More clock/watch faces for the Charge 3!

So, the Charge 3 is out and there is a huge let down:

There are only 5 clock/watch faces:charge 3 clock.png



Come on least include all the Charge 2 watch faces too. We all loved the Charge 2 watch face with the time, date and the highlighted feature (steps/heart rate etc.)


Whats missing:

- Faces with the actual DATE and DAY



Or to say it again, just include the Charge 2 watch faces. Thanks in advance.

I was excited to see the face I wanted but I get a message that it can’t be selected for my device.

Sent from my iPhone

Fitbit!  Please respond. Why can’t I select the Retro Double Stat for my Charge 3? I downloaded the update. I rebooted my Fitbit. Nothing works. I get a message that clock face can’t be selected for my device. It’s shown as a Charge 3 face now, but I can’t have it on my Charge 3 “device”?


Finally, I got what I wanted for 5 months - classic double stat.

I appreciate Fitbit listened to me!!


Base Runner
Now, all we need is the day of the week — there’s room on that clock face
even to put it, either after the date or move the date down into the empty
line and put the day where the date was.
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Recovery Runner

Can we please get the day of the week added to the Charge 2 Retro face? We appreciate the new clock faces that we just got, but the Charge 2 Retro face needs the day of the week added!!! It has a date, but we also need a day of the week, please, please, please, please, please, PLEASE!!!!!!!

! Thank you.

Were you able to select the new clock face? I get a message that I can’t select it for my device.
Base Runner
No problem. I switched to the retro with two stats. Charge 3.
Sent from Gmail Mobile
First Steps

Thank you Fitbit for listening to the community!  Retro double stats is perfect!

Recovery Runner

@Car1307  yes I was able to get both new faces to work on my device.

Thanks. I had to do a firmware update. I don’t believe the update showed up until I gave Fitbit Support my email address so they could access my Charge 3. I got the face I wanted. So glad they finally responded.

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Recovery Runner

Can we please get the day of the week added to the Charge 2 Retro face? We appreciate the new clock faces that we just got, but the Charge 2 Retro face needs the day of the week added!!! It has a date, but we also need a day of the week, please, please, please, please, please, PLEASE!!!!!!!

! Thank you.


Is there any word on an update/option to turn the month/date to day/date? I don't forget what month it is but I tend to forget what day it is when I'm working 3 or 4 16 hour days a week.

Keeping Pace

Just got my Charge 3 and I love it, BUT why on earth can I not have calories burned displayed as my main goal like I did on the Charge 2?! I don't care about how many steps I've done, I care about how many calories I've burned as that's my main goal. I don't actually walk a lot but I cycle to and from work and do non-step based training (usually strength/weights) so on most days showing me how many steps I've done means nothing to me.


At the moment I'm stuck on "Double Stat" but at the top it still shows how far away I am from the 10,000 steps goal, even though I've set calories burned as my main goal. This is just baffling! It's incredibly disappointing that you've stepped backwards - please add some more clock faces or let us customise them to facilitate this. The "Charge 2 Retro" and "Retro Double Stat" still don't allow me to have calories as the main goal.

I accidentally learned that by tapping your watch edge you can get the calories burned to show on the clock face.

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Keeping Pace

True, but then I can't see my heart rate - I loved having the option of showing calories burned + heart rate on the Charge 2. Now I have to go for the "Stats Heavy" one which is butt ugly and also doesn't show the date...

First Steps

HR date digital clock face for charge 3. We've an analog version rn - Analog date. Replace the analog clock with the charge 3 digital clock and voila, a clock face which many people like myself can enjoy. I'm not interested in checking the number of steps every now and then, but what I do want to monitor is the heart rate and to be able to quickly check today's date.


I've just got my chrg3 and I don't seem to have an option to change the clock... I wanted the analogue style! 

Recovery Runner

I think you might need to update the firm-ware 

Recovery Runner
With best wishes
Nick Etches
+44 7901950120
Recovery Runner

Would it be possible to add a Charge 3 clock face that includes daily steps, heart rate and hourly activity steps?  


Thank you!

First Steps

I've been off the fitness train for a bit, but my last Fitbit was the Charge HR and I was even happy with those watch/clock faces. Just bring back the old designs from the older Charge models. I'm a casual user, so more everyday features like date/time/steps all on one screen are a make or break for me.

First Steps

I have a request similar to the one posted by

Inspire HR Horizontal Clock Face).  Although Charge 3 has a larger screen than Inspire HR, I believe many users with less than perfect eyesight would benefit from a horizontal clock face with as large fonts as possible.
The most important features of such a clock face would be:
1. Only one datum per screen (time or date or HR or steps, etc.). User would cycle through the data tapping the screen (some existing clock faces already allow this).
2. Fonts should be as legible as possible (Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, Sans - ordinary typeface, no italic or bold) and as big as possible. Here it is all about legibility and not about how good the clock face looks.
3. No icons on the screen. An exception could perhaps be data which require three or less digits to be displayed (HR, active minutes, stairs climbed) because in this case there would probably still be some free space on the screen despite using the largest font that fits its width. This, of course, means that the user should remember the order in which the data are displayed, however, this is a small price to pay for actually being able to easily read what is on the screen.  With a bit of common sense one can, in most cases, guess which information is being displayed only by seeing the number.
I am well aware that such a clock face would not be the first choice for the majority of users, who enjoy having
 as much data as possible on the same screen, but it would make the device way more accessible to many of us with poorer eyesight. In the end, it could as well persuade some, who never considered buying a fitness tracker because of their bad eyesight, to buy Charge 3.
Suggested clock face displaying time
The font used in this example face was FreeSans.

Please add more options that show the day of the week. I like the retro stats clock, but need the day of the week as well. Thanks!

Recovery Runner

64 pages of comments since October, no real change or response.  Not going to happen...,

Recovery Runner
I thought there had been a firmware update to provide more screen / clock faces for the Charge 3 ??
With best wishes,
Nick Etches
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