Retrieve any notifications when Fitbit device regains Bluetooth signal

I am a swimmer and I got a fitbit Versa to give me alerts when swimming; i.e. missed calls.  This works fine when the phone is in my pocket and I can hear the phone anyway.

Then I go swimming which means the fitbit is in and out of bluetooth range, mostly out of range (underwater).  If the phone rings or a text comes with no bluetooth signal, the moment is lost.  When I came back in range nothing happens.  I might have 50 missed calls and I will never know until I look at the phone again.  Useless.

When it regains bluetooth signal, it should retrieve any notifications that have happened and not been displayed.

Given the device is marketed for swimming this was a deal breaker for me.  Very disappointing.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @DonFB! Nice suggestion, thanks for sharing. We look forward to hearing what other community members think about retrieving any notifications when a Bluetooth signal is regained.

Not applicable

I would also like to get all missed notifications when my phone isn't in range. Additionally, please only vibrate once for all previously unsynced missed notifications (not hundreds of vibrations because suddenly every single notification is coming in) and only for notifications that are still in the status bar of the phone.

Recovery Runner

@DonFB wrote:


Given the device is marketed for swimming this was a deal breaker for me.  Very disappointing.

"Marketed for swimming" is a bit of an overstatement. Once you use it,

you realize that the marketing actually says something like 'with some swim functions'.

We are gullible and believe what we want to.
I, too, thought the Charge 3 would be good for swimming, but it doesn't track lengths very well.
If you turn on Swimming as an exercise, it basically functions as a timer, HR monitoring is turned off.
If it autorecognizes Swimming, you also get some HR data.

Lack of notification syncing is another in a list of inadequacies for swimmers.

Highly agree about the utility of this features also on the other Fitbit Devices

Not applicable

I just bought my versa today and I just assumed it would do this. Very surprised to find out there wasn't something wrong with my watch to picking up "old" notifications.


I've only had it for a few hours and have already been made aware of this issue. Love the watch otherwise but this should most definetly be fixed. Would probably not have bought it had I known this.

Recovery Runner

This definitely should be added. The watch should always mirror the notifications on your phone when it reconnects after being disconnected. 

Recovery Runner

Would love this. Group and queue notifications until smartwatch is in range.


E.g. 12 missed phonecalls in stead of 12 separate notifications.

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, and thanks so much for sharing this suggestion! Notifications are pushed by the phone operating system and Fitbit doesn't have a record of those, so this particular suggestion isn't possible. We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and your input is a big part of that process. We truly thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us.

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