Menstrual Health Tracking - Log Emotions

Hi, would it be at all possible to get some ‘emotional’ options to add into the log for the female tracking? It’s a great tool but in my opinion missed a trick by having only physical symptoms not mental ones too - like ‘teary 😢’, ‘agitated 😤’ ‘angry 😡’ ?


Moderator Edit: Added Labels/Title for Clarity


I would have to add my voice to expanding the list of  symptoms (conditions).  I believe the inclusion of mental and emotional symptoms is an excellent idea.   Please keep in mind that different women experience symptoms differently, both physically and mentally.  For instance, I rarely get breast tenderness, but I do have insomnia and GI disturbances which was not listed.  I use to be depress, but now I'm just irritable. Could we have either an expanded list or a way we can add our own symptoms (like in the food section)?  Also I realize most of the focus is on younger women dealing with the period or fertility issues, but it would be nice if you took into consideration those of us that are running to the end of the line.  Can menopausal symptoms be included too?  

First Steps

It disturbs me that, upon looking over the “under consideration” suggestions, not one female health idea was listed.

I can’t even accurately use the female health tracking because I am an exclusively breastfeeding mother who had an IUD inserted 8 weeks after delivery.

I can’t accuratly track my calories because Fitbit says I over consume- in fact, I am feeding an adorable human.

I don’t have a period right now, although I do have mood swings and such.

Pregnancy affects a rather significant percentage of the population- we need to be able to input data related to it.

Periods are NOT “one size fits most”. Being able to track it, no matter how long it is, will benefit every woman using the female health tracking feature.

Status changed to: Needs More Info
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Lcampbell89! Thanks for sharing your feedback about the Feature Suggestions board, we're working hard to improve the way we moderate this board! We wanted to let you know that the ideas you recently posted already exist on the Feature Suggestions Board. You can see them here where you can add your vote to those existing suggestions:


Please try to make sure you only post one idea per suggestion, so we can keep the board organized, easily searchable and see which idea other members are voting for.

Thanks for participating in Feature Suggestions, your comments are well received! Heart

Stepping Up

+1 to all the above. Would love to log energy/tiredness levels alongside this too (high, normal, low) as it really correlates with that time of the month.

Not applicable

Like clockwork, I get intense food cravings on the 16th and 17th day of my cycle - approx 13 days before my period. I want to be able to track this with my Fitbit. Right now I have to use a separate app which is tedious. I would like this feature to document 1) salty vs sweet, 2) wheather I experienced binge-eating tendencies, 3) comment box so I can detail if I was able to fight the cravings, what I did, etc.

First Steps

Logging moods associated with the female cycle would be a huge benefit for many women. Some ideas could include irritability and sadness. 

First Steps

All month I’ve been thinking I wanted a note section. Symptoms vary so much from one person to another that you won’t be able to have everything listed but a note section would be fabulous. I don’t want to have to download a separate app for tracking cycles just to get more options like I need.

First Steps

Here are some other moods to add to the Female tracker:






Suicidal Ideation








I'm sure others can add additional moods in here that they would want to track.

First Steps

I 100% agree. As a 40 something woman, I really appreciate the tracking. But I separately have to track emotions. I would love to see teary, angry, sad, etc be under conditions and honestly am shocked they are not.  My husband also requests it so he can be "better" informed! Please make is so, fitbit! 

@BecTaylor25 wrote:

Hi, would it be at all possible to get some ‘emotional’ options to add into the log for the female tracking? It’s a great tool but in my opinion missed a trick by having only physical symptoms not mental ones too - like ‘teary 😢’, ‘agitated 😤’ ‘angry 😡’ ?


Moderator Edit: Added Labels/Title for Clarity


First Steps

Add frantically cleaning! 

@BecTaylor25 wrote:

Hi, would it be at all possible to get some ‘emotional’ options to add into the log for the female tracking? It’s a great tool but in my opinion missed a trick by having only physical symptoms not mental ones too - like ‘teary 😢’, ‘agitated 😤’ ‘angry 😡’ ?


Moderator Edit: Added Labels/Title for Clarity


Status changed to: Under Consideration
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone thanks for sharing this suggestion. This is being discussed although I do not have a firm commitment or timeline at the moment. Do continue to vote for this feature suggestion whilst it’s under consideration.

Please note that if something is under consideration and chosen for development, it can be a while until it's released or until I have any news to share. Please watch this space for any updates! Thanks for your patience.

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hey @Lcampbell89.


I will be merging this suggestion into: Female Health Tracking - Log Emotions. Be sure to vote for this suggestion if you have the time.


Thanks for participating!

First Steps

I love how Fitbit added a section for health/periods but I think that this can be used more broadly by calling it a different name (health in general not just women's health) and make it so that you can add and edit your own things into the calendar. I, for one, don't get periods anymore (ablasion) but would love to still track my PMS symptoms and moods.

Buttons like these below would be very useful :right_arrow_curving_down:

- happy 😀

- sad 😪

- irritated 😖

- depressed😰

- stressed🤯

- angry🤬

- anxious😲

- add your own

Cravings would also be awesome to add as needed... chips anyone?🍰🍫🍩

I still think it's great that they have focused on periods specifically, as
they have such an affect for many women each month. How you are feeling
emotionally and physically.

I hope they get the options up and running soon!

YES! This. Please.

Even just one option for mood swings would be better than nothing. Surely mental health is just as important as physical health?! 


I struggle so much with the emotional effects of my cycle because they're much harder to pin down than the physical (I get terrible endo cramps, but no doubting they're cycle-related - no pain like it!). It's so easy to doubt yourself with emotions and wonder if you're just being unreasonable. Being able to see if there are patterns would give me confidence to know what's hormone related and give myself a break.

Recovery Runner

Thank you as I agree with yoi!

Not applicable

I would really like to see this improvement! Eventually being able to predict “sad” days would be very helpful.

First Steps

I'd like to see emotions added to the symptoms listed, or the ability to add custom symptoms, since these can vary so much from person to person. The additional symptoms I'd like to see are: depressed, sleepy (or low energy), energetic, high or low libido, sad/crying, irritable. Please add this feature!

Recovery Runner

I agree with everyone else that being able to track emotional wellbeing is a vital part of female health tracking. At this point, I'm still having to use a secondary app to track those symptoms. Until this gets added, the Fitbit Female Health Tracker just can't get the job done!


Create additional tracking options, including emotion extremes such as anxiety and irritability. Many women struggle with tracking emotions connected with hormone shifts and doctors talk about those, too, when trying to balance hormone complications.

First Steps

This would be amazing. Especially for those of us who have had necessary medical procedures that alter normal women stuff! I vote for this! 

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Ashmarie0223, thanks for explaining why you would like to have this option. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has a lot of votes. As the more votes and comments an idea has the more visibility and momentum it gains. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.


Thanks again for sharing your suggestion.

First Steps

I agree with many of the comments here. My therapist has asked me to track my mood and when panic attacks occur to determine if they are correlating with my menstrual cycle. I was hoping to use this and add it as a "symptom" but I see that's not currently possible.


The period tracker lets you input physical symptoms like cramps and acne, but it's missing the 50% of PMS symptoms that are emotional. I want buttons that say "weepy," "angry," and "mood swings." This would far more accurately help women track very important parts of their cycle and lives. 

Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @RrRrRrRr, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us, this feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here as it is under consideration.

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