Reinstate yoga videos that were removed

Fitbit Premium has a bunch of yoga videos under "discover". These have mostly disappeared. There were flexibility ones and pre natal ones for example. Also different lengths so there was 15 and 30 flex ones. Now there's only a few left. I paid Premium subscription because it gave me variety and I can't see why they've gone
First Steps

I used to use these yoga clips as an addition to going on runs and really noticed the difference in injury reduction and a generally faster recovery. Please bring them back. The alternative yoga and stretching section on the new work out list is not very varied at all and not up to the same standards it used to be. These were the main reason I subscribe to premium. Very disappointed to see they are no longer there. 


yes, please bring back the YOGA videos -

Base Runner
@LizzyFitbit I am having the same problem, cannot click on thumbs up for anyone's posts on any subjects.
First Steps

Came here to make the same suggestion/complaint, but am unable to upvote this.


I've been paying for premium for years and used the yoga videos almost every day during lockdown.

It's super frustrating that Fitbit reps refuse to respond directly about a) why they were removed and b) whether they will be replaced.


Like many folks here, I have a lot less of a reason to pay for this service if they don't bring back this type of content.

First Steps

I, too, am very upset about the disappearance of the yoga videos. Especially because the newer ones were targeted to people like me who were beginners. I was using them in conjunction with visits to my chiropractor and they were really helping. I saw several different threads in the fitbit community all asking for their return but they still have not been reinstated. I am on a 3 month trial for premium right now and was really enjoying it but now I am reconsidering whether I will sign up when the trial is over.


I also am unable to upvote on this.

First Steps

Hi everyone, I just realized that since most of the videos we are missing most are by Down Dog, it is probably just because of the licensing between the two companies.

Down Dog has its own amazing app that has a free trial and tons of yoga variations tailored to your needs. I just got it yesterday and it was as if Fitbit had never taken them away. Sorry to not be supporting Fitbit on this but they didn't really handle the comms well, and since there are pregnant ladies wanting prenatal yoga and self-isolators who need the calm in this thread, I thought I would share. ❤️

First Steps

I have only used the Yoga sessions and the Audio sessions because following anything else on my phone was too difficult. I have been frustrated with the inability to view the premium workouts on my desktop since I joined, but now this is very upsetting. As much as I enjoy my tracker, I do not feel that I am getting much in the way of "Premium" benefits. 

First Steps

I attempted to vote, but the number did not seem to change.


I don't see why we should pay for premium and also then need to pay for Down Dog and other extras types of exercise programs too. I love my fitbit 4 tracker but now I mostly use FITON PRO (nothing to do with Fitbit) but it has GREAT exercise sessions including a lot of Yoga and Stretching sessions . I may not renew my premium Fit bit if they don't offer more varied types of exercise including yoga..

First Steps

I faced the same issue - I was practicing DownDog lessons every day during the lockdown and it was cool. I even purchased annual subscription because of that, but about a month ago it disappeared and the remaining workouts in the app do not make much sense to me anymore. Please return yoga

First Steps

I just subscribed to DownDog App.

They've got 75% off promotion when paid direct (i.e. not Google pay) so £11.99 for the year.

Also get access to HIIT and all their other apps. so it's a bargain. 


@Fitbit moderators - if you hadn't deleted the videos, I wouldn't have looked around and cancelled my subscription to you so in a way... thanks it was fun while it lasted!


Base Runner

Thanks for the suggestions to try FITON and DownDog apps.  FITON has a plan that is free of charge that I will be trying out.

Keeping Pace

Thanks for the tip @Phil_Tee and @roseleaf  I’ve just tried downdog and it’s brilliant. Hopefully we’ll get some feedback from @Fitbit as I’m on the cusp of cancelling my  premium subscription. 

Base Runner

Thank you @Phil_Tee I am going to do the same. £12 is way cheaper!  

First Steps

I’d really like the ‘yoga for runners’ reinstated too. It was perfect for me and I can’t find anything that compares to it in the few that are left. Really disappointing and annoying when you’re paying premium too. Just don’t understand the point in removing them! 

First Steps

Thanks for the suggestions all signed up to Down Dog 😊 so I can now get
back to my morning yoga routine!--
Kind regards,

Moderator Edit: Personal info removed

First Steps

Please bring back the yoga videoes! I loved all of the "Down Dog" videoes. They had great variety of length and difficulty, and I used them all, some of them on a weekly basis. 




First Steps

I can't find a like button, but I would like all suggestions about reinstating yoga videoes if I knew how!!


I'm really upset about this as well!  I loved the Yoga for Sleep video and used the Yoga for Upper Body Stretch to help with my post mastectomy scarring.  It's a real bummer that all the good videos are gone.  Especially when we are paying for a subscription service.   If they aren't added back, I'll probably cancel my membership and just log workouts from other sources manually. 

First Steps
There used to be a great selection of yoga videos and now there’s only 7 stretching videos under the yoga header and 2 are meant for children, I used to mainly use your yoga videos now there’s no point to keeping my premium membership
First Steps

Tried to Vote again it still does not seem to be working.


Fitbit even advised me:


"Research shows yoga's synchronized movement and breathing can help ease stress. New to Yoga? The 7 - pose sequence below is a good place to start.



Fitbit Premium is not giving me anything premium right now.

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @KaceyML, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to see again yoga videos that were removed from Premium. Thanks for sharing your feedback. I've moved it into a similar request.  A lot of users are asking for this option, I hope we receive updates soon.


Please bring back the work out videos that have been recently removed.  The current ones are not as good and do not meet my needs or workout style.

First Steps

Need better and more yoga videos again! I understand if they can’t get the particular programs back that were there before due to licensing but at least bring us something that is comparable. We’re paying for premium and I’m dissatisfied with the lack of yoga videos. I want more than kids yoga and stretching.


And not just yoga.  Most of my favorite workout videos were removed.  Does fitbit not understand how important routines and structure is when people are trying to get fit. 

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