Marathon Coaching and Training Plan

My dilemma right now is that I have an Adidas SmartRun hooked into their MiCoach platform. I can go on there and download the training plan to the SmartRun Watch via wifi, it tells me the HR zones I need to be in during the run via audio prompting (speed up, slow down) as well as audio feedback for pace, distance, etc and I can listen to MP3s stored on the device via bluetooth.  They are end of lifing the program at the end of 2018 and I'm trying to find a viable alternative. 


Ideally, this would be the best case scenario for the Ionic:


1.) Goto Fitbit App/Website and Select a Half/Full Marathon Training Plan based on Current Fitness level or anticipate goal for completion

2.) Select Quantity of Days per week to Run and Long Run Day

3.) Sync with the Ionic and it will tell you your future runs including intensity and duration

4.) Sync Music to the Ionic

5.) Go for a run (either treadmill or gps outdoors)

6.) Listen to music and hear audio prompts via bluetooth headphones during the run. The prompts would be linked to current heartrate or pace and telling you to speed up or slow down.

7.) Periodic updates during the run at mile markers. Mile 3, pace: 9:17, HR 142, Time... Etc

8.) Finish run and see results and how well you adhered to the program


Moderator edit: label.


This is a simple challenge that has already been solved by Adidas 4 YEARS AGO! They are killing the program though and nobody has been able to fill this void.


First Steps

Any update on this? I think fitbit need to accept that you can't just add gps to a step tracker and call it a runners' watch. A simple programmable app that lets you create workouts, and schedules for workouts, seems like a pretty basic expectation for any runner. Along with the questionable quality of the gps, I think fitbit really need to up their game to meet the expectations of the new market they've targeted.

Stepping Up

And, still nothing...?


This is a great suggestion. I would even pay for this in premium.


Love this idea! I tried Garmin and I used training and really think Fitbit could have a 5k or 10k module. There needs to be something to encourage activity especially since challenges are gone.

First Steps

Unfortunately fitbit will not invest in this anymore since being taken over by google.

The google pixel 3 offers this functionality partially.

It is sad to see the divestment in Fitbit...

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