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So it looks like someone at Fitbit did the obvious and made Meditation an option when reclassifying exercise after you time it. Does this work now for everyone?
I need a feature that will notify me every 15 minutes , I am starting a mindfulness project and need to stop my normal thinking and practice mindfulness every 15 minutes
Hi @Mtbindu, this is a good idea. Thanks for sharing your feedback. I've moved it into a similar request. A lot of users are asking for this option, I hope we receive updates soon.
I would like it if my meditation sessions logged separately of my workouts/exercise. That way I could see how many times/minutes I meditated separate of how many days/workout/minutes I exercised per week. Thank you!
Instead of supplying the highest HR during an activity like Mediation, could you separate it and any other activities where the goal is to get calm into another category and supply the lowest HR measured?
Hi @RJCoote, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to track other activities where the goal is to get calm and get lower heart rate. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has been updated as "Under Consideration". You can learn more about it here. Keep adding these suggestions.
I cannot track my mindfulness or meditation minutes through the Fitbit app. I do remember this was possible at one point and was even able to sync data and added minutes from third party apps such as headspace.
i have recently gotten Fitbit premium specifically for the mindfulness features however I can no longer see this data anywhere on my dashboard or track my progress. Please help
Hi @Kelsen95, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to track mindfulness or meditation minutes through the Fitbit app. Thanks for sharing your feedback. I've moved it into a similar request. A lot of users are asking for this option, I hope we receive updates soon.
Yes!! While I like being able to auto-track my mindfulness sessions when I complete them, I don't want them to count towards my exercise results. I set goals for mindfulness practice and would love to be able to track my progress separately.
Similar to the food and water tracker/log this feature could help users track their meditation time. I noticed there is a deep breathing feature on the Charge 4 "Relax", you could add to this and add a goal option to set the amount of time. This could be used for meditation, athletic visualization, focus, recovery, or prayer for religious people.
Hi @courtwalk, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback about being able to track meditation time, this feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here to keep this board organized.
I agree, would love to be able to track mediation / mindfulness activity separate from physical activity. Would also like to be able to sync mindfulness back from Apple Health mindfulness section.
I agree! I was thinking the same thing and am putting myself on the list for those whose overall experience of using fittbit would be improved with a meditation function/tracker : )
I managed to get Meditation tracker working using a workaround. Fitbit can’t detect meditation automatically as it’s too close to sleep. Before you start meditating, turn off location tracking on yr phone (& go to airplane mode if you want to be sure) so there’s no connection with Fitbit. As you start to meditate, press the Run logging on yr watch. When you finish meditating, press & hold the Fitbit button so the run ends. Then restart the connection to your phone so it syncs. It won’t know what the exercise you just did is, so when you select the activity, use the search function and start typing Meditating. On my Fitbit App that comes up straight away. So you can now record the session as meditation. Once you’ve done it a few times, Meditating is there on the list automatically alongside Run and Yoga. You can now see your heart rate during meditation just like with any other exercise. It sounds more if a faff than it is when you are used to it. I track my meditation every morning and it works fine. Hope that’s helpful to someone else!
Hello- I have been something similar to this for awhile. It works fine to report your average heart rate, but when meditating I would like it to report my lowest heart rate. Since my goal is to quiet my mind I think knowing how low it got would be a nice metric to see and compare over time.
I would like more meditation options. However, I don’t like the music from Aura. If you go with them, please remove the music. Also, it would be nice to be able to rate the meditation as we go to have favorites.
Hi @MelBou12, thanks for explaining why you would like to have more meditation options. Thanks for sharing your feedback. I've moved it into a similar request. A lot of users are asking for this option, I hope we receive updates soon. You can also vote for this suggestion: Mindfulness stats.
I would really like to be able to tell my Ionic that I am meditating; it always counts my meditation sessions as sleep and I have to go back and delete them individually which is super frustrating. Plus, it would be nice to track time spent meditating.
Hi @mikash, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to have a better way to tack your meditation stats. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has been updated as "Under Consideration". I hope to see you around.
Hi @Alyb23, thanks for sharing this request. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has been updated as "Under Consideration". I hope to see you around.
I think it’s amazing that I can track most of the important aspects of my health (nutrition, water, movement, exercise, sleep) using my app. It would be nice to also track mindfulness each day so I could set goals for being still and focused as well as being active. I just wish I didn’t have to use a different app to track mindfulness goals.
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