Macros in grams in the app

Hey everyone!
I have got a Fitbit Charge 2 and I have already downloaded the app into my iphone. As long as I am tracking the macros, I would appreciate if the app shows me also how many grams of protein, fat and carbs I eat, not only the percentage as it does now. I know I can check it in the dashboard on the internet via my macbook, but I think it would be really useful to make it possible in the app as well. What do you think?

Keeping Pace

Has there been any update from the mod/management team since they changed the status to "Reviewed By Moderator" on March 23, 2018? I'm hopeful they're still monitoring this thread but the lack of transparency in the review process is a little disheartening.


In 2015, the community rallied behind tracking macros in the app, and the mod team listened and incorporated it:


But they only allowed us to track our macro percentages.... why?! It was a huge step in the right direction but still not quite where it had to be. I know they are bombarded with requests everyday and can't please everyone (thank you for even facilitating a community where we can suggest ideas), but tracking macros in grams is a feature included in virtually every food journal app on the market. Let's Make Fitbit Great Again! Smiley Happy

Recovery Runner

no one responds.  I too emailed that management list and no one responded tot hat either.  Interestingly enough though, I got a survey pop up when I logged in today.  rated low.  lets see if they follow up with me.

Keeping Pace

Hi @LanuzaFitbit may you kindly update us about any progress that has happened since you first reviewed it 2 months ago? We are beginning to feel abandoned. Thank you

First Steps

Yes please! This is totally missing. The percentages are OK - but I need to be able to see the actual number of grams to meet my eating plan. This and Net Carbs!!!

First Steps

I would love this ! I currently have to use a different app to track this. 

Not applicable

It was suggested by your customer service via email that I make my suggestion here. Right now, all we see in our food logging section of the app, is the percentage breakdown of the macros we are consuming for the day. The percentage is useless to me, what I need to see is the total grams each for fats, carbs, and protein. As it stands, I have to open my browser, sign in, and get to the food logging page every time I want to see where I’m at for my macro consumption in grams. This is cumbersome and I don’t want to have to do this. Can you please fix this so we can see this information in the app? Maybe something we can toggle so that the macros display in grams consumed instead of percentages? I’m still using the charge 2 and looking to update to a smart watch type device, something with a pretty colourful screen and built in gps, and if I’m having to go all over the place and open all kinds of different browsers and apps I don’t think I’ll be getting another Fitbit. I like the app for the most part, but there are some very important things missing. This is definitely one of them. Thanks.

They have added a way to track a woman's menstrual cycle but they can't do this??????I have went on the app and given them one star.  What is it going to take to get this done?
First Steps
I was not aware you can track that but I would LOVE to see macros be
tracked in grams.
First Steps

It would be very very helpful to track grams of macros instead of just percentages. Also, net carbs!!!


If this isn't implemented soon, I think I will have to switch to a different app - which would be annoying - it's nice to have everything in one place. 

First Steps

Net Carbs and Macros in grams on the app, please!

Keeping Pace

I think I'm going to start using MyFitnessPal exclusively for my food journal until (if ever) Fitbit gets it up to speed with everyone else. Apparently asking for macro-tracking in grams is too much to ask for. I know we're all hopeful the mods are listening, but this idea has been suggested for many years and this thread has been largely ignored despite nearly 700+ votes and 300+ comments. Good luck to everyone in reaching their goals.


Not applicable
I just saw a post from earlier this year saying they have no plans to make this change for us! Lesson learned, for me. There are a ton of people asking for it but they still say no? This seals the deal, I’m going to drop the Fitbit. I’m done. I’ve made my decision, I’m upgrading to a new Apple Watch and switching to myfitnesspal for all my tracking. Fitbit support is kind of just patronizing and they really don’t seem to care about what we want. It’s too bad, they really had potential.

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Base Runner

I'm also starting to look at the Apple Watch and narrowing down on the style/size/band I want. 

Keeping Pace

The frustration from the lack of response by mods has caused me to officially subscribe to MFP’s premium membership. Much more intuitive and comprehensive food journal ✌️Highly recommend!

Not applicable
Haha, awesome. I’ve been doing the same thing this afternoon. I’m pretty excited to ditch the Fitbit, I am so tired of having to write to support on all the bugs in the app and getting nowhere with them. There’s never a solution to any problem I’ve written about, and they have the nerve to tell me to write to the message board and ask other users for solutions instead of providing them. It’s just ridiculous. It’s not really much more than a step counter. I already have a mfp account, and starting tomorrow that’s where I’ll be logging all my food and activities to prepare for a fitness tracker that actually works for me. I’ve heard fantastic things about Apple Watch and know a lot of people who have them and are delighted with them. So my mind is defs made up!

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First Steps

This feature would make the app much more valuable. Macro counting is huge! Thanks!

Not applicable

I imagine that I am merely piling on, but I think it is important for Fitbit to hear recommendations from as many users as possible even if the idea has been stated many times over. I have two recommendations.  


1.  In the macronutrient summary on the app that carb, fat and protein grams be displayed in addition to percentages. Both percentages and grams provide vital food information.


2.  Along the same lines, the nutrition information in the nutrition label for food items in the database should be dynamic, i.e., reflect nutritional information based on the quantity/ measurement of the food entered and not just the nutritional information based on the serving size stated on the food label. Other diet databases provide this and so should Fitbit. 


First Steps

Yes please, I came one here to add this suggestion myself. I don't see why it's not already implemented. It's very annoying to have to go through the web app just to see this! Thank you.

First Steps

This is a great idea, we have been asking for this for a while. When will we see it happen FitBit.....

First Steps

MACRO TRACKER in grams - the graph is literally useless to me - percentages don't help. I'm using 2 different apps now to try to track my macros. This would be such an easy fix!!

Fitbit doesn't care. I don't understand why this would be a very difficult
feature to provide. Whats the point of showing macros in percentage. For
about 8 months I ve seen people spend time telling their suggestions, but
as I said Fitbit doesn't care.

Fitbit: if you're not going to add macros in grams then you need to tell us why you refuse to. It's simple to add, relative to the other programming that goes into the app. It's available on the website (which isn't helpful. Who goes to the website?), so why not add it to the app?


There must be a reason they refuse to do this when so many people are asking for it.

Keeping Pace

I was in the market for a smart wifi scale today and almost purchased the Fitbit Aria 2, but then I remembered this thread & the fitbit team's lack of candor in explaining why they refuse to implement this popular recommendation, therefore I decided to buy their competitor. It was less expensive too Smiley Happy Feels like fitbit has abandoned us here, so why continue to throw my money at them?

Base Runner

Good choice, ble92.
I regret purchasing it myself. Wild variations in body fat %, which the Fitbit crew will always tell you is just due to "hydration" levels from reading to reading.
I used to be all aboard with Fitbit products but the "lack of candor" as you put it has opened my eyes. 

Not applicable
Yes good for you! I’m really tired of this whole company. Been more and more concerned with each new issue that pops up, and jeez louise there’s so many issues!

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