New updated clip on tracker

I have had a One for 3 years now and love it but am a bit disappointed that some features are not available on it (e.g.. active mins per hour etc). Please can you make a new clip on fitbit with more features. I really don't want a wrist one at all.

Not applicable

I cannot wear any jewelry since I went through chemo and radiation therapies.  I have had a One for many years, and I stick with it because I cannot wear any of the jewelry band trackers.  The Zip does not have enough functions.  The One is perfect!!! 


PLEASE, PLEASE consider making a tracker that can clip on again.  I'm so disappointed that the One has been discontinued.  I'm on my third one since they first came out.  If this one dies, I will probably look at the Bellabeat that has a clip.  I don't want to do that because I have a lot of historical data on fitbit.  But, I can't wear any of the new ones.

Community Legend

The zip is a clip on tracker, and it simply needs a battery change every 6 months. 

Community Legend

As long as the tracker can be clipped to the skin in a location the the blood flow can be monitored, I guess this will be possible. 

Community Legend

Just think @BJToepper by doing the requested search you and the others could have added your vote to the existing thread. That way instead of splitting votes 6 ways they would all be added to one thread and a louder voice would be heard. 


I too, would like a clip version.  I like the watch battery version of the Zip, but wished it tracked sleep and steps.  I do not want to wear a wrist version, please continue some type of clip option!!




My Fitbit One is beginning to fail too and would love another. 

I am a Nurse who can’t wear anything below her elbows due to infection control. So the wrist options are an absolute no-go. As for the Zip, I found it to be an inferior product compared to the One (I would rather switch product completely then use something I know not to be that good- such as try the JawBone Up-Move). 

Whilst working 12.5hour shifts I found the Fitbit One crucial to keep my health in check. I can make sure I’m moving around enough whilst at work and on days off, whilst monitoring of I am getting a suitable amount of sleep. It was truely an invaluable part of my daily routine and I’m sad tonight see it discontinued. 


First Steps

I agree, discontinuing the One and expecting the Zip to fill it's shoes is ridiculous. 


There are SOO MANY reasons why a clip option with all the features of the wrist pedometer is better for certain people. I first got my Fitbit because I worked in labs, sticking my hands into all sorts of machines and electronics, and having something on my wrist while doing that is dangerous and flat out stupid.


If you're going to get rid of the clip based pedometers, make it so the pedometer can function on both a wrist band and a clip, and sell both as accessories. And for the love of all that is shiny, make it low profile. The Zip is too bulky for the way I wear it, and doesn't have nearly enough features.

Recovery Runner

Totally agree @Hedgieaggie ! I'm SO disappointed. I really hope they listen to people and make a new clip on with more features than the Zip !

First Steps

I was so upset when I found out that the One has been discontinued!!! I have been using it everyday for years, and have gone through four already... I'm hoping that my current one will last as long as possible because I don't know what I'll use if/when it dies. I also have a Charge HR, but I dislike wearing a step tracker on my wrist unless I'm actually working out at the gym or going for a run outside (also, I don't need my tracker to add "steps" when I'm doing things like washing dishes and practicing piano!)


I *love* the One because of its small size. I always throw it into my pocket and it's so small it doesn't even show, and I also love how I can wear it even without the clip-on (by just wearing it in my bra)! Haha! Ladies, this is really handy when you want to wear dresses or skirts with no pockets and don't want the clip jabbing into your chest.


Fitbit Development team: Please, please, please bring back the One or a new and improved One... the size, convenience and price make it the only tracker that I would buy over and over again until the day I die. 


Also, I've been told to consider the Fitbit Zip but not only is the Zip bigger and bulkier, it doesn't track floors climbed. I am a die-hard floor tracker as well.... often running into my condo stairwell to get my daily goal done. 


Like others have said, I may consider switching to another company if Fitbit does not bring back the One or a similar product. Wrist trackers are REALLY NOT ideal for everyone. 


Smiley Mad


First Steps

Would love to have a new Fitbit One.  Mine is 5 yrs old and it won't hold a charge.
The size is perfect for fitting in the center of my bra.
PLEASE bring the Fitbit ONE Back!    I can't be the only one who wants it back. 
Obviously it was a good choice for many as others have looked at various sights to find  a new one. 


We enjoy your products! It's been awesome in our 2017 commitment to live healthier.

Please consider adding options to your clip-on products; or, develop a new clip-on which has features such as smart track and sleep tracking. No offense intended but someone of us don't want to wear watches. Or, in my case, as a basketball official I'd love the option of having my Fitbit tracking my activity while I'm running up and down the court keeping up with players much younger than I! 🙂

First Steps

I have owned two fitbit Ones, I enjoyed knowing I could see and track the information without others knowing, I also enjoyed the sleep tracker feature. I want to find another One and they are no longer being made. I do not want to wear anything on my wrist, it gets in the way at my job and I only want to see my watch on my wrist. Please bring the One back or something comparable.

Thank you.


First Steps

I don't wear a watch to sleep so I'm not going to wear a Fitbit either. The clip-on you have is pretty cheap and lacks a backlight. Why mess with a good thing??


Second this.The one has been my best friend since 2013.  I do not like the wrist options. The zip doesn't count stairs.  Please bring some new options for clip ons or bring The One back.

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Fitbit Moderator

Thank you very much for sharing your idea! We look forward to hearing what other users have to say.


Agree with bringing in the Fitbit line a new clip-on tracker.  I love some of the features of the other trackers (Steps, heart rate monitoring, reminders to move etc) and am willing to pay for them.  I simply can not wear anything on my wrist or as jewelry.  Please give me those things with the option of a clip and I'm thrilled to stay with Fitbit and will continue to recommend them to all my friends as I have done the last three years.

Recovery Runner

Please please please bring in a new clip on tracker with more features.  You can see how popular they are !!!


I will remain a Fitbit customer as long as my One continues to function.  I do hope the company is planning to introduce a new clip on in 2018 with all the features the One has and maybe a few more so that I can continue with Fitbit.

I've been a satisfied customer for more than 5 years.  In addition to my Fitbit, I've purchased 6 as gifts and recommended the One to at least 10 others who made purchases.  We all love our Fitbit clip ons

Tempo Runner

I just purchased the Fourth One for our family already and I had convinced about 5 friends...


I have so so much hope that Fitbit will reconsider decision and introduce a new  non-wrist-based device. Maybe it dose not generate much in “device sales” but it pleases an army of loyal  customers like me ...ready to pay for premium subscriptions ! Or to quit rather to go “wrist”...


Fitbit had a variety of devices who could be used appropriately for many occasions:

- everyday, for the unique One device or the Zip gadget

- when doiing sport (with more advanced sport watches like the Charge 2)


This was actually *the* major advantage of the company.


By disrupting the One, I am afraid FitBit just killed its current "Unique Selling Proposal" and upset its current client base.

Recovery Runner

We need a new non-wristband clip on tracker, with at least all the features of the One. There are many customers who cannot wear wrist-based trackers. Please listen to your community...

First Steps

I totally agree.  Especially women, need the option of a clip on like the One!  That can be hidden discretely on a bra , and out of sight , with dress clothes. 


Please bring back or add a new full-featured clip-on tracker. I get the majority of my steps and exercise while pushing a stroller so the wrist ones are completely inaccurate for me.

Recovery Runner

A clip on option is a must for me.  I absolutely love my One and when that goes, I will not get a Zip due to the limited functionality.  If no other option is available it will be time to find a new product.  Please give us a clip on option.

First Steps

Please bring back the ONE.  I have been a user since 2014 lost 22 pounds and have kept it off due to my tracker.  I also do not like the wrist options. The ZIP would be like taking a step backwards. I also like the design of the ONE better than the ZIP.

Recovery Runner

Bring back Fitbit One. 


Thats it.

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