Support International Date Formats

It's 2018. Simply put, new devices and applications which don't take into account the needs of the world community in terms of a very basic date display should not exist. It's not that hard.


I can understand that the majority of folks in the USA don't really care about the way the rest of the world uses dates. And it would therefore be exceedingly difficult to drum up enough support via a "popular vote". But, it's just common courtesy.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label

First Steps

^meant to say "I'd prefer to see date format DD|MM rather than MM|DD"

First Steps

It's a sign of maturity when a developer can localise Dates correctly.  I see no option for this on the FITBIT Inspire.

E.g. when you see 06 04     is that 6th of April or 4th of June?

Likewise with Time, choosing a 12 hour clock or a 24 hour clock is an important personal preference. 

This should be standard practice for all 'global' software.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @beri and @fitty_boom_boom  nice suggestion , it could be useful for many users. Thanks for sharing the idea and your comments, we look forward to hearing what other community members think.  

First Steps

Given I can set my dashboard to show the correct dd:mm format based on my location, the inspire clockface should obviously follow suit. This is not a 'nice suggestion' for a useful feature: it is a request to correct an obvious design flaw! Why would anyone want the date to be shown in the wrong format for their locale?


Completely agree. Only got my ne Fitbit inspire today and the date format is annoying me already! Love the watch otherwise. 

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Jo9  und @Queequeg Thank you for you comments.  Please do not forget to leave your vote for this suggestion. 

@Queequeg  I  found this suggestion on the board about the date format on the Dashboard. You can also vote for this one. 

Let's see what other users have to say


Hi. How do I leave a vote please?

Moderator edit:  removed personal information

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Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Jo9  Thanks for your reply.  On the upper left corner of this thread, you'll see a vote counter.  It should be left from the titel. You should press it once in order to leave your vote. If you press it twice, you vote will be removed. 


Let me know if you have further questions. 

First Steps

Yes please allow date format change! I get very confused when I see 04/03 when it is actually the 3rd or april! (03/04)

First Steps

Please please please enable me to change the date to English format!

i keep thinking I’m in March, not April 😤

First Steps

This really needs to happen. I can't stand the US date format. It must be possible!!

Status changed to: Existing Feature
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @beri, I'm glad to inform you that the date format you were asking for is already available. You can check the steps suggested here: How do I change the time on my Fitbit device? Make sure to change the location of your Fitbit account to a country that uses the international date format.

See you around. 

First Steps

I would like to be able to select a UK date format 

First Steps

It would be great if we could get UK date format 👍

Not applicable

I completely agree - a date format with the month first is completely useless here in Europe. It's completely confusing! Also, yes, why is there no 24h format? It's crazy that I can't select it. 

First Steps

2 years on from this suggestion and still nothing.  I can't get UK date format (  on my brand new inspire though I could on my old charge 2.  Why are we going backwards?  I see that if users select a different European country then they get the "international" date format - but then my tracker would be in a foreign language.  I should be a few minutes work for a programmer to set UK location to default to dd:mm,  so why hasn't it been fixed?   Feels like you are not listening to this as a fundamental requirement. 

Recovery Runner
  • To make the Fitbit inspire show a standard date format. DD/MM/YY. I love to have the date shown on my watch but right now it’s backwards MM/DD. I have to revert to just a clock face as this is too confusing. 
  • I am just a member of the public and have little influence in getting this changed.
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Eileen24, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback regarding date format with us. This feature already exists, you can find more information about it here: How do I change the time on my Fitbit device? 

Keeping Pace

Also to be able to change date format in the settings on dashboard/community/help forums!!   A large percentage of the world have no idea whether 7/11/19 is 7th November, or July 11!!

Recovery Runner
Lots of people asking for this change. Please, Fitbit, please make this
First Steps

I think this should be done as a priority since lots of non-US customers seem to be asking for it. Only the USA has the format MM/DD. I see no reason why the format cannot be adjusted based on preference or region.  I have an inspire HR, there are 15 clockfaces, of which 6 have the date on, only 2 of them make sense to me by putting Jan 1 instead of 01/01.

First Steps

I have an Inspire HR and live in New Zealand.  All of the watch faces have the wrong date format (MM/DD) instead of the international date format (DD/MM).  My location is set to New Zealand, language to English (New Zealand), and timezone Auckland, NZ.  It would be great to have the option to switch to the correct date format.


Absolutely agree. Not allowing people to show their local date format shows contempt for customers. I had to replace my Alta and now wish I hadn't bothered with another fitbit product. I won't buy another unless it can be shown that such a basic issue is resolved. 


In this day and age it should be a standard feature and not have to be requested. Fitbit is a global product and as such should cater to the whole market. Mobile phones have the ability to select your preferred time and date formats so it shouldn't be too difficult. Come on Fitbit, get with it.


Total agreement, the Charge 3 is my first Fitbit and I am very disappointed to find that I can't get the date in the UK format. I was also annoyed by the lack of 24hr time format until I found out how to change it from within the web dashboard.

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