Landscape Orientation Fitbit app


Is it possible for the app to change the orientation when it is turned? Both horizontal and upside down?


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First Steps

Seriously, Fitbit! People have been asking for horizontal access for YEARS! It can’t possibly be that difficult. Get it done!

First Steps

Why is it that a simple feature as Portrait / Landscape has not been added to the Fitbit app? It was asked for, originally in November of 2014, over 6 years ago. Is this indicative of Customer Service / Software engineering poor rapport or is it just that the corporate intention is to just shove more fitbits out the door, that ALL could benefit from this feature?

Most apps these days do have a Portrait /c Landscape option. Fitbit is getting behind the times.

First Steps
This is indicative of management at Fitbit that has no regard for the customers they serve. Your (mine and other) complaints about this have been logged for literally years and nothing has changed.

The sad part is that even today many of the Fitbit screens DO appear in landscape mode, so it’s not like the developers can’t or don’t know how to fix the app. For example, if you go to the sleep or heart rate sections and tap the arrows to expand the charts shown there, the expanded charts will appear in landscape mode! Also, in an early release of the Fitbit app from several years ago that I was fortunate enough to have seen and used for a short time, the whole app worked in landscape mode. A subsequent app update deleted this capability!

Sent via Tim's iPad
First Steps
Perhaps in my case it’s because I have a Charge 2 and it’s an older version. So they didn’t want to provide a landscape update so we would invest in an upgrade. I don’t want an upgrade, I’m happy with what I have - with the landscape exception -which I have lived without since I got it. When I got it I didn’t really think about the position of the face.

Sent from my iPad

My last two comments on providing Landscape Orientation for my IPad were in 2018 and 2019.  Now I’m using a Versa 2  and still no Landscape Orientation. My neck hurts.

First Steps

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps
It is a stunning omission. The only justification one could come up with is Fitbit only want you to look at their app on a phone. The page, your page, on the website is great, but try to look at the app on an iPad, or an iPad Pro which use and your having g to reorient your whole device to look at it.
First Steps

Ya know, it looks like people have been asking for this for about six years.  Is it such a big deal? I want to be able to play guided workouts on my iPad in landscape mode. In portrait mode they’re harder to follow. Like someone else who commented, I use my iPad in a keyboard case, so landscape is my default mode. PLEASE?

First Steps
I think the people running Fitbit much not be interested in their customers. I have a Charge 2 add have no plans to upgrade....

Sent from my iPad
Community Legend

Fitbit is still waiting for votes. So that it knows people really want this feature. 


Why do you say that @MJCarp? Just because omg 118 people out of out of 29,570,000 inserts have dehydrated a feature. That is 1 user for every 250,600 people. It is very obvious the users are not interested in this feature. In gene eel it takes at least 650 votes to get their attention. 


Even then, Fitbit receives many complaints when they add wanted suggestions. 

First Steps

Still waiting for both vertical and horizontal view........


Rich_Laue - Community Legend

Huh?  Dehydrated a feature?? Whatever

This request isn’t anything unusual and most all of my IPad apps automatically adjust to my landscape orientation. I too use the attached iPad keyboard so that just turning the device to portrait is a pain. 
Maybe now that Google swallowed Fitbit - we will finally get this annoyance fixed!


I sent Fitbit a message today asking if this could be made possible (horizontal option) and they directed me to this link. Strange. So many asking for this for so long. Wonder why they have provided this way to view the app?  Those of us on an ipad/tablet with a keyboard end up having to type sideways if posting a message.


I use an Versa 2 with iPad Pro with magic keyboard. I have recently started to utilize all the features of the Fitbit app. I also have become a premium member. It is very annoying to change orientation every time I use the app. I generally use it on my treadmill to check emails, watch YouTube videos. I like to review my sleep score and health metrics before during and after my morning workout. Since most iPad users use landscape  mode it would be a valuable feature. Furthermore, it makes the app appear outdated because every relevant app on iOS utilizes automatic orientation change feature. Please if this is not in the plan can you tell the community and give us the reason. Thanks.


I have also been sent to this page by Fitbit support. I contacted support because since the removal of Fitbit Coach, I was encouraged to try workouts on the Fitbit app. However, the app isn't optimized for iPad and I have to use portrait mode until the workout video begins, and then as soon as the workout ends, it's back to portrait mode. This seems a pretty simple design flaw on the part of the app developers. 

Recovery Runner
I always have my iPad sitting horizontally, but when I want to look at the Fitbit app I have to pick it up off it’s stand and turn it to a position not supported by its stand. It’s a persistent annoyance … just a way Fitbit could flow more seemlessly into my day.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @1970GenX, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to see Landscape Orientation on the Fitbit App. I've moved it into a similar request. I think that a lot of users would like to have this option on their Fitbit devices. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.


Thank you again for your participation in the Feature Suggestions Forums.

First Steps
Many, many people have made this suggestion, over the past two years or so. Maybe you should actually implement it.
First Steps
Does fitbit response make since to anybody because I have used fitbit on my iPad since I started using fitbit over 5 years ago and it was only recently  with the IOS update that there is now an issue. So why is it all the sudden not compatible with the app?

On Sat, Jan 15, 2022 at 13:52 <> wrote:
Hi Connie,

Thank you for the confirmation. Your case has been escalated to Fitbit's highest level of support.

Currently, the Fitbit app is not yet optimized for the iPad. The Apple App Store also mentions that this app is only available on the App Store for iPhone, and is currently compatible with the iPhone and iPad touch. You can still use the app on your iPad, but the iPad features of rotating the screen to use it on landscape orientation, is not available at this time.

We're constantly striving to improve Fitbit products and services, and we appreciate all of the input we receive from our customers. We understand that this feature is important to you, and the best place to make your voice heard is the Feature Suggestion board on our community ( 

That said, we found a similar suggestion made by another member of the community: You can vote for their suggestion and add your comments. 

Thanks for your feedback and for participating in our community!


Gretel N and the Fitbit Team


Community Legend

@Whyjustwhyjust sorry but fitbit has never had an app optimized for the iPad, however it has always been possible to load the iPhone version onto the iPad. Nothing changed with this. 

Tempo Runner

For reasons that others already have stated, plus in particular optimizing viewing of concluded transpositional workouts (especially for when having trekked more east≀west than south≀north ‐wardly), this alternate viewing mode in Android smartphone (how principally that I interact with my account, followed by via laptop personalcomputer) would come as a great improvement to the user experience inpon the Fitbit app.  For optimal functionality, there ought to be an optional setting to lock‑in the present orientation mode.  In addition, it would be further delightful to be able to switch the map of trekked to allow spinning instead of locking North as up (akin to Google Maps mobile functionality which enables switching to self-orientation up and also free-spinning, which is quite handy).


It is now Sept 2022.  I commented about this on Sept 29, 2017 to a post about this problem on Nov 15, 2014 - over 8 years ago!

Not only is it possible to have the Fitbit app be able to display in landscape on an iPad (or Android tablet), it is an easy fix!  We know that the app can detect what platform it is running on, and it can also detect the orientation of the device and when it changes.  One can only assume that Fitbit decided long ago to not fix this bug (it's not a "feature") for some illogical reason that none of us can figure out.  I would guess that the programmer(s) have been begging to be able to fix this since "the beginning" (2014), but for some reason are told not to.  Fitbit, will you please explain your reasoning to us?  (The true reason, not just things like: we're posting this complaint in the wrong section, or that it's a great idea and that you encourage us to keep sharing our ideas, etc.) Telling us the real reason will at least enable many of us to put this unsolvable issue at rest.  Thanks!

Sent from my iPhone
Community Legend

Well let's look 

87 votes over 7 years. 

That is less than 1 vote a month. 

I can remember one suggestion having over 100 duplicate suggestions. Sometimes 3-4 added in a day and over 600 votes in the first month. 


With only 87 voted, I'm not surprised that this suggestion is not on the radar. 

Get your family, your friends. Put a link in your signature..This thread has no voting activity. 

First Steps
I’m not sure I fully understand what you are urging. But I will say I became tired of Fitbit’s failure to fix the landscape problem and purchased another brand. That solved my problem and I no longer use Fitbit. I suspect others did the same. If enough customers discontinue using their products, then perhaps the issue will reach the radar. I truly liked Fitbit, but have been well pleased with my new device and its ease of use. Good luck to you and your campaign!!
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