Support International Date Formats

It's 2018. Simply put, new devices and applications which don't take into account the needs of the world community in terms of a very basic date display should not exist. It's not that hard.


I can understand that the majority of folks in the USA don't really care about the way the rest of the world uses dates. And it would therefore be exceedingly difficult to drum up enough support via a "popular vote". But, it's just common courtesy.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label

Recovery Runner
I’ve had my Fitbit for about a year and requested this feature. I’m not
sure why it’s taking so long for this change to be made but I wish FitBit
would do something about it.

It would be nice if the people on this forum would also send this complaint to google. It amazes me that something so simple is being ignored like it's a hard problem. On the google search main search results tab, all the results are in the weird US format. It annoys me so much that I've started using bing. I've complained about it several times but they just ignore me.

Recovery Runner

Please can we have the date shown in British/International format on the default Inspire watch face? Having MM/DD is just confusing. There is another feature request like this that is marked closed as an "existing feature", but the solution doesn't work! My time zone is correctly set to the UK, but the date is still shown US style, MM/DD

Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @angerelle, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us, this feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here to maintain the Community organized.


As advised by the Fitbit support agent...


For the Inspire HR to reflect the correct date format when having your location as UK/GMT.


Currently the device displays the date as MM/DD


The UK format is DD/MM


The only way to work around this is to have the device in another language such as Danish.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @wormie123 and @beri! Great suggestion, thanks for sharing your feedback. I've moved it into a similar request. Post a comment or click on the thumbs-up to show your support.


It's nice to see others have the same opinion. I know it's a small thing but makes a difference if you're lookin at the screen and need the date.

.I'm a bit confused you americanised my topic though and changed 'customised' to 'customized', but no big deal.

First Steps
@ Moderator YojanaFitbit- your suggestion to change the location to one which uses they international date format does not work, and there's no further information in the link you provided. Apart from voting here, is there any other way to get information or effect change? This is such a basic thing, it should not be hard (and should work automatically like it does on every other device). Thanks

@fitty_boom_boom If you change the location to Denmark it'll do the correct date format. However, it will alter the language of your Fitbit. I agree you'd think they can resolve this ASAP.

First Steps
Thank you, I appreciate the help. Changing my location to Denmark didn't change my date format unfortunately, it stayed on MM:DD. I've tried various locations and time zones, nothing has worked.
How many likes does an issue need before it gets escalated? This is a basic fundamental issue, not just something that would be nice.
First Steps

Fitbit customer services have confirmed to me that date format DD:MM is not available for Inspire HR, but that we should vote for it on here.  Moderators- we appreciate your help gathering together the support for this feature: please merge the multiple threads, and please stop wasting peoples time by saying the feature exists, or by sending them to irrelevant links. Thanks

First Steps

Fitbit customer services have confirmed to me that date format DD:MM is not available for Inspire HR, but that we should vote for it on here.  Moderators- we appreciate your help gathering together the support for this feature: please merge the multiple threads, and please stop wasting peoples time by saying the feature exists, or by sending them to irrelevant links. Thanks


Sent from Outlook
First Steps

I've partially solved this problem by changing my Inspire clock face to the 'Just Time' one.....this shows the date as NOV 24. Not a complete solution but it will do for now 🐵

First Steps

Seriously, this device is supposed to be international, right? So why does it only offer the MM/DD format only 5 countries use? It's 2019, it really can't be that hard to turn around a couple of numbers. Very disappointing that you haven't figured it out yet. While surfing the community forums I found tons of posts about how much this sucks and needs to be fixed. I feel like it's such an everyday thing that shouldn't be dismissed like it is right now!

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Viiner. Thanks for taking the time to post your idea about supporting a day/month date format. We understand how useful this option would be for you and since this feature already exists, I've moved your post here. That way we can keep this board organized and searchable, in addition to clearly understanding which idea other members are voting for. Watch this space for future updates!

First Steps

Yes. You would thin Fitbit and Americans in general would fit in with the majority world view date format of DD/MM. just makes so much sense.


You are incorrect, the Fitbit Inspire does not have an option to display the date format used by the vast majority of the world.
Previous Fitbits (e.g. alta) could do this. Fitbit have taken a retrograde step with this and attempting to force the rest of the world to use a Yankee date format will hurt sale, I for one will not buy another Fitbit product that doesn't have a date format that is usable for me.

there have been several threads on this subject and moderators have consistently closed them down stating, incorrectly, that the correct international date format can be used. whether this is due to lack of knowledge or policy I cannot say.


Moderator edit: personal info removed

Sent from Outlook

I feel the same way about this. I'm not using fitbit anymore.

Also, the android wear assistant doesn't have the correct date format and
so I don't use that either. Actually using apple watch now which has
correct date format. And now I've even stopped using google search on the
desktop since it too refuses to display a non offensive date format. Now
I'm using duck duck go and it works just fine and has the correct date
format. As soon as there is a decent youtube replacement then good bye to
that too.

The worst thing about all this is that it's not a big deal to fix it. It's
a solved problem. I complained to Netflix about this and they fixed it
within days - in production. Huge respect to Netflix!

I'd also love to see this implemented. A simple fix would safe much annoyance and confusion for non Americans. 

First Steps

I've just bought my first Fitbit (Inspire HR), having dd/mm as the default date format for the UK is such a basic requirement that it never crossed my mind to even check that I could have that setting on a clock display. Someone must have actively decided to make the association mm/dd since it is possible to get dd/mm format for Nederland (Engels). Why are we all suffering because someone obviously cocked-up the default UK setting? It can't be a big change to get the correct date format, so please make it available.

Keeping Pace

I personally would like to see the flexibility in the Settings to set to date format including the day of week ourselves regardless of how the developers develop the date in the clock face.  A standardise format for users to choose from is helpful, much like Windows.  For example, as one user points out, if the date is written as 02.01.2020.  What does this mean to me.  Is it 02 Jan or 01 Feb?  We have to check our own calendar to confirm it.  And it is up to our interpretation.  If we display it as 02 Jan 2020 or 01 Feb 2020, it is clear.  Isn't it?  Also, I would like to look at the day of Week too.  Hence, we can have it fine tune in the Settings.  The choices are - (1)  dd MMM yyyy  (2)  dd MMM yy  (3)  MMM dd yyyy  (4)  MMM dd yy  (5)  ddd, dd MMM yyyy  (6)  ddd, dd MMM yy  (7) dd.MM.yyyy  (8) dd.MM.yy  (9) dd-MM-yyyy  (10) dd-MM-yy, etc.  This way, users can choose which format we want it to be displayed.

Not applicable

Would be great if guys would appreciate European users. I mean: give me a chance to display a date as Give me a chance to display a time in 24h format. Give me a chance to display a day as well. 

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @SunsetRunner! Great suggestion, thanks for sharing your feedback. I've moved it into a similar request.  A lot of users are asking for this option, I hope we receive updates soon. You might be interested in this other suggestion: 24-hour "military time" clock for Inspire HR.

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