More Challenges and Adventures

I would love to have a challenge where people's goal is to win their next stepping badge.I thing that would really make people move!


Sara B.



Moderator edit: Clarified subject and labels

Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Bauer24, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us. This feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here. Don't forget to add your vote!


They don't care. It's a stagnant company with absolutely no creative drive,
and they deserve to go out of business because they don't try to delight
their customers or even listen to them.

Moderator Edit: Personal info removed

Community Legend

@Bauer24 it sounds like you might be interested in having group or team challenges and might want to add a vote to 

Team Option for Challenges

It is also now possible to create a group through the Fitbit app and invite like minded people to join. 


Okay Fitbit, we've been feeding you ideas and suggestions for 4.5 years now, and occasionally a moderator chimes in and says the developers will take our feedback into consideration. But guess what? Over those many months, not one single developer has added one single new adventure or challenge. It's time to put your money where your mouth is, or admit that you've been misleading us. We want one new challenge and one new adventure every month for the next year, with the ability to vote them up or down. Start in July. If you've been working on them for 4.5 years, you have to have something in the works. If not, we're calling you out. Listen to your customers.

First Steps

Could we have more challenges, group and individual. Just something else as the ones you have are limited. 

Not applicable

I think that would be great and also more scenic stepping challenges and not take so long on adding them it’s bin years on adding any thing to challenges

First Steps

I think a good place to start would be to do a custom challenge...let us pick the duration, distance, ECT...more challenges need to be added! Doing the same ones over and over again get boring and they need to be both for solo and for groups...

First Steps
Hi Megan/ all,

I’m not on social media and I really do believe we all should be pushing Fitbit for more challenges, the more people we can get to support this the sooner something might be done? I think the challenges are great but think a reboot and new ones would be great.
Interval Runner

Hi @Bigfinnmc  this has been being asked for for over 4 years now and the only thing they have done other than ignore us is remove the NY Marathon Challenge - this has over 900 votes and still no real response from Fitbit although I do know that they removed the week starting on Sunday after only 400 votes so you cannot even judge any sort of criteria for them to take us seriously its a hit and hope with these guys - they don't seem to care about what we want just the next pay packet or device that they can try and sell to unsuspecting customers who live in hope that some of the faults will het fixed - there never seems to be any urgency in their actions/reactions which is a real shame because this could be then best device/site and software on the market if only they would LISTEN


We have put forward all sorts of suggestions, requests for various forms of challenges from places/to actual challenges themselves, I put forward various country parks from all over the world and marathons etc but to no avail - they just aren't interested (or that's the impression they are giving)


don't suppose you have heard of any criteria to get them to sit up and do something apart from eating doughnuts


@Bauer24  I disagree with you people DO use the trials I do the solo ones as well and friend comp ones but it would be good for them to add more, great wall of china, Australia, lake district (UK), Tokyo Marathon even a Disney themed one around different areas of Disney world with facts and information on the characters - theres so much they can do but wont just because they are lazy - we have also asked for them to colaberate with another site that does the trials etc (something like walking4u) its somewhere in the backlog but they wont even discuss it with these programmers


I for one wont be holding my breath on this along with the 36 other faults, suggestions etc I am involved in and have been since 2015 and still no nearer to anything being done and that's from head office support team







Exactly right. Fitbit is not a customer centric company. They're tone deaf
to what we want.

Moderator Edit: Personal info removed

First Steps

The biggest problem for me is I’m not on social medial, I do appreciate there are so many platforms out there that we can make it known we are not happy, I still struggle that for years(many years) there have not been new challenges by Fitbit? They have been good to me but we need new things to challenge ourselves and I would also (another post think it great if I double my daily total or more)
Thanks for your reply, can we get it out there?

Thanks again,

First Steps

I left fitbit when my last one broke and I came back because at the time I was super impressed with their app and setup. I have since returned and while I enjoyed the "new" trails and challenges I join the large crew of people here who are longing for more. I would love to be able to create my own trail on Google maps and walk it out. Regardless I think I will be moving on if they don't make updates. I am beginning to believe that there are better choices elsewhere.



First Steps
Here is my chat with Fitbit

Me: we have been submitting requests via the forum with no response from
Almira: As for that, we currently don't have any update about new
challenges, but I suggest that you make sure your Notifications for the
emails are turned on so that you can get our updates.
Me: There are only 3 solo adventures that really needs to be updated!
Me: Is there a reason why these challenges are not update?
Almira: I'm afraid that we currently don't have any information about that,
although thanks for submitting your requests for an update.
*Pat Clark*
*"With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.
" Eleanor
First Steps

I love my Fitbit but it’s getting pretty boring having the same challenges every week with the same people. Please add some other types of challenges and adventures

I Agree The Fitbit Company Is Ignoring US. We All Have To Get Together And Boycott Fitbit Maybe They’ll Listen Then When Everyone Stops Using Fitbit’s. I Can’t Believe That They Act Like They Don’t Care

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

I would love to see new challenges and trails please.  

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @orca-joeds ! Great suggestion, thanks for taking the time to share that you'd like to see more challenges and trails. I've moved it into a similar suggestion. Hopefully we will have support from other users since more votes and comments an idea has the more visibility and momentum it gains.

First Steps
Hi, I would too and I think a social media campaign might be the way to get it started but I am one of the weird ones not on face book lol.

After leaving a 1-star review of the Fitbit App in the Apple App Store, Fitbit sent me an email to address my concerns.

My first concern was that my Versa wasn't syncing to my phone. Keep in mind I left this review in the Apple App Store. Fitbit sent me a link with directions how to sync my Versa to an Android device. Man Frustrated

My second concern was the lack of new challenges and adventures. So Fitbit included a link to this thread and said I should "vote". 

My "vote" will obviously make no difference since this thread is 5 years old and the only change Fitbit has made is to delete the NYC challenge! 

I regret buying this Versa a few months ago. I should have purchased the Apple Watch after all. 

First Steps
Post the link for everyone please!Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S9, an AT&T 5G Evolution capable smartphone

Here is the link Fitbit sent me for Android users: 

First Steps

I am actually sorry that I bought this as well. I will probably sell it and get the Apple Watch that I originally wanted

First Steps

We the owners of a Fitbit needs to come together and spread the word about the challenges we have with Fitbit. The lack of interest they are showing us and our concerns so that other people will not buy the product. Then we stop using the app delete it from our phones. Put down our Fitbit. 

Then maybe they will understand we are serious when they experience a massive drop in sales etc. We must remember without us the company cannot go on.

Does anyone remember when WhatsApp made Blackberry messenger obsolete. 

It starts with us.

Recovery Runner



I have been struggling with the same issues with FitBit. In fact, FitBit has deleted some of my comments on this thread that they felt did not look good on them. Be forewarned, your comment might be deleted as well. Does the Apple Watch had challenges that you can invite people to? FitBit has been saying for years to vote on adding more challenges, but as @DivaMomVicki said, they have never done anything about it except delete more. I agree with @AvondaB in that they need to listen to us and start developing their software more to keep up with their hardware development. The software side is 50+% of the product, but they only seem to Ben interested in the design elements of the physical product.

First Steps

@JacqueRiehl I sold my Fitbit yesterday. I am going to get the Apple Watch but first I will do some research on what they offer.

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