. Even cheap HR monitors from China manage to sync with Health Kit. Seems like Fitbit are more concerned with pleasing their shareholders than their users!

I currently own a blaze, and have been happy with it, but was looking forward to the next Fitbit release.  After seeing the Ionic fell short in a few areas of interest, I've decided to move on to an Apple Watch.  I would love to still use Fitbit's app, but unfortunately, this will be impossible for now. LOVE the fitbit app and will be sorry to not be able to use it. =(

First Steps

+1 on this request. Pretty insane that it hasn’t been delivered yet, three major versions of iOS later 


Please add the sync to Apple Health app. It's outrageous that this feature isn't yet implemented after 3 years.

Not applicable

I had a Charge 2 HR, but the band disconnected from the unit and I lost it. One of the great things about the FitBit for me was that I would challenge friends every week. It kept us all motivated by cheering eachother on.

I'm replacing my Charge 2 with an Apple Watch and am very disappointed that I can't participate in these challenges any longer.


The Fitbit community is stronger when it's open, not closed.


Please reconsider your decision.

First Steps

Replacing with apple watch if you don't include this, **ahem**ing ridiculous.


I can't believe that fitbit hasn't integrated with IOS health yet. 


Please add this feature, I’d prefer a Fitbit over an Apple Watch but i don’t want to stop using Apple health, it has all my previous data there, it’s batube on my device, has a tonne of other compatible apps and I’m already used to using it. I’d at least like the choice instead of being forced to use one or the other. 


This is overdue. Playing nice with the hand that feeds is a proper business practice and bodes well for your relationship with your customers. You are a device company. Worry about that and the data will come later.

Keeping Pace


After I bought a Fitbit Tracker I found out its not integrated into IOS HealthKit. What a shame. This is def. a MUST. Ill Keep my tracker until its dead or I sell it, but when by then there is no health integration it wont be a fitbit again.



This is a must, very disappointed to find out the current fitbit range doesn't have this. Will lose my family as customer if not implemented.

Not applicable

There's already a feature request for this support with 6,100 votes.

Please consider changing your vote to that one and commenting there. Maybe it'll help get this implemented?


Request title: Integrate with Apple Watch



Thanks from someone who really wants this feature.

Not applicable

My rationale for this integration is that I started on Fitbit, lost it and replaced with Apple Watch. But I'd still like to compete with my friends in the Fitbit Community, because we all keep each other moving.


mikkelhansen's question is disturbing. If I could figure how to show the features with the top votes, so I could see this, I'd be annoyed. I hope it's not true.

Recovery Runner

This tells you everything:


“10-09-14 13:40
Status changed to: Under Consideration”


’under consideration’ for THREE years!!! Either FitBit are the slowest thinkers in the world, or they’re just unwilling to admit they want to keep our data for themselves. 


I first posted about this ridiculous restriction one year ago. I followed it up with subsequent posts. I get at least 6 email alerts every day telling me other Fitbit customers are making the same requests and points. It is unbelievable that a company would not only ignore customer feedback ton this extent but think the approach is viable. Frankly I’ve lost my patience. I was once a Fitbit advocate and have encouraged at least 6 friends to purchase a device. Now I’m embarrassed because, guess what, they all have the same complaint. Advocate to detractor. Happy customer to disgruntled ex customer. Well done Fitbit. I’m sure your shareholders will soon feel the same.  

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Thank you for your suggestions. We are always looking for ways you can use your data to support your health and fitness goals. For the past few years, we’ve been the leader in developing direct partnerships through our open API with hundreds of the most popular health apps, wellness programs, incentive systems, and other services that have enabled people like you to make the most of your products and data. In addition, the launch of Fitbit Ionic has given us the opportunity to allow third party developers to develop apps for the Fitbit App Gallery through our SDK, providing opportunities to offer even more features and apps to our global Fitbit community from our developer community.


With regards to your proposed integrations, we continue to evaluate new partners and will update you if we have news to share. Fitbit has a history of working with the community to bring potential features to reality, and we thank you for taking the time to share your ideas and suggestions.

First Steps

Strongly hope Fitbit app can auto transfer weight data into Apple Health app!!!

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