Macros in grams in the app

Hey everyone!
I have got a Fitbit Charge 2 and I have already downloaded the app into my iphone. As long as I am tracking the macros, I would appreciate if the app shows me also how many grams of protein, fat and carbs I eat, not only the percentage as it does now. I know I can check it in the dashboard on the internet via my macbook, but I think it would be really useful to make it possible in the app as well. What do you think?

Not applicable

Yeah fitbit! Please put grams in the app as well as just percentages - like in the browser. This would make the whole tracking aspect MICH better. Thanks

Right now they have bigger fish to fry. Like this syncing issue that's been going on for weeks.


I am opening this new idea because FitBit support misunderstood what the community was asking of them in the last thread I opened. 


We are wanting to see the breakdown please of the macronutrient in grams NOT the percentage in the app. Yes we know you have added the percentage of macronutrient but for us fitness pros and bodybuilding types we need to know the grams breakdown more than a percentage. 


You have this already showing in the website Log Food section but when I go into the app I only have the percentage. 


As an idea you could make it so if you tap the percentage in the app it will change to the grams breakdown per macronutrient. 


The macro percentages are a start, but fitness pros and anyone following strict diets such as a ketogenic one needs to know exact grams per each macro to hit their goals per day as they are very different for each individual.  Being able to set macro goals would be great option, but NET CARBS (carbs - fiber/sugar alcohols) is a key factor that needs to be an option for many people. 


So I suggest when you click on the percentage macros in the app it cycles through to the grams per macro or opens another window with more details.  Also, in the settings have an option to click 'display net carbs' instead of all carbs. 


It'd also be nice if they would include more internet recipes in the food database like every other tracking app.  I think I speak for many when I say that I'd much rather use my FitBit app for centralization of data than myfitnesspal.  These small requests are what keeps many away.  How important is user engagement to FitBit?  I would think VERY much to gain loyalty.  I have no doubt these developmental changes would increase engagement/usage with the app.  I'm Keto, and everyone in the community promotes other tracking apps, whereas I'd love to promote FitBit so you can accurately maintain a calorie deficit for weight loss, maintenance, etc. by utilizing the daily caloric expenditure data that changes daily.  It could easily be the premier way to go, but as of now isn't because of a few small oversights.  

First Steps

Yes make it like my fitness pal that is what we need!

Recovery Runner

the moderator said on 7/10/17 (on the other thread)  this has been implemented.  NOT.  The Fitbit APP (version 2.39) does NOT show the breakdown in grams nor does it have an option to view the information in actual numbers.  it only shows percentages and a chart with no values at all. 


My nutritionist wants to be able to see this information, and I learn what a healthy diet is for me in macro balance, this app is not helpful.  If someone were to tell me I could see this data in the paid subscription I would be severely disappointed.   most trackers show this, free.  just saying. 


I just wish FITBIT would list and show this information in grams (not percents) please!!!!!  #desparatelytryingtorelearnhowtoeat


Recovery Runner

Also, the recommended solution is to have MyFitnesspal and Fitbit connect to each other.  I am pretty smart when it comes to Tech and I cannot get this to work at all.

First Steps

Fitbit Mods - this was already discussed ad nauseam with over 700 comments and 1,596 votes and was mistakenly changed to "implemented" status here. This has NOT been implemented. Please add this option, which is already available on the website/browser version, to the app. Thank you.

Recovery Runner

XXX disregard

Recovery Runner

Nice. Thanks for everyone posting here again. I am going to use Twitter too and see if I can get Fitbit to check this out. 


SueHank thanks for pointing that out.  I didn't know!  Go to Settings>Apps & Devices in myfitnesspal and then scroll down and look for fitbit to connect the app.  You'll have to login to myfitness pal first and then your fitbit account.  Well, that solves things for now.  You can log food and the calories/macros will transfer over to fitbit, just not the actual detailed food log. 


Yes that's true you can log in myfitnesspal and sync to Fitbit as I have done this but I have found myfitnesspal to be annoying adding food. For example if you add food in myfitnesspal of say 100g, if you then change this to log 150g eaten the app doesn't know how to calculate the differences so you have to work this out yourself. This is one thing I have found the Fitbit app does really well! 


Personally my Fitbit logs everything for me and would rather all the data in one place so I can report on it. 

Recovery Runner

Agreed the fitbit app has made some great improvements but the one everyone wants is the ability to the see the breakdown of the macronutrients not percentages. 

Recovery Runner

yes, djhemp:  I want to log in Fitbit and have the data sync over to MFP.  That's what I can't figure out.  I don't wanna log in MFP and go the other way.  and I am with JRMA1985:  I want to use one app, fitbit and simplify my life.  I have a hard enough time deciding what shoes to where in the morning!  Smiley Happy

Not applicable

Like this idea, again lol. Maybe us FitBit users need to start rating the app bad to get what we want. I love that were all working together!!


So I sent a few tweets to Fitbit Support after doing this today. They told me in a reply that only once we have lots of votes will they look at this again lol. Makes me frustrated it don't matter they closed the old thread incorrectly with over 1,000 votes. 


I am with CMoke. Let's start giving the app bad ratings then maybe they might do something about this.. 

First Steps

Perhaps we can message the moderator that closed the original thread? 

 - Moderator
Keeping Pace


Let me  provide some screenshots to help illustrate exactly what my request is. I would like both the meal subtotals and daily totals reported in grams, as they are shown in the web dashboard.




Meal subtotalsMeal subtotalsDaily totalsDaily totals

First Steps

Yes! Macro in grams please! Also, rated app at 1 star. Will update stars when this issue is addressed; since you lied about implementing it and closed the last thread without cause. 


I, along with thousands of other bariatric patients, have been told to track my grams of protein daily. I was also told to buy a tracker to help me, so I bought a Fitbit Charge 2. I love everything it helps me track, but I really need to see grams. Percentages mean nothing when you're on a prescribed amount of protein grams and max number of carb grams per day. The ability to choose between percentage or grams as the preferred view in the app view would be perfect! Thank you!!

Keeping Pace

I will post to macro groups on Facebook since those groups have literally thousands of people who are looking for grams not percentages


Information under Macros in 'Read More' says seeing macros in grams is possible now. Disappointing to have users tell me that's not correct. 


Yes please!   Macros in grams 🤗

Stepping Up

I love my Fitbit and all the continuing features that you make.  Adding grams as an option for the macros would be an advantage to so many people trying to reach and maintain a healthy lifestyle. We all hope you can find a way to make grams a possible feature. 

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