More Notifications

Hello Fitbit Team!


after a message of one of you moderator i have decided to make that topic.


I really like you products but the people using an IOS device really need more notifications!


So please give us more! 😃


Notificions i would recommend:


Whats App


and more messaging apps


Moderator edit: Updated title for clarity and labels.

Stepping Up
All I would like is BBC/sky news apps Facebook and sky sports football score app not much really lol 😂
First Steps

I would like to support notification from Whatsapp and Chinese characters display included brand new charge2

All too little too late - sold my blaze in favour of the Apple Watch - just does what you would expect regarding notifications. That said I do miss the dashboard which I still use with my Fitbit scales. I think Fitbit are missing a trick - why not charge for the Fitbit dashboard app for people that want to use other methods of step counting. I would have thought this is an untapped revenue. I for one loved the dashboard, but the blaze did not have the functionality that I require from a device worn as a watch. I would have not have minded paying for the step data to be migrated so I can still be involved in the competitive stuff. Just a thought....
Stepping Up
Hi all,

Recieved word from fitbit. Besides that i have to stay positive they let me know that "for now", the wont bring any updates or more notifications for the Fitbit Surge.....

So please if you like to get a watch that can give you modern notifications dont buy the Surge. Please spread the word! We will do the same!

Recovery Runner
I was under the impression that the charge 2 had third party notifications available when using an iPhone. It's a little disappointing that this feature is still not available. The Apple Watch looks like the better option!
First Steps


On Android there is an application which provides the ability to select multiple applications to forward notifications for:

I have been using it with the Charge HR 2 and it is absolutely briliant.

Good luck!

Recovery Runner
When will third party notifications be available on iPhone 6?

Thank you!
Status changed to: Released
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Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

With the introduction of extended notifications, you can now receive notifications from email and other third-party apps (such as WhatsApp, Facebook, etc.) on Blaze!


This feature is currently only on Blaze. If you don't own a Blaze and want this feature on a different device, please search for or create a new feature suggestion specific to that Fitbit device.

First Steps
Will it be possible for a notification for WhatsApp at all? Ias this becomes more & more popular app it would be very handy also email too? It's great having notifications but I think they need to be available for more widely used message apps....could this be possible???
This feature has been provided in latest firmware update. It works like a charm.
First Steps
How do I get it to work then? I have done the latest update??

Sent from my iPhone 6
Make sure you update to firmware version 17.8.301.7

Then, after some one send you a, let's say a whatsapp message, in Fitbit app, on dash board, press small blaze icon, select Notification, then app notification, you can then turn on notification. You must have iPhone receive a notification from the app before you can set up.
Recovery Runner
I would definitely love it if there is a Whatsapp notification for Alta.
Recovery Runner
@Panopticon @DizzyThermal I get my google voice text messages sent to my phone and I see it on the app. You have to check the settings on your google voice to receive the texts on your device.
Recovery Runner
@Panopticon @DizzyThermal correction, I see my texts sent to my google voice account onto my Fitbit

For those disappointed that this was only implimented for Blaze, please check out the new idea suggestion I just created.  Please like it and post your own comments.

First Steps
I would love Facebook Messenger alerts
Recovery Runner

Yeah, @AndrewFitbit I'm gonna need third party notifications for the Charge 2 as well. I'm using iOS.

Recovery Runner

I'd love a Whatsapp notification feature for the Flex 2

I use sms, Hangouts and messenger, yet my Alta only lets me get notifications from one at a time. Very limiting... I vote let me choose multiple sources, not just one.

Fitbit Charge 2 needs to be able to display more than 40 characters on the notifications othewise this feature is failry useless. Many iOS users including myself use iMessage rather than SMS but this is rarely less than 40 characters. Not sure why there would be this limitation in the first place, how much more memory would it consume to display 160 chars? Obviously it would be great to also have WhatsApp and other messaging come through but in the very least the 1st party messaging should be fully supported. The sell text for Fitbit Charge 2 states: 


  • Text message—Sender's phone number or name depending on the contacts list in your mobile device and the contents of the text message.

It doesnt state that its only 40 characters, which is a little misleading. 


The Fitbit  Charge 2 is a fantastic device, but its just a shame that one of the selling points here falls well short. 



First Steps
Whats App and Messenger notifications would be really useful as no-one really texts anymore.
Agreed this would be useful feature, but most iPhone owners use iMessage, I think those users, including myself only text (SMS) when they have to send to Windows, Android or Blackberry users!
Recovery Runner
Although I agree that iPhone users use iMessage between them, when it comes to sending text across platforms, WhatsApp is far more popular these days than regular SMS

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Thibaut de Sablet
First Steps
Whatsapp on Alta for iphone 6 pls!
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