SmartTrack to display distance for step-based activities

When SmartTrack detects a step based activity allow it to display distance on the activity log instead of N/A.


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Sense, Charge 5, Inspire 2; iOS and Android

Keeping Pace

I don't see why when my fitbit detects I've been walking and counts my step and my distance easily, it's not available (N/A) when I go see that activity.


The work-around is to use the button whenever I go walking and then change the "workout" to "walk" when I'm done and synched, but it is tedious and I would really prefer to have the SmartTrack feature just include this data, since it is easy to implement for fitbit.


Thanks for this otherwise great device (Charge HR), I already feel much healthier knowing all my personal data and working to make it better daily.

Recovery Runner

I've been using FitBit for a couple of years now, and never felt the need to come onto the community until today; so please bear with me as I have a lot of posts I have read up on regarding my issue and idea, found a major common theme, but may have missed a post or two..

I have searched existing ideas and found only one similar, but not the same, regarding SmartTrack and Manual distance adding, which is not what I want. I'm happy not pressing a button and the FitBit doing it for me, that bit is great; manually doing things sucks..


SmartTrack recognises and correctly labels 'walk' (outside), 'run' (treadmill) and 'workout' (kickboxing).

If it's smart enough to know I'm walking or running and it knows my stride surely it can show distance in the distance column? Otherwise what's the distance column for, if not for walking and running?!

We used to use this column for recording how far we have walked or ran, and it was a very popular feature. It was also in demand on the android app, but never provided.


My idea is that you keep the SmartTrack thingy which correctly identifies when I am running and walking, but, knowing that people running and walking want to know how far they have done these things, it tells us this in the Distance column. Genius.


It's my first day on the Community and I can see literally hundreds of posts of people complaining about this issue, and the mods are saying there are no plans to bring it back?! (One moderator literally said this, which shocked me and has made me request this feature specifically)
Supply and demand?
Customer satisfaction?


This exactly! What's the point of having SmartTrack detect walks when it can't even display relevant stats? Kind of defeats the purpose!

Great device. Had mine (charge HR) for over 2 years and brilliant for running and walking. Why oh why however can't you set a default distance/time for a bike workout or manually override/edit the distance the device thinks you have cycled which seems from my own personal experience, and seemingly from many other users, to be grossly underestimated. Also - when will I be able to swim with my HR without fear of it dying? As a triathlete of 30+ years, I think the Fitbit is a good little tracker, but with these couple of improvements it would be a market leader! Come on Fitbit .... Empower your users 😉

I agree, it is ridiculous to have SmartTrack rigister it as a walk, only to find that it won't tell you the distance you've walked.


Agreed! It's crazy that it tracks your distance but that you can't view how it relates to a single activity. Even Google Fit does that. 

First Steps



I am shocked to see that this simple feature isn't present when I check my Dashboard.

My FitBit automatically detects that I am walking, can log the number of steps and calories burned but doesn't list one vital statistic - the distance covered!


Surely this info is colalted somewhere....


When I press the button to do a gym class it calculates distance so why can it not do it for walking?


I am sure this is such a simple feature to add so can you please update or add this feature into your next release.

It is really annoying after a long walk to not know how far you've actually gone.....

Stepping Up
It would be great for the app to display distance in the stats breakdown of our runs and walks, besides time, calories and active minutes. I'm surprised such a basic, elemental feature is not included.
Not applicable
Definitely a major omission from a tracker. When I mailed Customer Support on the issue, I was told I could manually add the exercise!

Yes distance should be automatic when walking - I'm sure this can be estimated with stride length in the app.

Everyone that has an iPhone this is done for them automatically

Paid $150 for my new Alta and this is a much needed feature or I'll need to abandon my FitBit

Recovery Runner

Adding the distance for activity recorded by SmartTrack should be fairly simple and would be a great update to apply to the Fitbit app.  I don't want to have to remember to start and stop recording for every activity I do. If I'm out for a walk I might not think to turn on the activity tracker and then I'm left wondering how far I went.


Please add this functionality to the app!

Runs and walks that are recorded via SmartTrack do not display distance, only steps. This eliminates the ability to track your distance ran and your pace. I need this to measure my running for my training and pacing.
First Steps

I have a Charge HR and under each workout (whether through SmartTrack or turning on workout mode manually) all that is there is workout time, steps, and calories. Distance needs to be added to this, there is no logical reason why it's not there and if there is you need to share this with your customer base, otherwise you should make the change seeing as it doesn't seem too difficult for you guys! That is all (Y).

Ultramarathon Racer

Hi, @mkp217, this is a duplicate request.  Please add your voice to this request instead.  The more votes the more likely it is to be implemented.

First Steps

SmartTrack should be able to track distance for activities. Fitbit already knows how far we've gone because distance populates when we manually add a workout. 

Premium User

I have stated in a separate thread how thoroughly dissatisfied I am and will be with my Alta and the Fitbit app until this functionality is included. It is legitimately a matter of adding two formulas to SmartTracked exercises, entirely comprised of values/data that is already included/tracked. If I had to pay $130 for use of this app by buying a compatible tracker, it should be able to give me the information that I want to see. Furthermore, I shouldn't have to buy an even more expensive device with functionality that I do not need or desire just to see my distance and pace information for periods of step-based activity.

Stepping Up

It makes no sense to omit distance tracking from SmartTrack. This should be standard part of SmartTrack.


Despicably false advertising of the product without this feature


As a runner it is CRUCIAL for me to know time and distance ran. If I had known I would not have purchased this product. 


Very disappointed. I will be taking my money elsewhere. This needs to change for fitbit to really stand the test of time. 


I totally agree with this idea - it seems like a no brainer to show the distance!!

First Steps

Such a simple thing to implement, tracker has all the information the software needs for the application to be able to determine this. Either this is some business decision to push people onto more expensive models or it is poor understanding of the user base. Would not recommend fitbit to any friends without this feature 


This should be standard! Another easy similar feature: when logging an exercise that hasn't been picked up by smarttrack, have the app suggest/fill in the distance... this is a number that the app is already recording. Crazy this isn't already included.

First Steps

Agreed, really silly that I can't see the km's for a specific activity - if I have just been for a run the most important information for me is the time and the distance covered.

First Steps

Is there any good reason why this information isn’t registered for SmartTrack? It doesn’t make any sense given the data is there. At first glance, it looks like an oversight on Fitbit’s part – but after having a read here, it seems like it was actually a conscious decision. Very disappointing to discover this isn't a problem with an easy fix on my device.

First Steps

The good thing for me is that I can still return this as I have had it less than 30 days....all I do is walk and I change my distances every occasion. this isn't helping. I liked the first fitbit I had...but it FELL APART...twice.

First Steps

I suppose I will reiterate the sentiment of everyone else in here. I had an "original, old-school" Charge, and it didn't have SmartTrack. I pushed a button on the side to start exercise and pushed it again to stop. I will admit that there were times I forgot, so sometimes I "exercised" for a whole day, but you'll have that. Regardless, I got the Alta as a warranty replacement, and when I saw the SmartTrack I got excited - until I lost the distance and pacing. Terribly disappointing.


I understand that the developers want to know what we as users want, and I am astonished that this doesn't have more votes. I suppose what I am even more astonished about is that the developers didn't think that this would be a necessary component in a tracker! And regardless of whether there are "enough" votes for it, do it because it's a tracker. Hell, suck it up and just say you forgot to put that option in - something. If it weren't for the fact that I am part of a wellness program that has to use a Fitbit, I'd be looking for something else. 


I am a sports official and I work three different sports all year round. Between all three sports, I probably come in contact with at least 200 other officials and just as many, if not more, athletes. I will not recommend Fitbit to any of them, and will tell them to look for some other device until this issue is resolved. Bad news travels fast, people. Spread the word. Seventy votes (at least at this time) be **ahem**ed! Vote with your dollars!

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