Manually log floors

Currently you can back date and manually input all other data from steps, caloeries and water but you can't add in floors climbed.

This would be helpful if for example you were mountain climbing and your Fitbit died or simply you forgot your Fitbit.


As it's currently available on all the other logs, making it available for floors can't be difficult.


Moderator Edition: Labels

First Steps

               I definitely have no clue how to do any sort of computer programming but allowing Fitbit customer's to Manually add "Floors Climbed" to the Track your exercise section of the app seems to me like it should be relatively easy to add to the great variety of exercises already there. I did 200 Floors for Time on a stair-master yesterday and i knew the Fitbit would not accurately count the floors climbed due to holding onto the railing once in a while. I was shocked when i went in to add them manually and the only option was Duration of Time. I know its something stupid/simple but i was exited to get the 200 Floors in 1 day badge! Appears that this complaint is nothing knew from back reading this blog. Maybe an explanation of why this is not being addressed or it is being addressed but is taking over a year to change. For example would it be because people could cheat to get the badges? Customers could cheat themselves everyday on the Track your Exercise if they wanted to. I have only been a Fitbit customer for 7 months and I love it! Thanks you taking the time to read this.


I would also like to be able to manually log floors as this morning I walked while my fitbit was charging. I wonder why they continue to ignore us even after several years of requests? Make me wonder what to buy when this fitbit dies.....

First Steps

I am very disappointed at the fact that you cannot manually log in floors. If I can put my Fitbit into a "Stair Climber" mode while on a stair climber, I should be able to input how many floors I've climbed on my machine. If I am on my stair climber for 1 hour, get 1,800 steps in, I SHOULD be able to also input that I've climbed 140 floors. I understand that Fitbit is worried about cheaters, but cheaters will be cheaters. I know of people who will put their Fitbit on their ankle, sit on a very high chair, and simply swing their leg back and forward to get "steps" and reach their goals. Are they really reaching their goal? No. They're cheating, but Fitbit still counts steps, and motion. 


For those of us who truly use FitBit to better our health, our lifestyle, and motivate ourselves to push harder to be better versions of ourselves, this is very discouraging. I have a brand new stair master in my garage, and I do not get on it, because I simply feel robbed of floors climbed. 


If we cannot manually input floors climbed, we should AT LEAST be able to input the info in while on "stair climber" mode. Even if it includes providing a picture of the results from the machine. 

To be able to ADD / CHANGE the number of floors you climbed when you log activities. To add or change the number of floors climbed. When you add activities the number of floors climbed is not an option. If a fitbit doesn't automatically record the floors correctly, or if you do floors without your fitbit on, you can add the number of floors.
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @CyndiMG. Thanks for sharing this suggestion about being able to manually log floors with us. This idea was already requested in the Feature Suggestions board, so I’ve moved your post here. This will help us to keep the forums organized and make sure the suggestions don't get confused, or split a popular vote. Click on the thumbs-up to show your support.

Base Runner

This is my second comment, same complaint.  I routinely walk up two flights of stairs to my 3rd floor condo and most times it records 2 floors.  Tonight at 11:50 PM I noticed I was at 18 floors...I went downstairs and walked up the two flights of stairs and happy to have met my goal for the day.  Unfortunately I waited until after midnight to confirm and the previous day's floor metric was still 18 ... FitBit let me down again ... not the end of the world but in these times of many frustration, this should be one that is easily avoidable. 

Recovery Runner
I know what you mean,
If inside I get floors by just going up 3 steps from my room to the
Kitchen, but if I go outside and walk 2 actual floors going up and down the
hills I get nothing,
how do you explain that?
You can not really

Thanks for the comments

I’m a developer. This would take half a day to write and less than a week to actually roll out. Amazing that this can’t be prioritized.


This feature would be wonderful to have!!


This is crazy that ppl have been asking for this for at least 3 years with no change. I bought my first fitbit yesterday and Im so disappointed on many levels. I can add flights climbed on my iphone. One of the main reasons I got a fitness tracker was to track flights climbed accurately, which this does not do, so I don’t have to carry around my phone. I at least should have the ability to correct the inaccuracy on my own. Also, why isn’t climbing stairs (not a stairmaster, actual stairs) considered an exercise/activity?!


I live in Louisiana, so there isn't much variation in elevation around here. I do use a Stepmill but because my altitude doesn't change, my Charge 4 doesn't record much besides my heart rate.


I really would like to enter the number of floors (or stairs/steps) I've taken during my exercise. That's why I feel that we should be able to enter/edit floors on the Fitbit. 


Thank you for considering this suggestion. 

First Steps

Would definitely want to manually log the number of floors I climbed as well!!

Recovery Runner

Come on, Fitbit guys, add the feature already, please!

We've been asking you years now...

I just switched to a Luxe after years using various Charge models.

That "0 floors climbed" tile is driving me nuts.

We can already manually log other things, why not the floors?

Agree. I'm retired so I don't go to a multi-floor office where I can climb
stairs. All I have is a stepmill so I don't really change altitude and,
therefore, no floors on my Fitbit.

It can't be that hard to implement this change.

First Steps

Just bought my first Fitbit and am very disappointed that the Floors data cannot be corrected at all. I'm even more disappointed at the way Fitbit has ignored the genuine requests of its users for so long on this matter. Clearly as all other types of data can be corrected then the argument that changing Floors data opens up the possibility of cheating, is totally fallacious. Most people genuinely want to record as accurately as possible there activities, and why not! - That surely is in essence what Fitbit is all about. Looking back on the posts over the last 3 years folk have given many examples of why they want to have this facility, and many are because of the shortcomings of the Fitbit system which doesn't record floors in a reliable and consistent way. Disappointing that Fitbit earn so much money from the punters yet aren't prepared to provide a decent service.

First Steps

If the floors function actually worked it would be fine but sometimes it counts my stairs sometimes it doesn't. Some days it counts the hill I walk as 7 floors sometimes 1 sometimes 0. I get really frustrated when I've gone up and down my stairs 15 times in a day and I have a floor count of 3. I purposely try to keep my watch arm free. If there was ANY consistency it wouldn't be a problem but there isn't and I would like to meet my floor goal when I actually do... I already have to wear my fitbit on my ankle when I walk with a stroller so anymore hoops and I might lose my mind.  


I would be OK if Fitbit let me log my stair climbs. It is one of the few
functions they never opened up to the user. After years of Fitbits, I left
the fitbit family over this.

Moderator Edit: Personal info removed


This is why Fitbit removed the floors function from the Charge 5.


We should have the option to add floors on the app.  It’s really frustrating to not get an accurate daily count on climbing stairs. If someone is going to cheat, they are only hurting themselves. I just want the option so I can track my personal progress. 

Base Runner

So this post is nearly 4 years old and Fitbit has done nothing to fix it.   While nothing surprises me anymore pertaining to customer service at any company, they are all bots, but 4 years seems a bit excessive even for Fitbit.  Are you even trying to fix it?  


I would like an option to manually add flights of stairs. I have a charge 4 and routinely use a stair stepper that will give me 50 flights but I get 0 on my Fitbit even while using the stair stepper exercise option 

Base Runner

I would like the flights of stairs climbed facility to be added - this page won't allow me to vote on any of the other posts in favour.

Not applicable

I live in a condo with 3 floors.  I have gone up and down 2 flights of stairs at least 4 times every day and only get 1 floor on my fitbit.  Going upstairs is harder than running for me, so I want to be able to manually add them, or at least get device to accurately record them.

First Steps

The request to manually log floors is widely supported and at least 4 years old now.

Is Fitbit going to ever implement this feature?

I'm about to jump ship after many years.


Mine doesn't accurately track my floors in my home. I have a toddler so i go up and down 8+ times a day and some days don't log any. And my stairs are higher than average so its kinda weird. 

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