Integrate with iOS Health

Hi there,


I'm really excited about Apple's announcement of the Health App in iOS 8 to be release this fall.  I'm looking forward to seeing a product announcement by Fitbit for a successor to the recalled Fitbit Force, and I'm really hoping to hear some exciting news about Fitbits intigration with Apple's new Health App to be released alongside iOS 8 this fall.  


This is a huge oportunity to make your devices even smarter and more integrated - Please support these APIs!  Thanks!


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity and labels.


I think that any reason not to do this could result in a major loss of feature for FitBit.  If others do integrate and enable this then over time FitBit market share may erode.


I have had a FitBit (or three) since Jan 2011 and would certainly love to see my data back cast into the health app.  There is an app out there called Wristband Manager, which of sorts takes the API data from Fitbit and shows it on a graph similar to that of the Health app.  If it is not integrated by the likes of Fitbit, then I am sure some smart person will find a way to act as a intermediary between the API and the Health app.  Still I would have thought this a reasonable priority for Fitbit, especially as they are not actively adding functionality to their own app, it is rather stale now.  On that point, some way to challenge one another other than just steps or in a mass league table would be a welcome addition. 

First Steps

I too am looking for fitbit to provide integration with Apple's new Healthkit.  I love my fitbit flex.  I am also waiting to see what the next fitbit device will be


I would also love to see fitbit be part of ios8 and the healthbook!!!

@so-rich wrote:

Hi there,


I'm really excited about Apple's announcement of the Health App in iOS 8 to be release this fall.  I'm looking forward to seeing a product announcement by Fitbit for a successor to the recalled Fitbit Force, and I'm really hoping to hear some exciting news about Fitbits intigration with Apple's new Health App to be released alongside iOS 8 this fall.  


This is a huge oportunity to make your devices even smarter and more integrated - Please support these APIs!  Thanks!

I will love to support the following that was above and see them support the health app in ios 8

First Steps

Yes, I also hope you add an option for syncing data with the new iOS 8 Health App!

Not applicable

Definitely a +1

First Steps

Add me to the list of those who want connectivity with iOS 8

Vote from me!
First Steps

Looking forward to Healthkit integration at "end of month"

First Steps
+1 for healthkit integration
First Steps

+1 for iOS HealthKit integration 🙂

First Steps

I would be very interested in this feature.

Not applicable

I am adding my request for integration of fitbit with apple health. Other fitness apps are already integrated. You knew this was coming. Now it is here

First Steps

Yes please.

Recovery Runner


Would LOVE to see them integrated would save a lot of messing around. Please get with it.


I would love to link my Fitbit with the new health app!

Base Runner

yes please

Not applicable

iOS 8 integration needs to happen. Please hurry up and implement this feature, you'd be crazy not to!

I'm very disappointed that Fitbit is not ready to support iOS8 and its HealthKit; please support this.
First Steps

Yes, Please add the intergation with iOS8, Thanks

First Steps
Look forward to integration.
First Steps

I too am keen for iOS integration



Please add my vote to those who want Fitbit to integrate with Apple's iOs 8 Health.  I was surprised to see that Fitbit wasn't compatible when iOs 8 was released: I expected you guys to be on the cutting edge of this!

First Steps

Please integrate with iOS 8 Healthkit. I would have thought this would be a no brainer decision for you, but if you want encouragement from your customers I'm very happy to add my voice to those calling for it.



First Steps

I would like to see this integration. 


Another vote for thefitbit app to communicate with apples new HealthKit please:))👍👍👍

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