Separate BMR from Activity Calories Burned

I will admit to being someone who quite recently learned what BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is and that we burn a certain amount of those calories just to live based on our gender, weight and height.  


Currently Fit Bit combines BMR and activity calories together.  While I think it's very valuable for people to be aware of BMR, it's also nice to see (and reward yourself) for activity based calories. 


It would be really nice to have a clear seperation of the two in a real-time tally on the Dashboard and even on the Fit Bit device.

Ex. Today:

BMR - 790

Activity - 560

Active Minutes - 200

Total - 1350


Frankly, throughout my day, all I care about is activity calories.  Right now as a user I have to do a calculation at end of day (total calories minus my avg BMR) to see how hard I worked that day, sweating my butt off, not just blinking and breathing.


Thanks! I'd love to hear whether or not i'm just missing something and this is available, or if it's something you'd consider for an enhancement. 





Moderator Edit: Labels / Updated subject for clarity.

Stepping Up

I would love to use ONLY steps to calculate calories burned.  Thanks for considering this.

Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Kettir thank you for your comment. I merged it here, since we already have an existing feature suggestion regarding this topic. 

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum
Hi everyone, thanks for sharing this suggestion. We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and we appreciate all of the input we receive from our customers. We do not currently have plans to release this feature. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs located at the top right box of the Feature Suggestions Board screen. For now, we will leave this suggestion open for votes (and closed to comments) so that we can continue to track community demand over time. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we will let you know if anything changes.
Recovery Runner

I would like to see in the main page of my charge 3 and app the calories burned during the day counting only the calories burned with movement and not by my metabolism. 

For me is more useful to see only the calories burned with movement because is a good measure to know how much I moved during the day and compare it to a run for example. 


Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @stefy97100, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us. This feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here. Don't forget to add your vote!

Recovery Runner

So it's almost 4 years and you still don't implement this feature... Nice Fitbit....

First Steps

I would like to see on the phone app and on the website account a total of how many calories I burned per week and per day when in exercise mode.

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @ScreechOwl, thanks for explaining why you would like to have this option. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has a lot of votes. As the more votes and comments an idea has the more visibility and momentum it gains. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.

Stepping Up

My main goal is calories, and I must make additional efforts to make my goal. But even though if I do not make any effort I still will continue to burn calories while at rest. I know what that amount (calories burned while resting) will be, but I need to do math to figure out what my total will be at the end of the day.


My suggestion is to offer an option to display estimated total calories for each day, rather than calories burned so far. At the beginning of the day, calories displayed whould be the bare minimum,  and all day that number would grow based on your efforts (unless you never got out of bed).  This way you could see exactly how close you are to your daily goal, at any time of day, without having to do the math.

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @FluffyCute, thanks for explaining why you would like to have this option on the Fitbit App. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has a lot of votes. As the more votes and comments an idea has the more visibility and momentum it gains. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.


Thanks for posting and I hope to see you chatting around enjoying the Forums!


Rather than the calorie counter showing all of the calories you burn throughout the day and when asleep, it would be handy if there was an option to only show calories you have burned whilst actually exercising.

Status changed to: New
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hello @lizzyspindler! Thanks for sharing this suggestion, I moved it to this similar post so you can add your vote to it. Please keep sharing your ideas with us! Woman Happy

First Steps

I agree!! I just got rid of my Apple Watch that I loved but it hurt my wrist, I loved that it showed total calories as well as active. I base my goals on active calories burned so would be nice if Fitbit can make that happen. 

Bumping this! Would loveeee to see a breakdown of overall calories happen. Honestly, it's the one thing I dislike about fitbit, which is making me wonder if an apple watch would be a better fit for me!

First Steps

The calorie count far overestimates calories burned compared with my other non-Fitbit device. This is partly due to fact that you include BMR calories as well as activity calories.  You should have a way to separate these out and to adjust the activity calories burned. Once try to trick the devise into thinking BMR is almost zero by putting weight as 0 and height as zero or whatever your lower limit of those parameters are.  Not sure if that would eliminate inclusion of BMR calories.  But there should be a real way in settings to do this.

Recovery Runner

This has been a requested update for years, and FitBit have shown zero interest in implementing this feature, which is standard for other devices. 

I will 100% be moving to an Apple watch once I'm ready for an upgrade. 


Such an easy fix, and a missed opportunity for Fitbit. 

First Steps

I have also taken the Fitbit back. It way over calculated steps and I liked the active calories burned on the Apple Watch. I can do everything the Fitbit can do by using my phone. 

Recovery Runner

 I understand the importance of knowing your bmr and eating appropriately for your activity level however I think its insane that fitbit has been around for so long now and there is no option to turn off or modify bmr settings. I've just bought my versa and I'm thinking of just returning it for an apple watch because that has the options I want 

Ultramarathon Racer

The CDC now calls being sedentary the new smoking.  You have a step goal, why not an activity calorie goal?  This should definitely be part of your Corporate Wellness.


You already have the information.  You used to provide this with the Premium Trainer.

First Steps


This is such a basic feature, I'm amazed it hasn't been implemented. 


I'm taking my Fitbit back to where I bought it tomorrow. 

Base Runner
I have an Apple Watch, now. I’m very happy.

Sent from my iPhone

I don't understand why this is still a feature that the FitBit community has to beg for. I'm still within my satisfaction guaranteed return period and part of me is considering returning the Versa for an Apple Watch. We all want to easily understand what effort we're putting in that is beyond what our bodies would naturally do, even if we never got off of the couch. This is so BASIC!

First Steps

Completely agree. Really disappointed with my fitbit because of this. Shall be returning and switching to Apple. This issue has been questioned for years now and so far it hasn't even been acknowledged by fitbit. Absolutely ridiculous !!!! Seriously annoyed by this! 


Yes i moved to Fitbit versa after using Apple Watch series 3, but really disappointed to see that basic thing is not there and i never know my actual active calories burn, i will surely go back to use Apple watch again.

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