Option to disable 'Water lock'

Many folks are reporting that water lock comes on when not desired. I experience this multiple times a day with my brand new Inspire 2. I do not even have Swim set as an exercise and I don't need or want the water lock function. If the button issue cannot be easily fixed, a simple solution is an option in Settings to disable the function.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject


It is so incredibly dumb that the device acts like this. Is someone at Fitbit really not able to come up with a software fix for this??


I agree the water lock function is something I don’t need. I don’t wear my fit bit in the shower and I don’t need it in the water. 
it is extremely frustrating how many times it comes on. 

First Steps

I just upgraded to the Inspire 2 a couple days ago and this feature is driving me insane. This has been an open thread for over six months and there's still no resolution?

Base Runner

How many frustrated Inspire 2 users have complained about this "feature" and we've gotten no response. Is it time to go public on a Fitbit FaceBook page?

First Steps

Apparently even posting on Facebook about this isn't having any effect.  They're basically ignoring all of us.

It's annoying enough during the day, but I've had to stop wearing it at night because it keeps waking me up!  Which makes it essentially useless for tracking your sleep, quality and duration.

As expensive as the Samsung watch is.. it's starting to look pretty good about now.



Not applicable

I've tried emailing the CEO twice now linking this and the other long thread about the problems. Contacting CEOs usually gets something done but, in this case, I haven't even had an acknowledgement.

Not applicable

Water lock is awful. I need to be able to disable it. Turning on Button lock just disables the screen.

First Steps

Yes, my wrist is repeatedly buzzing with the Water Lock feature. Enough already. I may return it if this can’t be fixed.

Recovery Runner
I tried that. Canned response!
First Steps

I have had my inspire 2 since April 2021 and just recently the water lock feature has been going crazy.  Previously it never was a problem!  I don’t shower with it and rarely swim with it (it’s been a LONG time since I’ve been in the water with it on).  It is extremely annoying and I vote to have the option to disable this feature!

First Steps

Add my vote to provide an option for users to remove or completely disable the water lock feature from the Inspire 2. It is a nuisance to me, annoying to have to scroll by it when navigating to the Settings menu on the device, and distracting when it activates for no apparent reason. It is the only downside of owning and interacting with the Inspire 2. 

First Steps

I have only had my Inspire 2 for a few days and want to throw it away because of this issue. 

I did too. But got used to how it works and find it useful.
Wearing it a bit higher on the wrist helps.

Make today great!
Kasey Faulkner
Base Runner

I wear mine just above my wrist bone on my right arm since I'm left handed and I also turned on the button lock and now I don't have a problem with it.

First Steps

I am having the exact same issue. My wrist keeps activating the water lock. Super frustrating as it keeps vibrating whenever I'm using my hands and also drains the battery. I've only had the inspire 2 for a few days now and I already want to return it. So not happy!!

First Steps

I’m super frustrated that every thing I find on this water lock issue is people saying they hate it and it drains that battery and that it’s an inconvenience. How many other people took the time to look this up but didn’t find this exact thread or that we have to vote to get it more popular so that Fitbit actually does something about it. People have threads all over the internet about this and yet it’s still not on the radar to actually be disabled? I can turn off our opt of out other things like aspects of sleep monitoring, automatically recognizing physical activities, menstrual tracking, etc. so why would water lock, which pertains only to swimming or showering, not be a function that we can opt in or out of on the app.. Shouldn’t we just already have the ability to “turn off” the parts that aren’t relevant to our usage in order to maximize our usage? 

First Steps

This topic/thread started back in April… and STILL no changes!  WHY Fitbit WHY?  Maybe we should start posting on social media … that might get more notice!  Just sayin’

Not applicable

I would also point out there was a second thread about this which was locked a couple of weeks ago with a 'solution' that people in both threads have already said don't work. https://community.fitbit.com/t5/Inspire-2/Why-my-Inspire-2-keeps-activating-Water-Lock/td-p/4815638

First Steps

I join the vast chorus to have an option to disable the water lock feature.  I just received the Inspire 2 for a gift snd thid is the most frustration feature.  As many others have noted, it seems to just fall into this function, and It it difficult to get out of this mode even when it is unlocked.  I hsve no intention of swimming with this.

First Steps

It looks like a lot of people are having this issue. I've tried wearing it up higher/tighter and looser. I'm ready to send it back as it drives me nuts. I have two little kids and I so much as lift one of them off the thing vibrates and goes to water lock mode. I was shocked to see that there has been no resolution for this. I agree with previous posters, might be a good idea to write on social media to catch the teams attention. I got as a gift and would have not purchased this myself if I knew this was an issue. There is really no point of having a screen when it's constantly in water lock mode. Please disable this feature fit bit or time to go to G.

First Steps

Another vote to give the option of removing the water lock feature. 

It buzzes at least 20 times a day on normal days when I'm just going about my everyday business. Then when I went swimming tonight I thought well at least it might actually turn out to be useful but no... Then it decides that just swimming would turn the water lock on and off constantly. Just so annoying. 

First Steps

Why does this water lock nonsense even exist?  Not only should there be an option to disable it, it should the default setting to be disabled!

First Steps

I am going to start posting on social media.  M A Y B E that will get fitbits attention and a fix!

First Steps

I hate, Hate, HATE the water lock feature.  I am a swimmer and never had a problem with my previous fitbit Inpsire that didn't have this feature.  It's impossible to get the Water Lock feature turned off once it's on.  This needs to be disabled, or I am going back to my old Inspire and never buying another fitbit again.  Listen to your customers, fitbit!!!

First Steps

I'm having the same problem with my Fitbit Inspire 2. I love my tracker but the water lock turning on throughout the day is extremely annoying. 

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