Menstrual Health Tracking - Log Emotions

Hi, would it be at all possible to get some ‘emotional’ options to add into the log for the female tracking? It’s a great tool but in my opinion missed a trick by having only physical symptoms not mental ones too - like ‘teary 😢’, ‘agitated 😤’ ‘angry 😡’ ?


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Can you modify this option for migraine diary??



Moderator edit: Clarified subject

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Hello @Iguana62


Thanks for sharing your idea.


I'm afraid I don't fully understand what is it that you are referring to. Are you looking to be able to use this as a migraine tracking tool?


Look forward to your reply. 

First Steps

I was so excited for the female tracker however after a few minutes I decided it could be worthless to me. Being in Peri menopause I have no set timeline of up to 10 days nor do I need an ovulation timeline. I’m sure I’m not the only women of “age” who need a more broader base of information to keep track of. Back pain level would also be nice along with “cramps”. The idea is great but I hope improvements are broader based as updates come in the future. Maybe if there was a way to pick and choose what each women would need to track. Thank you. 

Yes... I suffer from chronic migraines and my neurologist wants me to creat a migraine diary.... Can this female health tracker be modified to track migraines instead of menstral cycle and medications taken

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Recovery Runner

Love the menstrual/pregger tracking, but what about those of us whose childbearing years are over? how about perimenopause/menopausal symptoms? mood tracking that syncs with physical issues?  don't make your older female fitbitters feel that once they're older they're invisible--that happens often enough!! thanks!

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That’s an interesting idea and could be useful for a lot of female users. Emotions are an important part of female health in this period. Thanks for sharing this suggestion.

Tempo Runner

I'd start with the basic mental health ones: anxiety and depression. Don't go for cutesy euphemisms (some apps do), call them anxiety and depression. If you get into individual moods, teary, agitated and angry sound good to me. 

First Steps

The female health tracking is a nice add, but it seems very sparse. Especially in the symptoms arena. And there seems to be no option at all for mood tracking. Specifically, I'm thinking it needs a way to track mood (sad happy, angry/irritable, anxious, depressed, fine/neutral) and mood intensity, and more PMS symptoms: bloating, nausea, migraine, back pain, fatigue, appetite swings, and brain-fog (I don't know if that has an actual succinct name but that's what I call it. Basically you just can't think clearly to save your life.) And adding a way to put in custom symptoms/moods would be very nice.


Moderator Edit: Title for Clarity

Keeping Pace

On this note:


The inability to move fertile window is ridiculous... THE PRIMARY sign of fertility is fluids or mucous, NOT the calendar.  The beginning of this can change every single cycle and could be dependent on nutrition, exercise, sleep, lights on during sleep, and most likely stress. (so one doesn't conceive under stressful conditions). This is why the calendar method doesn't work for many. However, there are several methods of natural family planning that are purely symptom based. (Creighton, Marquette, and Sympto-thermal, billings). The post ovulation phase is supposed to be the same every month, (usually between 11-17 days).  Also, fertile windows can be longer/shorter. 


The suggestion above regarding many other symptoms can be helpful-- perhaps custom fields and the ability to rate severity could be the easiest way to implement. 


I suppose this is a "good start" because at least it exists, but the fertile window should be moveable to symptoms, just like the beginning of the cycle. 

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Hi @FerretAmbitions! Thanks for sharing those ideas. We wanted to let you know that one of the ideas you recently posted already exist on the Feature Suggestions Board. You can see it here:


Please add your vote to those existing suggestions. You also had shared a unique suggestion, so we have retitled and relabelled your original post here to reflect that idea. Please try to make sure you only post one idea per suggestion, so we can keep the board organized, easily searchable and see which idea other members are voting for.

Thanks for participating in Feature Suggestions!


YES honestly this is essential and I was shocked and greatly disappointed with my brand new Versa to find out that all I can log is a few stereotypical options! Mood is HUGE! As is food cravings! I’m 37 years old, acne is not a concern but period rage and possible signs of perimenopause sure are! I suffer from anxiety and wanted to track my mental health symptoms with greater ease, sadly I can’t even add a note? PLEASE FIX THIS 

First Steps

I would really like it if I could select more than one type of fluid each day, like you can with «conditions»! And it would be great If we could add things that affect the resting bpm like stress and alcohol (and I think sick should be in this category, not in the «conditions» bunch) . And I want to make a suggestion about adding bloated to the «conditions» category! Thanks for your time!

Recovery Runner

Why not turn this into 'health tracking' in general... I have moods, a bad back, have fun with my wife with or without protection, visit the gyropractor etc... 


I understand that the female bits like period and firtility tracking don't work for me, but the rest could be very useful. 

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Fitbit Moderator

Hello everyone! 


In an effort to keep the Feature Suggestions board as organized as possible, some suggestions have been merged together into this one.


Now we have two different suggestions related to logging symptoms. This one related to logging mood and emotions and another more focused on physical symptoms (migraine, bloating, etc.). 


Be sure to support the other suggestion if you find it to be useful!


Mood monitoring is an ESSENTIAL feature for all women - rather still menstruating or pre/post menopause. Please add it!!!! Examples:







First Steps

I love using the female health tracker but would find it really helpful to have an emotions section. I’d love to be able to track the days where I’m feeling angry, sad, irritable etc. I find I have more of a struggle emotionally than physically during my cycle and this would be a great addition to the Fitbit tracking section!

First Steps

I’d love the option to include more notes on the female health section. An option for mood could help track emotional problems linked to hormones or just including a notes section for each day so that I can log issues that may not apply to everyone (ex. I pulled my groin years ago and it still bothers me but I’ve started to notice it may only be during a certain time of the month) 

First Steps

Yes I agree. For people with mental health and emotional changes due to PMS, PMDD and PME, it would be SUPER helpful to be able to track symptoms like depressed mood, anxiety, mood swings, anger, decreased interest in usual activities, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, appetite changes, sleep changes, feeling out of control or overwhelmed etc.

First Steps

I often have stress and anxienty around my period. I would like to be able to track my emotional state in the female health tracker to see how closely my stress correlates with my cycle to bring to my doctor to see if we can find a way to address it. 

First Steps

I just want to e dorse and support the emotional health tracker in the female health tracker.  That would make that feature even more awesome. 


I totally agree. Mind and body are connected.


But especially with Pre Menstrual Syndrome, it is the emotions and how feel that are particularly relevant.  


As this post suggests, low mood, irritability, sensitivity/tearfulness.


It would be good to be aware if there is a particular pattern each month, although I know this varies too each month, so can keep a general track of it.


Otherwise, it is great to have this on myFitbit Ionic to map periods.  

Stepping Up

Love it. With notes for my future amusement.


E.g. "teary" - "Cried because I couldn't open a tin of tomatoes"

First Steps

Yes. This needs to be added. It doesn’t even need to have a lot of choices either. Obviously it’s the negative or out-of-the-ordinary moods that need to be tracked. 

Not applicable

I hope this new feature has more of the options mentioned soon. Referring to other apps for hints would also be beneficial as women are very complicated beings and this app should reflect that a bit more. With that said I am glad that the tile does exist and hopefully will be approved upon in the near future.


I definitely agree with my peers on this topic. For example my current period I got extremely depressed the two days before it began. And I have had energy the first couple days of the cycle as well as bad sleep. I also know in the past that I get irritated or angry before/during my period. Would love to be able to add symptoms other than just 'headache' and 'cramps'

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