Rowing/Stationary Rowing Machine Exercise Shortcut

Considering most of the important cardio equipment is represented in the Exercise list, I think it's more than justifiable to add a stationary rowing machine to the list. Almost every gym in America contains at least one or more Concept 2 rower as it is a total body and low impact method of Cardio. It's one of my favorites and I'm sure I am not the only user that is a bit disappointed that is not represented.

Moderator edit: Edited title for clarity and added labels.


Aside from the walking, my Activity of choice is indoor rowing using a Concept2 rower - I am no jogger!

These machines are the most well known for this acitivity and are used for international competition and the rowing machine of choice for all serious rowers- them not me !  The machine provides extensive monitoring allowing workouts to be recored to chipped cards or USB memory sticks and then uploaded to an online log.

I currently convert each rowing workout into a time and calories burnt and add that to my fitbit log manually - doable and fine but it would  be great if there could be some form of integration that would allow my Concept2 log details to be pulled into the the Fitbit log.  Access to the Concept data is supported: my virtual rowing team can access and pull the data onto their own site.

5K Racer

For the most part Fitbit doesn't create interface to push/pull data into other systems. What they have done is provide an open API so that anyone else can do it themselves. So Concept2 could create the interface to Fitbit, or a completely seperate party could create an interface from Concept2 to Fitbit. So you may want to log a suggestion with Concept2. (Or maybe whoever manages your virtual rowing team can add to their process to push the data to Fitbit.)

Recovery Runner


Keeping Pace

Seconded. I'm an amputee and cannot use steppers. elliptical, cycling is possible but a waste of time so that leaves me with just rowing, I use spinning as an alternative on the  surge but would be nice to have the proper category.


Loving the surge so far, got bought a flex for Christmas, loved it, bought the surge as son as it was released in the UK. great so far


I agree with the need for an accuarate representation of calories burned using a Concept Two ergometer. At least you used to be able to manually add the calories burned on the tablet app dashboard but I can't make heads or tails of the new format. Talk to Concept Two and get a realistic picture of what rowing on a rowing machine is like! Or make it easier to add the calories that my erg is telling me I burned! Seriously!


Yes, when I row on my Concept Two, it says I burn about 250 calories per 5000 meters (which takes 28-30 minutes to row).  When I log the activity here, fitbit credits me with 95 calories.  Could the Concept Two be off that far, or is it just that the fitbit folks have no clue how much of a workout rowing is?

I HATE to think that the Concept II is that far off! Ugh! Regardless, I
like the work out and when I watch my son row I know HE is getting a
calorie burn that fits that read out. I would imagine you are too. My next
plan is to write to Concept Two and get them talking to FitBit. Do you do
their Con. II's online logbook? I recommend it. I have done one of their
"challenges" and it really helped me lose some stubborn pounds, so I think
they are right and FitBit is clueless!
Here's their login page, in case you can stand to take the time to record
one more thing!
I think it's the Fitbit that's waaaay off in it's computation of calories
burned while rowing. It shouldn't be that difficult to estimate as fitbit
knows my age, gender, height and weight, and it knows how far I rowed in a
set amount of time. Effort expended in the form of calories should be a
simple math problem. I'm actively looking for a different device that will
do a better job of measuring all my fitness efforts, not just steps.
First Steps

I agree. We need a shortcut for the rowing machine.  This is the best wexercise...PERIOD

First Steps

Given the Surge and the Charge HR don't give an accurate HR reading during a rowing workout, I have gone to a chest belt (H7 Polar) which works as a Bluetooth Smart device and speaks with the Concept II PM5 (Performance Monitor).  80% or more of my workouts rely on weight or rowing type training.

I would like to see the ability to input avg HR when manually inputting my rowing machine workouts into the Fitbit App.  The other option would be to have a Fitbit (or 3rd party accessory) chest belt that speaks to the Surge and Charge HR for workouts (rowing, Crossfit, weight training) that would give accurate readings.


I have a Surge and am loving it, with a few more improvements this would the best watch on the planet.

Thanks for the update. I will look into that as I'm still never sure when
they use their converters to say "light, medium, or heavy or
intensive"....I've watched people use arm things at my gym when I do
weights there, but everyone wears maybe they have those on
under their clothing?
Anyway, the other side of this is I contacted Con2 rowing through the
website the logbook is on and they wrote back twice that they are taking
steps to reach out to FitBit, so MAYBE something will happen from that end!
Who knows?
I appreciate the info on the Surge and will see if that is something I want
to get.
First Steps

Totally agree. With my bad ankle stationary rowing is one of the few exercises I am able to do and it would be really awesome if I could keep track of them, using my fitbit.

First Steps

I bought this device because I row 3 times a week. I am really disappointed to see that I cannot select that activity for my device. Please add it soon!


I also have a concept 2 with PM5 monitor.  It would be great to have it link to the fitbit app on the iphone.  It already uploads via an app called ergdata.


I DID reach out to Concept 2 because I'm getting tired of converting my calories burned from my Con2 online log to my FitBit. It's messy and FitBit's "conversion rate" rate for indoor rowers or stationery rowing doesn't match what my rowing card is telling me at all. Basically I enter it for awhile, but it is a pain and I quit, so my FitBit board doesn't reflect what I'm doing at all, other than steps. I only have so much time to mess around with it so I can either spend it entering food or going to my rowing log and converting the rowing. I end up doing neither! 

I love the step counting, but it isn't a super useful dashboard to me. David Hart from Concept2 was 'told by FitBit' that it needed to come from user requests when Con2 'reached out' to FitBit. 

How about it FitBit? Smiley Happy


First Steps

I totally agree. I row a couple of time each week and it breaks my heart that a 250 $ exercise oriented gadget can not identify rowing.

Dont even get me started on the bogus heartrate monitor. I get 95 BPM while my POLAR reads 128 BPM.

First Steps

I row every day in the Gym.  Please add rowing to the excersise list.

Not applicable

For the 7-day challenge, my sister is killing me with all the steps added when she runs. I don't run, but I use a rowing machine which tracks zero steps. Can we add another factor like Active Minutes for the Friend dashboard in the mobile app?

First Steps

I use the rowing machine at the gym at least 3 times a week. It would be great if this was added to the exercise list!


First Steps

Ditto ... Rowing is my primary Cardio workout !!!! Please, add it to excersise list !!!

First Steps

I agree .. Can you please add Rowing to the list !!

First Steps

I have a stationary rowing machine in my house and want to start using it more.  It would be great to be able to use my Fitbit to calculate my calories burned for me.  Adding this would be great!


agreed, I Row a couple of times a week, and would like to be able to track this.

i use Elliptical for now, how close that is.

Stepping Up

I too would like to see a rowing machine activity on my Surge. Currently using a Concept 2 w/ PM 5.


I use a water rower and would also like to see this added to surge options. I am able to change my "workout" to rowing on the dashboard but there isn't an option to add distance, intensity, SPM, or calorie edits.

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