Meal Share with Friends/Family through app (rather than all inputting the same ingredients)

I would like to be able to create and share munu items and meals with my wife.  It would be great for one of us to input our meal or menu item and to share it with another so we do not have to double up on work! Perhaps besides just "Friends" to share with you could also create "Family" to share with.  We generally eat the same food and meals under one roof so it would be awesome to able to share the menus and meals we create with another to expedite the food logging process.





Moderator edit: Labels

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Moderator Alum

What a good idea! If users share the same food or meals with a friend, should be easier to just copy them if they have already been logged before. 


Any other ideas or requests you  might have, feel free to share them or vote for them in case they have already been posted. 


Hey Fitbit,

One of the features my wife and I used regularly was to share food. She would prepare a meal and enter all the ingredients into her Fitbit dashboard. As we were "Fitbit Friends" I could see her food and simply copy the meal. The whole thing took me 2 minutes.

About 1-2 months ago this feature was taken away. Numerous contacts to Customer Service revealed that this was considered an "Upgrade to the User Experience".

I've looked through user groups for updates and solutions and see that people are furious that this feature was removed. In my case it's convenience, but personal trainers use it to show people how to eat well. As a feature I believe it clearly has merit and obvious usefulness.



Moderator edit: Labels

Could you please seriously consider restoring this function, and in the future think twice before removing features from your site. It degrades your customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Thank you.

Not applicable

I second this for the exact same reasons.


A feature that I was using as part of my everyday fitbit experience has been removed. Unless I want to upgrade.




I agree 150%. Why why why do my spouse and I both have to sit and enter custom foods? We eat the same food. I don't understand this "upgrade to the user experience" comment at all. This feature was a major reason we purchased the Fitbit. It is really unacceptable to remove features, especially one that is so important.


Please restore the functionality.


.Why in the world was this "feature" taken away?  Makes no sense at all.  Please add it back.


I would like to share the food I manually register in my fitbit app with my family.

Sometimes when we eat together there is no issue because we can only register the calories but... what happens when I'm not with them and my dad is the one who has "Tacos de carnitas" registered? I'd like to access that information if he already shared to me.



Moderator edit: Labels


Not applicable

Yes please

Base Runner

My wife and I have been wanting this since we eat the same meals frequently.  Why did you remove a feature???
First Steps

I can't believe we can't share meals and foods in our family!
First Steps

Please let us share meals!
First Steps

I don't want "Upgrade to the User Experience"! I want to share foods and don't waste my time to log the same food twice for me and my husband! Please, restore the feature

Stepping Up
Why would you take the feature away??? 😡 Is it premium now?
Recovery Runner

Absolutely behind this suggestion. My wife and I have to duplicate all our custom foods in the databases. We use the Windows 10 App and would really like to see any newly added foods with this.

Recovery Runner

Yes please from here too. This would be very good to have. Especially since I go to great lengths to keep our meals etc. accurate and up to date, it would be a great help if I could put this detail in once and my wife share it.


Pleas, please......can we have this.


I've used the scan feature & I love it, except when it's not in the database!
I'd be happy to update the system but there's no link on that page. Maybe there could be a dedicated barcode test / updater so we can go through the cupboards after our monthly shop and sort it all out then.
Could it be saved locally until it's been certified by your staff, if I can't scan it I'm not telling fitbit about it. (Therefore the whole calorie counting and basically the concept of the watch becomes useless to me)
I hope you can fix this, and/or improve it and I believe many people will use all your products more readily [watches, scales & all]
Another thing: can we share a meal with a friend (for when one has cooked for other fitbit users)?
I don't mind adding ingredients individually (using scan function) but really wouldn't want to do it for the whole family :0
I've only just started wearing one of this but I now understand the buzz. I've always struggled to motivate myself to exercise or diet but with this a training program is within anyone's grasp!


Moderator Edit: Added Labels

Not applicable

I second that. An option to export and import custom food databases, with appropriate tags like "Country", would make it much simpler for the community to build up databases for the countries not yet covered. 

First Steps

My wife and I use myfitnesspal app to do this exact feature. We would rather not have to use two separate fitness apps at the same time. It's amazing to me that fitbit would take away such a useful feature. Hopefully fitbit brings it back, or MFP comes out with their own device...

Base Runner

I purchased Fitbit Charge 2 for my daughter as a Christmas gift. Now, surprisingly, I came accross this infotrmation that sharing of foods among "Friends" is not possible any longer and was made due to "Upgrade to the User Experience". Fitbit folks, are you rerious with this?!? Anywhere I was searching through I came accross annoyed reactions from Fitbit users for removing this functionality. I found absolutely no request or suggestion to remove it. I would like to ask based on the experience of what "Users" you did this "Update" (though one should better call it "Downgrage"). Sometimes it seems to me that certain features and functionalities which are commonly used and appreciated by the users are being removed or changed without even thinking what will it cause or what consequences will it have on satisfaction of the users with your products. Please, restore this functionality ASAP! It really makes no sense that family members should individually create and/or enter their food database without being able to share it, moreover when they were able to do so in the past.

First Steps

+1 I've just spent 10 minutes searching for this feature before finding this thread and realising the feature was removed.  Please bring it back.

Keeping Pace

 The same as everyone else said. Please bring this feature back as it was extremely beneficial to many of us.

First Steps

Please, please restore this function.  My husband and I have just spent £300+ on fitbit products and are very disappointed to see that our carefully planned menu cannot be shared between accounts.  This is bonkers!

First Steps

Great idea!

First Steps

MyFitnessPal does this and it's great when someone has all the ingredients, scans them, and makes the meal. the other person can just access their meal and copy it all over just liike that.

First Steps
Thanks, will take a look.

Sent from my iPhone

I have been searching all over about why friends can't see my food entries, now I see it has been removed? why? Add it back please.

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