Option to show Kilojoules in Dashboard and all apps

Many countries favour using Kilojoules instead of calouries for enrgy input and output. Please add the option to choose in all relevent dashboard areas.



Moderator edit: Labels

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First Steps

Kilojoules rather than calories please team.  Some parts of the world work in metric ... actually most parts of the world are metric


At least provide the option

Premium User

As Grandpa Simpson once said, "the metric system is the tool of the devil! My car gets fifteen rams to the hogs head and that’s the way i like it!”


But seriously,the world is never going back to the Imperial System once people are weaned off it. NASA literally lost a Mars Probe in space in the late 1990s because one of the engineering teams programmed some measurements in the old Imperial system when the rest of the agency uses metric. 


Fitbit developers, please add this feature!

Received a Fitbit for Christmas. I was a little disappointed that only calories were offered. All our packaged food in Australia is in kilojoules. Which means a conversion all the time. I don't have a brain for calories.
First Steps
Get with the 21st century and offer kilojoule option rather than calories please.
First Steps
Also just got a new Fitbit for Xmas and would really really love kilojoules rather than calories please!
Recovery Runner

I notice that this issue has been raised for over two years. Surely it is time for an update from a Moderator as to when this change is going to occur. After all, most countries in the world use kilojoules.

"Hello, America, the 1960's called they want their imperial measurements back!" the rest of the world abandoned feet, inches, and calories back in the 1970's so it's time you did some simple programming and added kJ to those in your European, Australian and New Zealand markets who need them, surely not too big an ask? Thank you.
First Steps
Having kJ as a unit of measurement I thought was a must to have these for sale in Australia. I have just received one for Christmas and couldn't find the option to change it. This thread is very difficult to find and I only found it because of a link from another thread.
First Steps
Yes I also have given up calories as a measure. Time for a change to the options on this app.
First Steps
Add this please.
Recovery Runner

Please, please, please add kilojoules to your device, it is a simple calculation, like distance, and weight.. most uptodate operators use the metric system and it is strange not to have the kilojoule option as part of your system We dont use calories in NZ, just like we don't use feet or pounds..

First Steps
I would also like Kilojoules please! Driving me crazy!!
First Steps

I would have thought that when you began selling/distributing your product outside of the US this woud have been a no brainer.  Thank goodness MYFitnessPal doesn't share your short sightedness and also can convert kilojoules back to calories when it integrates with your dashboard.  Does seem ironic that we need to use a third party app to get info into the correct format.

First Steps
Thanks Mark Have done so.
First Steps

Yes please add option for Kilojoules it is very hard in Australia to work with calories as all our food labelling is in KJs

First Steps
Yes have just posted on Facebook page as well. Are Australians really the only ones effected by this???
First Steps

171 new postings on this thread.

Fitbit we need kilojoules. As suggested POST ON FACEBOOK PAGE.



Fitbit have NOT responded. let us get this global.

First Steps
This needs to be added ASAP
First Steps

Wow, I can't believe this does not exist.


Pretty average if you compare everything else out there that can do KJ

Please count my vote for this feature. I thought this option should be a no-brainer. I have checked the mobile app settings, and my online profile settings; with no luck. Like previous posters, I am in Australia, and use MyFitnessPal.

not an Aussie, but as well one who is shocked that the conversion is not inlcuded.

It counts against the whole product, I just bought a charge yesterday  but until it is not fixed I will not recommend the product if asked. 

Fix it.


This thread has been running for over 2 years now. How many likes does this thread need to have before Fitbit will act? 

Post to their Facebook page. I don't think they ever look at this one.
First Steps

Thinking of getting a FitBit, but will look at other products if it can't deal with kilojoules.

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