Option to show Kilojoules in Dashboard and all apps

Many countries favour using Kilojoules instead of calouries for enrgy input and output. Please add the option to choose in all relevent dashboard areas.



Moderator edit: Labels

First Steps
I was most suprised when I purchased my fitbit that it did not include kilojoules as part of its options. In this technology savvy world it seems to be a great oversight when so many countries use mmetric. Please consider including kilojoules option. I find the constnt annoyance of trying to convert everything to calories a real annoyance and almost a redundant use of the fitbit
Recovery Runner

Sure, the engineers might be "aware of the situation", but as an engineer myself in a similar kind of work (not for fitbit), I know the reality is that it's a matter of whether their managers will allow them to work on it and whether the benefit is worth the cost of them working on it. It appears that they seem to think that we're not worth it Smiley Frustrated



First Steps
Agree - it is a very simple update, hurry up and fix it.

I too would like to add my vote for kj instead of/as well as calories. I was surprised to find this missing when all the other measurements had both eg: metric and imperial.


I can't believe your users have been requesting this for over 2 years and you still haven't listened. Come on, it is not difficult 1 calorie (or kcal) is 4.186 kj, just add a calculator into the app so that we don't have to manually work it out every time.
Base Runner
Hey fitbit, when will you make this a global app?
First Steps

please please please fitbit!!!! kilojoules option!!!!


Moderator edit: Caps. 


First Steps
I would love to have this feature too. Converting should not be hard.
Three years I've requested this as a feature!!! This would be a simple update in settings and fitbit refuses to update until it gets "enough votes" whatever that may be! Looks like I will be investigating other fitness trackers in the future. I've converted many of my friends to fitbit so I'll ensure they are also aware of alternatives that are Australian data friendly!
First Steps

I agree. It would be very simple programming to be able to change calories to kilojoules, and very useful for Australians.  Pretty Please! 

First Steps

I just bought a Surge and Im very annoyed that I cant log Kj!  Hopeless!

@dssims wrote:

Many countries favour using Kilojoules instead of calouries for enrgy input and output. Please add the option to choose in all relevent dashboard areas.


First Steps

I agree. It is ridiculous and very disappoiting that we can't use Kilojoules.


Yeah.  Just want to ad my vote too.  Seems ridiculous that you can sellect mertric measures for length, weight & water consumption - but can't sellect energy units.

Also - very dissapointed that this, relatively simple 'enhansement', has not been implemented despite the clear indication of its requirement by many customers!

I'd like to add my vote, New Zealand is also a metric country so calories are meaningless here too. Please have the option for kilojoules.
Another Kiwi here that agrees Kj should be an option. Currently I just divide by 4 but I there should be an easier way

perhaps somebody at Fitbit realises not having KJ is unscientific and not professional at all.

How should one rely on their other calcualtions if they do not even comply with basic scientific standards

First Steps

I love my fitbit but there i one thing I don't love - it uses calories instead of kilojoues when refereing to energy burned. I would find seeing a kilojoule count rather than a calorie count (on my device and app) so much more meaningful. Calories don't make much sens to me as we don't use them in Australia. Most Australians would have the same issue, as I am sure people in many other countries. 



You can have the option of using metric kms instead of miles, so surley this wouldn't be a difficult software change to make and it would make the fitbit so much more user friendly.

Stepping Up

Apparently there is no response yet. What is hindering fitbit to implement this titchy feature of big effect? Here is a code snippet in python 3.3 to get you going, guys. 


# Function to convert kilocalories to kilojoules
def kcal2kJ(kcal):
    return kcal * 4.1868

# Function to convert kilocalories to megajoules
def kcal2MJ(kcal):
    return kcal2kJ(kcal) / 1e3
# Example
kcal = 1000
print("Watch out! {} kcal are {:.0f} kJ and {:.1f} MJ".format(kcal, kcal2kJ(kcal), kcal2MJ(kcal)))

# Output
# >>> Watch out! 1000 kcal are 4187 kJ and 4.2 MJ

I think precision should be sufficient. In case you are still on python 2.7 make sure to enable true division by using a double slash (//). There is certainly also potential for optimization. In other programing languages things work similarly. Please also note that "The energy needed to increase the temperature of a given mass of water by 1 °C depends on the atmospheric pressure and the starting temperature. Accordingly, several different precise definitions of the calorie have been used." https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joule - thus you need to choose a conversion factor. Differences, however, are more or less negligible.


Recovery Runner
Hey is there any update on this? Also confused why metric option isn't included and looks like discussion been ongoing for a while? I vote for this also.
Stepping Up
It'll be a great day when American developers realise that most other countries use different measurements to them and consider this when they make their technology available internationally. Fitbit was so close to getting it right, but for whatever reason (ignorance, perhaps?) Kilojoules were missed, making energy counting much more inconvenient for those in other counties that use kjs. Can fitbit please add this option?
How could there not be kilojoules counted? Metric measures across the board, not just partially. Time to come to the Fitbit party and update to the expected standard for quality products. It's also the only legally recognised measurement in Australia and many other countries!
Recovery Runner
Considering some folk have been requesting this feature for 4 years and still apparently there haven't been enough 'votes' for the feature one has to wonder how many 'votes' they have to get before they deem it necessary to implement the change.
Recovery Runner
I know there are apps that will sync and do the conversion.. but would like
to see the conversion done on the FitBit Surge itself.. I rarely look at the
Apps installed on my PC/Mac, or iOS/Android unless I want to check history..
I regularly check the Surge itself to see how I am tracking throughout the
day. So much easier whilst running than pulling out my phone, waiting for it
to sync to see how I am tracking.
Recovery Runner

To be honest, I've given up.


A kilojoule option, which would be incredibly easy to incorporate, has been requested for several years by many people. The fact that they've ignored it for so long says to me that they're not interested in their foreign client base. They probably make enough money from North America and don't care about anywhere else.


Their Australian food database is useless to me as it hasn't got half of the foods I eat and the other half have been entered without many nutrient values or with incorrect ones. I'm not going to enter all my foods into another database after doing exactly that over the last few years with MyFitnessPal whose database isn't a whole lot better, sadly. 


The activity tracking features in Fitbit aren't anywhere near as good as those in RunKeeper. Even though RunKeeper has many issues itself, I've got over two years worth of my activity records in there so it's easy to compare and check things. A while back, you couldn't even edit your runs in Fitbit which was infuriating as it was so inaccurate at tracking them in the first place that I HAD to edit them. I can't be bothered checking to see if they let us edit them again as I've given up using it to track my activities, anyway.


Since I got this Charge HR for my birthday last June, all I've ended up using it for is the time, date and pulse. The other features, such as sleep records, aren't important or even worth bothering with. (I know how good my sleep was simply by how I feel!)


Now, after the latest update, my battery only lasts about four hours, if I'm lucky. I may search for the receipt and exchange it for a new one but, frankly, it just doesn't seem worth it.


It's an excellent idea ruined by poor execution, in my opinion.


Im A yank Living in Australia and one of the ones back in the mid 70s that went through with the introduction to the Metric system like the REST of the world and for some reason they dumped it like Idiots and in  typical fashion, my fellow Americans act like the  world evolves around them. When a compnay puts its product out to the rest of the world then they should have accomodated the other features to coincide with the countries they are selling the product in; So to the people that have the desicion  making power; add in the proper features that should have been in there in the first place. Hint hint. Kilojoules!!! 

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