Start week on Monday on Android App

So sorry, USA, but you are the only ones who start the week on Sunday. For the rest of the world, we would really appreciate if we can change the settings on our Android app for the week to start on the first day of the week, namely Monday. I know you can do it on the dashboard, but I'd like to start the week on Mondays, also on the app, as this is my primary go-to place to check stats. 




Moderator Edit: Added Labels

Stepping Up

Per the email response I received March 14th from Fitbit support below, please answer the following questions:


  1. How many votes are required on this issue to have the fix implemented as a feature?
  2. Is there a fix that is currently in development?


Hi Michelle,

Thank you for your suggestion. We're constantly striving to improve Fitbit products and services, and we very much appreciate all of the input we receive from our customers. The best place to make your voice heard is the Ideas board on our community (, which our product development teams consult regularly to ensure we're delivering on what our customers need and want. Please take a moment to visit and give us your feedback.

Please post the same questions: "How many votes are required on this issue to have the fix implemented as a feature?
Is there a fix that is currently in development?", so you can receive an answer concerning your inquiries. 

Thank you so much for your feedback and for participating in our community!


Jose Z and the Fitbit Team

First Steps
Oh. My. Gosh. That official answer is HYSTERICAL. Or nonsensical. Definitely nonsensical. Sad, and very discouraging as well.
First Steps
I,also would like to start the week on Monday the same as my computer
First Steps
I agree. Having the Android app out of sync with the rest of the fitbit interfaces is very frustrating. Making the default start of the week be Sunday makes no sense. Most people and the ISO standards consider Monday as the first day of the week.
First Steps

Please add option to set start week to Monday on Fitbit app for Android devices. Have been trying to fix this on my Android device for several weeks, to match what I track on my desk top. Have been thinking I am simply technologically inept before deciding to go today to the Help forum for assistance. Thankfully I am now realizing its not just me 😞


Oh. My. Gawd!! How is it that this still hasn't been fixed??? 


YES! By all freaking means! Give us a Monday to Sunday week on Android!!


Feature Request?  Seems a pretty basic option.  For some reason I get mine on a Tuesday.  Can you please indicate when this will get "fixed"?

First Steps

I paid $200 for a new FB blaze and I can't change the week start date on my android app from Sunday to Monday. What is up with that? When is FB going to come out with a fix for this?



First Steps
The iPhone app (work phone) allows Monday to be selected. While my phone (samsung) fitbit does not, frustrating stuff and the data is obviously conflicting. In Oz as in the US Sunday is a "day off" would be nice to track that day like Saturday: rest or sweat 🙂 cheers to the passion for progress
Sunday is a weekEND day, it's obviously called that for a reason. Lol

Rachel Malseed
Recovery Runner

Here's a thing I just noticed: In the android app when I tap the Exercise tile, the page shows weeks that go from Monday to Sunday. All of the other pages (Steps, Sleep, Calories, etc.) show weeks that go from Sunday to Saturday. I'm not sure how this could be, or how long it's been like that, but clearly this feature request is possible.




First Steps
I have been asking since last summer for an option to start the week on Sunday or Monday. Android is the only operating system that does not allow this option. Should be so simple to do.
First Steps
How can I get the android app to have the same start of the week day as the weekly email statistics ?
If you are not close to patching the android app can you adjust the email you send ?
Stepping Up

Please fix!

First Steps
Yup. Please patch android to start Monday.
First Steps
What fool in management thought it was a good idea to start the week on Sunday? And no I don't care if it's more difficult to implement changes on Android than other platforms. No one thinks of Sunday as the start of their week.

Just another reason I won't be getting another fitbit and that I tell others not to get one in the first place. It's the little things that kill.
Tempo Runner
Hi Fitbit. Just want to remind you something. Android users still want the option to use Monday as the first day of the week. Please fix it.
Recovery Runner
Interesting that a firm answer is not given.
Again not life threatening but a response wouls be welcome.

All Fitbit need to say is - we haven't got around to this yet - will tell you when we can be bothered.


Perhaps a better suggestion would be 'Please take this option away from iphones until its on Android' I reckon we'd get it fixed in about 3.5 hours 🙂


A brilliant product (on my second, user since 2011) let down by the all too familair Android 2nd Class citizens to fruity.

First Steps
My weekly emailed report is from thursday to wednesday which is completely useless. It would be great to choose the day of the week it starts. I would choose monday to sunday. This is my vote
Recovery Runner

@Reedaw wrote:

My weekly emailed report is from thursday to wednesday which is completely useless. It would be great to choose the day of the week it starts. I would choose monday to sunday. This is my vote

I never looked at my weekly report email until I read this, but mine is also from Thursday to Wednesday. How bizarre. What in the world would be the purpose of that?


Has anyone other than me noticed that in the Android app, one page actually DOES have a Monday-Sunday week instead of a Sunday-Saturday week? It is the exercise page. See screen captures here:  This makes no sense either, especially in light of the assertion that Android won't allow Monday to be the first day of the week. 


FWIW My Weekly stats report runs Mon-Sun so from that PoV you may be able to change a setting on the your home web page - obviously not on the app .... see all above 😞 

Recovery Runner

That's what's so odd.

  • On my web dashboard (and in my account settings there), week start is Monday. 
  • In the fitbit app on my iPad, on all the detail pages, and in the settings, week start is Monday.
  • In the android app, there is no week start option in settings, as we know, but the exercise detail page week start is Monday, while on all the other detail pages week start is Sunday. 
  • And in the weekly stats email, week start is Thursday. 



*Ha, now I can't find the Thurs-Wed one. Deleting this from my list on the "pix or it didn't happen" principle.


My weekly progress report goes from Monday to Sunday. I never heard of it
starting on Thursday lol

Rachel Malseed
First Steps
Is that the progress report you get emailed to you or the one on the app itself? Mine's just the email progres report. I have no idea how to change it
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