Phone notification if I'm not wearing my Fitbit device

My biggest frustration is forgetting I took my Fitbit off and forgetting to put it back on. I can go all day without it on and not realize it. 


Fitbit is already paired with my phone - I'd like a notification on my phone if the range of of my Fitbit exceeds a certain distance and the Fitbit has not logged any activity for a period of time. 


I believe this would set the product apart from everyone else - the benefits of the product type are pointless if I don't even get to use them. 


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated labels

First Steps
Exactly, this should be easy. If they already can notify that the battery is low, notifying that it is charged should be easy.

I think it would be helpful if there were a push notification on your phone to remind us to put our device back on. For example, if the device does not read a heartbeat for 30 minutes or once the device is fully charged, it would send a notification to the user's phone to put the device back on.


I sometimes forget to put my Fitbit back on when I get out of the shower, and if I am going to work I lose an entire day's worth of data. This could be a good way to prevent that from happening.


This is what I am looking for before buying a fitness band, none of them have it yet and the are two that I am looking into one is the fitbit series and the another one, until one of the them gets this application I will wait.

I charge my Fitbit HR when I shower. Often, a couple of hours later I'll look down at my wrist and – bugger! I'm not wearing it again! An email or push notification to let me know I'm not using it (toggle-able via the app) would be very appreciated.
Premium User
First Steps
Like everyone else. I take it off and forget to put it back on. If was waterproof we wouldn't need to take it off at all... do both?
Recovery Runner
I agree it should be waterproof.

Sent from my iPhone
Recovery Runner
Yup! We need waterproofing and a way to remember to put it back in after charging!

From MeowGirl

Sent from my iPhone
Recovery Runner
I know what you mean!!!

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

My wife and I both have Fitbit One trackers. She loses hers often, and tasks me with finding it. I've used the apps that display Bluetooth signal strength, and gone room to room looking for the strongest signal, but it's not fun. Please add an audible beacon to new fitness trackers so that when they are misplaced, the user can easily find it by turning the alert on in the app.

First Steps

Hi there!  Just joined the community so pardon me if this idea has been floated here before.  I like the notification options the FitBit Alta provides and I think having an alert (distinct vibrate pattern and message) when you lose BlueTooth connectivity to the mobile device paired to your FitBit would be very beneficial.  How many times have people left their mobile devices on public transportation, restaurants, places they visit, etc. ?  So if your FitBit alerts you when the BlueTooth signal is lost, you can probably trace back where you last had your device with you and save you a ton of headache and moolah!

Keeping Pace
I just bought the Blaze ... previously used a Samsung GearFit which would buzz and/or send an alert tone whenever it was out of range from my phone ... this I wish was a feature of the blaze. Also, there was a Find My Phone onscreen selection that was so useful. I really hope to see some enhancements that allow more communication with the phone.
First Steps

I recently lost my phone, but I think I could have avoid it, if there would be an optional silent alarm which occurs on the Fitbit when the connection to the phone is lost. I think it would be a great idea if the Fitibit could warn you after a few minutes (or maybe it's possible to choose a time on your own) so you can check if you accidently left your phone somewhere. Perhaps it's also possible to send a tone to your phone somehow, so you can find it faster.

First Steps

Yes, please please please add the option to have the fitbit vibrate when it goes out of range of the phone. I'm constantly leaving my phone in the house or car and this would be a lifesaver. If you also had the option to vibrate when back in range it would help find the phone when it's invisibly buried under the couch cushions.

First Steps

I lost my new fitbit apparently while shopping and trying on clothing.  As I do not check my wrist constantly to ensure the fitbit is there, it was far too late to find it.  I have to assume, someone else found it.  Had there been an alarm or alert to indicate it had fallen, or had been idle for an unusual period of time, I perhaps would have my fitbit on my wrist today.  The alarm or alert could be sounded from my phone which is/was paired with my Fitbit.  I would have noticed that alarm immediately and not that evening when I typically remove my Fitbit for bathing and that would have sent me on a productive search.  

Community Legend

This sounds like a great idea, mabe a 2 second buzz every 10 seconds.

For now i set an alarm on the missing tracker.

First Steps

I really need this feature!!! There is an app called wear aware that does this but it does not work with fitbit.

First Steps
Suggested since 2014 but seems like it has been ignore, my friend said xiaomi can remind u of ur phone. I wonder why i get the alta before reading this. I assume a more expensive product to surely have such feature. Disappointed!!
Community Legend

So in two years with only 381 votes and 67 comments. 

I think this is a great idea, but not many other people think so. 

Stepping Up

I was just coming here to suggest this! I  lost my second fitbit last week and while I retraced my steps, I was running errands in several towns and don't have any idea where or when it was lost. Finder apps only work when you're very close by. Having an alarm go off when the phone becomes separated from the fitbit would be a HUGE help!!!

First Steps
Hey Fitbit.
I keep forgetting my fitbit when it's charging in the morning and walk out without it.

It woukd be a really nice feature if the app could send you a push notification the moment the Bluetooth connection is broken so that you would be reminded to take the watch with you.

Not applicable

+1 Smiley Happy


Thats an excellent idea!

Recovery Runner
This is a good idea. I would like to see a notification on the blaze itself that the Bluetooth connection is broken. My Basis had this and it was useful to know that I was no longer in range of my phone and would not be receiving notifications on my watch. To me, this is one of the more useful features of a watch like this-to be able to leave my phone on my desk, for example, walk away from it and know I will still be notified if I get a call, text, or calendar reminder. Thank you.
Community Legend

This is a Duplicate idea. Please add your votes there. 

Recovery Runner
I agree. It would be great to have the blaze tell you when it is out of Bluetooth range. This way if I put my phone in one room and walk around my house expecting to get notified of texts and calls I would know if I were out of range and wouldn't be receiving those notifications. I do this type of thing often so I don't have to carry my phone around the house with me. It is very convenient. Thanks.
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