Separate ON/OFF switch for Predictions (Fertility Window & Period)

It would be a great feature to be able to turn on or off the ovulation & fertility window predictions for those Fitbit users that do not want or need that information for their female health tracking. Right now we only have the option to turn off all predictions which then also turns off the menstruation predictions. 


Moderator edit: Updated subject for clarity.

First Steps

I completely agree.  Since I was able to put in that I am on birth control, I would think that it would automatically turn off the "fertile window" option.  It makes me squirmy and feel awkward to see that in there.  Definitely would prefer that it would say "days until next period" or something like that.


Thanks Much folks, I noticed it is now a feature.

First Steps

VICTORY!!! Thanks for listening, FitBit!

First Steps
I noticed the change!!! Thanks for the update!!!! Really appreciate it!!!

Thanks and Best Regards
Sandy Lim

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Thank you so much for fixing this! As someone who struggles with infertility, this is such a relief to not have this in my face.

Not applicable

I agree, I most certainly do not need to see my 'fertile period' any more. I'm long past wanting babies, especially at my age :D. I'm just waiting until my periods actually stop happening. 

Tempo Runner

Thank you so much for implementing this! Yay!!! 

Recovery Runner

Please implement this suggestion. I neither want nor need to track my fertility, however I do want to track my periods. Requiring fertility tracking in order to see period predictions is a major design flaw given that so many people don't track their fertility.


Yes please I don't want to see fertile window!! I can't have any more babies and it is a very painful reminder 😞 however I would like to track my period I was very happy to see this option

First Steps

Have the option to turn off fertility tracking without turning off period tracking. Don't care when i am fertile just my that my periods are consistent. Those should be separate, not lumped in the same prediction. 

Tempo Runner

Why does this still say under consideration? It has now been implemented. There should also be a way to let Fitbit users know that it is now an option in their settings. 

Recovery Runner

Breezygirl - it's been implemented in iOS and for the Windows desktop app but not yet for Android (for some reason).

Status changed to: Released
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, I'm happy to announce that this has been developed and released for the Fitbit app. You can read more about it by clicking here


We are happy however to release this as we know it was a popular feature request from the community. Enjoy!

First Steps

Has this been updated for Android? 

Google Play shows last update of 4 October, and I do not have this option in my app. 

I have Fitbit app version 2.80.1 for android and it isn't showing up.

Thank you for saying this! I've been updating my Android phone constantly
and don't see this update.
Not applicable

I know Fitbit has said they have no plans to add a pregnancy setting to the app, or even just to Female Health Tracking.  That's infuriating, but okay, they don't want to go through with a lot of additional options and algorithms.


Please at least add the option to temporarily pause cycle tracking.  Maybe it's because I'm pregnant, maybe I'm using a form of birth control that stops my cycles altogether.  The app should be able to show a little pause icon, and later when I resume, pick up predictions again right where it left off.


Without this option, cycle predictions will be useless after any sort of interruption in the typical cycle.


Please mods do NOT merge this into the greater pregnancy setting feature suggestion.  I already know it's been rejected and I'm suggesting this alternative in light of Fitbit's (very negative) stance on pregnancy.


I have a hard time understanding not putting  a pregnancy option. It literally  affects everything.  My resting heart rate is up so knowing normal range on that would be nice, tracking acceptable weight gain and calorie intake, and pregnancy timeline. I have other apps that do it but it makes my Fitbit almost useless for 9-10 months.

Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @SunsetRunner, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us. This feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here. You can now turn off predicted fertility and period predictions on the app. You can read more about it by clicking here.

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