Rowing/Stationary Rowing Machine Exercise Shortcut

Considering most of the important cardio equipment is represented in the Exercise list, I think it's more than justifiable to add a stationary rowing machine to the list. Almost every gym in America contains at least one or more Concept 2 rower as it is a total body and low impact method of Cardio. It's one of my favorites and I'm sure I am not the only user that is a bit disappointed that is not represented.

Moderator edit: Edited title for clarity and added labels.

Premium User
Recovery Runner
I too have a Concept 2, and there being no support for rowing in the foreseeable future is one of the reasons I cancelled my preorder for the Blaze.
First Steps

I row both on the water (where I need to use the GPS track) and on the Concept 2.  Would really like both added.  If you can get Strokes per Minute, all the better...but would be great to have some basic speed, heart rate, and position data.  

(Note I have a Surge)


Premium User
Recovery Runner
I'm slowly giving up on fitbit, my Band 2 can actually log rowing and quite accurately so. Even if it sucks in many respects at least updates and new features are happening.
Stepping Up

Just love my new Blaze!  

Please figure out how to quantify rowing machine activity and give us a shortcut for recording that!  It's a fabulous cardio and full body workout that is easier on middle aged joints than a lot of other exercises.



Apparently no one at Fitbit is paying attention - it really shouldn't be
that hard, given the other activities that are already tracked.

Moderator edit: removed personal information

First Steps
Please add Rowing to the list of exercises.
First Steps

When I am rowing, I like that fitbit counts every row (either a left or a right stroke) as a single step. This is how I know how many strokes I have performed for rowing. I wish that fitbit continues to translate my rowing strokes to steps in future upgrades.

An option to choose the rowing machine under "exercises"

I too use a rowing machinge for 20 minutes X 3 a week.  Best approximation I can do is Excercise mode.  I have tried Treadmill and eliptical but neither register my arm motions well.

I would like to see rowing added to the exercise list in the Surge instead of picking the closest option Vailable or having to record my time, etc manually. I have. WaterRower and have found it is one of the best exercise equipment along with Dumbbells to strengthen, tone and improve my cardio endurance.
Thank you
Recovery Runner

Another vote here for fitbit to include rowing machine as an option. Can someone from Fitbit confirm if this is likely to happen?

Recovery Runner
I am a sculler and when not on the water I use a concept 2 erg. Would love to have my surge track this activity
First Steps

And another one. Pretty pretty please create the shortcut and confirm us

First Steps

Would be great if there were an option on my surge for the rowing maching.  

First Steps

I agree, the rower is essential gym equipment and a option in the exercise list is needed!

First Steps

I use my Waterrower often.  I would also like a specific rowing machine option on the Surge.

First Steps
Yes, please add "Rowing" as an exercise option.
Please please please can rowing be added as a GPS option, I'm having to use bike option but it's a pain when you bike too and you can't edit the exercise when synced.
First Steps
Please add rowing as a selection in the exercise list.
Recovery Runner

I would also like to see rowing added

First Steps

I am another rowing machine user, who wishes the Blaze could track my rowing accurately.


What mode do you use for erg and what mode can I use when I'm rowing on the water. Give both erg and water rowing modes and I will be one happy lady! Want to track routes, speed, distance and stroke rates 

Recovery Runner
That's my question as well. I've used "workout" both on the water and
erging and get HR info, nothing else very useful. I've also tried "Hiking"
on the water and it shows HR and a map of where I rowed. Wish it could do
more ...

*Carole *[image: 🐾]

* please excuse my thypos:)*
First Steps

please consider upgrade to fitbit blaze so it can detect ROWING activity and count calories accurately. Adding strokes data would be next to awesome!


Sea rowing!  i have also yused hiking on the water.  great map, but realloy doesnt reflect the effort that different sea conditions give. 

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