More badges (Add badge ideas here!)

Need more creative badges and trophies rather than just the lifetime records... that could be more motivating.

Here are a few ideas:
- Badge for reaching 10000 steps for 7 days in a row, 15 days in a row, 50 days in a row...
- Badges based on active minutes/calories/kilometers
- How about some more crazy/funny badges like "night owl" for someone who regularly achieves a lot of steps at night, "out of bed" (same principle but for early morning), etc.
- Badges that reflect poor activity; for instance a badge if you don't reach 10000 steps/day once in 7 days, ...

I think that these are all ideas that could really enrich the experience of fitbit users by increasing motivation and I believe they are all relatively simple to implement in the Fitbit system!!

Moderator edit: Updated subject for clarity.

Premium User
First Steps
Been a fitbit user since 2012 and am about to get my "Earth" badge at 5900 miles, but totally agree with the other comments here that you guys should make more badges as the jump from my last (Russian Railway) took over a year, and I actually thought something was wrong... and only found out the badges after RR have HUGE gaps in them and basically stop at Pole to Pole... do you want me to go find another sportswatch with more feedback? 🙂 Just kidding, please add some more badges, great motivation!!
Recovery Runner

Being someone who is motivated while working towards a goal I would love to see the different badges I am working towards.  Anything to keep me going!   If it is to hard to program the next badge to achieve it would be nice to have a list to see what I could be working towards.  Thanks.


P.S.  This was a great suggestion and cannot believe it has not been implemented since the original suggestion was in 2014.


10K Racer



If you hover (your mouse pointer) over the badges tile, it'll tell you what your next badge is, like this:


So this feature request is half done.  Smiley Happy

First Steps

Sounds like a good idea. I would like to see a badge for walking the
distance across the USA.

Moderator edit: personal info removed

First Steps

I agree - more badges. I would also like to see one for walking the
distance from coast to coast of the USA.

Moderator edit: personal info removed

First Steps
The final Badge was also confusing to me. It is less than 8k miles. The
circumference of the Earth is over 24k miles. I guess the Earth badge is
the Earth diameter. A route that no one could walk.
Base Runner
As fitbit users continue on through the years they will pass Earth and Pole to Pole...then what? (For the subset of people that are motivated by and enjoy the badges).  Add the miles of the equator.  Add Magellens Voyage 41k I think.  Several other expeditions, etc that can give a long future of fitbit badges to look for...fot users that will stay loyal to Fitbit for decades.  

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
First Steps

Tomorrow, after I reach 10,000 steps, I will have achieved my goal every day for a full year.  I am middle-aged with lots of wobbly bits but still take my heart health seriously.  I would love it if there were badges that awarded successive days of achieving step goals, especially when someone reaches the 1-year mark.


Just a thought.

Tempo Runner
Recovery Runner

I was thinking it would be super cool to earn badges for consecutive days at 10,000 or more steps per day.

Tempo Runner

Agreed. What's in place now just doesn't cut it. We need more. 

First Steps

Congratulations! This would be a cool feature! 

First Steps

We need more solo adventures! Need more ways to earn badges for like tracking water or making your workout goal. I am stuck cause the most steps I am getting is 14,900. Need more to do!

First Steps

Yes please!

Tempo Runner

Definitely, the more incentive/encouragement they give you, the harder people would work. I’m on board for sure. 

First Steps

I'm on a 300 day streak, so if this could get added in the next 64 days, that would be great

First Steps
I asked about 6 months ago but no luck - I keep hoping the folk at FitBit will make it happen !

Stepping Up

I have worn a Fitbit since FEB 2014 and have recently passed the 43 million step mark.  Early on, the ability to earn performance badges appealed to my competitive nature and inspired me to push myself.  I just earned the "Rocket Boot" badge for passing 90,000 steps in a day and have my eyes now set on the coveted "Olympic Sandal" badge for 100,000 steps in a day.  After that benchmark, alas, I have learned there are no more daily goal badges.  Same is true for the Lifetime Miles badge.  The top one. "Pole to Pole" is for 12,430 miles which I earned two years ago.  So, how about some more badges to keep us inspired and stepping out!


I just slogged 4,530 miles to reach my latest distance badge only to find out there are no more distance badges to obtain. That doesn't make sense to me.  I suggest you at least add an Equator Badge - even if it is more than 12,000 miles away you would have a goal to strive for.  No goal = decreased motivation

First Steps
I agree

Sent from my iPhone

I love the badge feature.  And FitBit's badges are the only system I've found that tracks repeat achievements of a milestone so I know the last time I've walked x number of steps, which I love.  But I'm starting to run out of them to achieve (happens if you're a mountain hiker and a marathon runner) and I also have distance-related milestones I'd like to track.  It would be great to be able to add custom milestones either for approval as public badges or for user-specific use.  The badge itself is less important to me than the numerical milestones, but if custom badges could be included that would be a nice bonus.

Right now I use IFTTT to dump my data out to a Google Sheets spreadsheet where I track totals, averages, maximums,and minimums over days, weeks, months, and years, then match those up with three types of distances: planet/asteroid/comet circumferences, Earth distances (distance from point x to point y similar to existing), and famous trails (Appalachian trail, Oregon Trail, etc).  I'm rather proud of my little spreadsheet, but while a lot of it is handled by functions, the actual matching up of those numbers against the lists of notable distances is manual as I felt building in "closest without going over" logic might be bordering on over-engineering for a one person project.  And it would require another structure (again, over-engineering) to track most recent date of achieving a milestone the way FitBit does.  All just to essentially replicate a mechanic your team has already solved in a cleaner, more elegant way.


In short, custom milestones would be great.  Keep up the good work!

Community Legend

@TerenceClark you have classidied this as websitedashbiard. 

Does this mean that you're looking for a one time congratulations or are you looking for a badge or trophy that can be looked back on? 


Ideally a mechanic very similar or identical to the current badges.  So something to look back on for sure.  Trophy is a reasonable analogy, though I'm less interested in the graphical aspect itself so much as the current functionality where something, a graphical badge or just the text name of the milestone, would show up and ideally have a rollover tool tip with "date last achieved".

I classified it as websitedashboard in part because there is no "Badges" tag.  So it was either this or the "Adventures/Challenges" one as best I could tell.  It could have gone either way, really, but the dashboard is one spot where badges appear, whereas the Adventures and Challenges are specific functions unrelated to badges.


Also, there are other ways to graphically represent it.  A concept identical to badges is one way, but I could see a data table of sorts or a graph of milestone achievement dates, etc working as well.  I don't want to torpedo the idea out of the gate by limiting the interface concept too much.

Recovery Runner

Why does this thread exist? No basic badges have been added in the almost three years I've been Fitbitting. Clearly there is no intent to actually respond to any of the almost 400 posts here.


It is this general lack of commitment to customers that sees me finally giving up on Fitbit and moving to a different tracker.

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