Macros in grams in the app

Hey everyone!
I have got a Fitbit Charge 2 and I have already downloaded the app into my iphone. As long as I am tracking the macros, I would appreciate if the app shows me also how many grams of protein, fat and carbs I eat, not only the percentage as it does now. I know I can check it in the dashboard on the internet via my macbook, but I think it would be really useful to make it possible in the app as well. What do you think?

First Steps

Adding my voice here to track grams of macros AS WELL AS percentage.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE    

First Steps

There are only two things my trainer said to pay attention to: 1 eating a set amount of calories regardless of how active I am and eating the right number of grams of protein.  I can not see either of these on the Charge 2 app. I've posted a separate suggestion for the firsts part, and this comment for the second part.  Please show me how many grams of protein (and carbs, and fat) I have eaten next to the percentages (or near them).  These two things will allow me to quit Myfitnesspal and only use Fitbit.

Recovery Runner

It would be awesome if we could set macro goals too!!! 


Yes that's what I need too! I have kidney disease and must limit sodium, potassium and protein so need to track these in mg and grams! Please implement this fitbit!


Please make this happen. I would love to be able to track my macros in grams on the app. It's inconvenient to have to go to the website to see this. It makes having the app completely invalid since you have to go the website to accurately track your food intake throughout the day. Smiley Frustrated

First Steps

Make this happen and FAST! I NEED to tack grams for dietary restrictions and to view grams conviniently I am

forced to use a second app for food tracking. Please allow me to view grams in my app! We need this! And fast! Please add feature to view daily grams breakdown of Macros along with weekly and monthly averages! Thanks!


#suggestionbox Since I really target protein grams/day, it would be great if the Macro screen summed in grams. Example mockupIMG_0123.JPG


Recovery Runner

TigerUSA -- this is excellent.  This is exactly what's been in my mind!   FitBit team, TigerUSA's mock up is great. Provides the info needed by FitBit customers and takes no more screen real estate.  Furthermore those numbers are available on the web site.

Could someone from the FitBit Moderators or FitBit Dev team reply with if this is something FitBit is willing to do.  There's obviously lots of people who would really appreciate and benefit health tracking wise from this small but important enhancement to the FitBit app!   

TigerUSA -- thank you for showing how simple this can be done in the application!


Please makes it possible to view macronutrients grams in the app instead of percentages. Currently I have to wait until I am home with my laptop to see my grams, would be so helpful to see them in the app. I've tried macro trackers & haven't found any good ones, but I track everything else with the Fitbit app & am very happy with it except for this issue.


Yes please!!!!!! The information is already in there...all we need to see are the totals in numbers in addition to grams! 

First Steps



I think it would be highly beneficial to show your tracked macros in both percentages and grams. Or at least a setting to allow both or either/or. I've been on diets were I track the grams and I feel like having this as a feature in the fitbit app will make it that much better and allow it to take a step ahead of competing apps. Thanks for your consideration!



First Steps

Displaying both macronutrients & micronutrients in grams & percentages would be extremely helpful! This would be VERY beneficial for us pregnant & nursing moms since we have higher nutrition intake needs.... also distinguishing between complex carbs & simple carbs- since not all carbs are created equal.....

First Steps

I to love the macros broken down but would really like to see them in grams instead of percentages.  Thank you.

First Steps

Bring on the grams, for a more complete view...Smiley Happy


Yes, to comply with my kidney diet I have to track protein, sodium, potassium, and phosphorus in grams and milligrams. This information in fit bit would be extremely helpful!

@JRMA1985 wrote:

I am opening this new idea because FitBit support misunderstood what the community was asking of them in the last thread I opened. 


We are wanting to see the breakdown please of the macronutrient in grams NOT the percentage in the app. Yes we know you have added the percentage of macronutrient but for us fitness pros and bodybuilding types we need to know the grams breakdown more than a percentage. 


You have this already showing in the website Log Food section but when I go into the app I only have the percentage. 


As an idea you could make it so if you tap the percentage in the app it will change to the grams breakdown per macronutrient. 



I agree!

It would be easier and functional if the app gives you the opportinity to set the gram of  each macro according you diet plan but if it's too hard  Daley idea would be cool! if you do this we won't have to use fatsecret 🙂


Yes please! Now starting to keep serious track of my food, and would love to know where EXACTLY I'm lacking. I had been using MFP and Fitbit together but since I've had syncing issues I just use Fitbit


Please update to where you can total the grams on the macros.  I practice the ketogenic diet and this would keep me

from having to use another app just to log my food 😞


Also show the pie chart for individual food item when viewing the nutrition facts.

First Steps

I know this is something we all want to see. Then I can ditch MyFitnessPal app and just use Fitbit 


Moderator Edit: Added Labels

Not applicable

Yes please Heart

First Steps

give us the grams! (please) 🙂


Adding my vote for grams, etc. in addition to percentages on micronutrients. 

@fitwolfie wrote:

It would be so awesome if we could see the actually grams of the macronutrients instead of just percentages. I go off of grams of how I plan my meals for the day. I was so excited to see you guys added macros, so after downloading the update and seeing just percentages I was sad that I had to go back to using my fat secret app for food logging again. I really want fitbit app to be my one go to place for everything. 


First Steps

Ditto on keto features.  Carbs, sugar, protein in grams plz.  Perhaps a diet plan with phases where the above vary from phase to phase.



Please Fitbit, definitely roll out an update to include grams alongside the %.

Also keen for the macros tracker to include fibre. Would love to see a customisable consumption chart which displays what the user is interested to see, not just those macros that Fitbit thinks most users want to see! I've had a different programme for weight loss to muscle gain by example, and these have included my Potassium intake which I cannot see on the chart only on the web dashboard! Thanks Fitbit, we have faith in you to continue development of our wonderful little phone app!

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