Start week on Monday on Android App

So sorry, USA, but you are the only ones who start the week on Sunday. For the rest of the world, we would really appreciate if we can change the settings on our Android app for the week to start on the first day of the week, namely Monday. I know you can do it on the dashboard, but I'd like to start the week on Mondays, also on the app, as this is my primary go-to place to check stats. 




Moderator Edit: Added Labels

Recovery Runner

Just to add another comment to this - even though my week is set to start on a Monday on the web Dashboard, all by my Weekly Exercise on my android app starts on a Sunday ! 


How come one item can start where I have set it to (on my preferences online) and all of the rest are out of sync.


Come on fitbit get this working !


Three days into my Charge 2, and here I am voting for you to save my brain from meltdown. A weekend is a week's end, is it not? I do get the appeal of rhyming Sunday and Monday one after the other, but there are too many non-US users to ignore.

First Steps
This was happening to me, too. I just now logged out of my android app and
logged back in and it has changed to Monday. Try that if you haven't
First Steps
There is a new thread to vote on that is to allow users the ability to set
the weekly report start day as well as the app start day of the week. As of
right now, if you choose a start day of the week on the dashboard for
Sunday, the weekly reports emailed still start on Monday. I personally
don't care which day of the week we can start on, as long as the weekly
reports match my app data. However, I wonder if voting on this piece will
help everyone that is wanting their apps to start on Monday. Here is the
link to vote:

It may be worth mentioning again that previously when I chose a start day
of Monday on the online dashboard, my app still started on Sundays, but
when I tried it again this morning and then logged out of my android app
then logged back in and synced, my app seemed to change to a start day of
Monday. Granted, I did that this morning, so I need to wait a week to see
if it sticks, but for everyone having issues with a Monday start day, I
suggest trying that. I got my Charge 2 in late December and have an adroid
app on my Samsung Galaxy phone.

Signing out actually worked! Thank you so much! I'd never figure out a need to sign out 🙂

First Steps

It doesn't work for all sections (like sleep)


*Best Regards,*

Moderator Edit: Personal info removed

First Steps

please add monday as "start week on" option on android

First Steps

I was sent here from the Android Marketplace because I left a review that complained about the lack of this option. Suffice to say, with this having been reported to you nearly two years ago, I'm not going to hold my breath for this to get fixed any time soon. Very disappointed in you, Fitbit. As somebody who works with software development on a daily basis, I refuse to believe that it would take much for you guys to make the first day of the week an option for your users. Especially considering that this is already possible in the iPhone version (or so I've heard anyway).


Yes, please add the feature to start week on Mondays on the Android app. This is a glaring omission. Why hasn't it been addressed in two years? I want to hear something from the fitbit team. 

First Steps

I would also love to be able to adjust my android app settings to start on a Monday!!!!

First Steps

I love my Fitbit and I love the stats that come through to give me the motivation to push myself that little bit more every week, However, that becomes hard when you start on Monday but it starts on Sunday and it throws everything out. I would love for it to start on Monday or even better to be able to choose so that everyone has the flexibility.

Recovery Runner

It's pretty sad that there are posts dating back to 2015 and Fitbit still hasn't fixed this problem. In our day of technology why is this so hard? 

Not applicable

Can we please have the week start on monday? Really annoying to discover that exercise done on sunday has landed in a new week. Otherwise a fine product.

First Steps

Please change this.  App development is about listening to your users.   We've been asking for a change that is live on multiple versions of your platform already, yet it has gone unanswered for over two years.  This is a few hours work for one person, max.  Just get it done!

First Steps

It's unbelievable how long this request has been open considering that it's really a bug in their Android release, since it appears to work on their other platforms. It also makes me wonder how this app is designed if such a simple change is apparently unimplementable. Really annoying for all of us who start their week on Monday 😞

Recovery Runner

How is this not fixed? It seems this is possible everywhere, except on FitBit app for Android? I mean: everywhere. Not just the FitBit world.

This is really really basic and should have been tackled during a BETA stage or something. I'm no tech expert but I feel this can be fixed on a Friday afternoon 30 minutes before going home...


I have no idea what the logic behind this is: everyone is able to start their weeks on Mondays, except people who happened to buy a fitbit in combination  with an adroid OS on an unrelated purchase? How does that make any logical sense?

Recovery Runner

This situation is ridiculous.  I really want to get one of the new watch style trackers, but I can't until this is fixed.  I have deleted the app from my phone.  I just sync with my PC regularly.  Hopefully when it is fixed, something will be posted here.  I have many years in on fitbit. I don't want to have to switch to another vendor.

First Steps

Wow, after a quick Google search I've come across this thread and can't believe this has been an issue for so long. I've been using my fitbit for almost a year now and have just switched over to android. Super disappointed and annoyed I can't sync my week like I did previously on the iOS app. 

Recovery Runner

If your phone allows it, go under Settings > General > Language & Input and change the main language to English (United Kingdom). This will force the FitBit app to use Monday as the start date (also your GPS voice will sound British, so bonus! lol). For whatever reason, the FitBit app gets its week start day configuration from the phone's location rather than from the calendar settings. Whether the company can't or won't change that is anyone's guess. 

Stepping Up

On the fitbit website you indicate what day your week starts on. I think it's goofy that the android app doesn't pay attention to that setting.  My company rewards us for our steps every 28 days and the period begins on Monday. So I set the website settings to Monday - it display my info correctly and I can actually get my correct pas 28 days. But when I look in my android phone - the weekly numbers are always off just because it doesn't pay attention to your settings. Plus - it would be nice for it to match up to the progress reports we get from fitbit.

The Apple app reflects my settings correctly!

Stepping Up

Please allow android app to have week start on MONDAY.  This topic has been on your comment board for over 2 years and still no solution.

First Steps

Hope you could fix it for us. Very important to have flexibility in our device! Thanks 😕

First Steps

I tried logging out from teh Fitbit app on my phone and then back in again to change the start of the week to Monday, but it didn't work. Hoping Fitbit fixes this soon.

Stepping Up
Nothing I have tried yet has worked. Starting to look like Fitbit does not
care about their Android users!!!! They have not gotten back in touch with
me after asking me for more info.
First Steps

Yes, fitbit, please make this change.  If IPhone users can have a start day of Monday on the app, droid users should be able to as well.  Some of us are on teams and our weeks need to be measured the same, and right now they can't be.  Please update so the apps work equally. 

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