Bring back the old sleep summary page

When I had my Charge 5 and the first few weeks of having my Charge 6 the app would give me a sleep summary page with, Sleep Stages, Time in each stage, Oxygen levels and Bedtime and wakeup all on a handy page. Since a recent update I now seem to get a much more basic three tiles and I have to open each one and look through for all the information.

@eregyrn, thanks for another spot-on comment.  I've posted a number of comments approaching these poorly conceived and executed "updates" from both a professional development as well as end-user perspective, starting with the big one last September that set off what has become a precipitous decline in appeal and usability for this application. However, I neglected pointing out the very real and what should be very obvious point that those making their way to this thread or other comment threads where folks are expressing virtual universal dislike and distress over what Google is doing with what had been a well like and easily useful app in fact functionally represent a literal tip of the iceberg of disdain for what has been done to savage the usability of the Fitbit appliance.  The sad thing is that in the face of all this negativity the response from Google (they pretty much laid off all the Fitbit staff including the fellow who created the product) has been crickets followed by more of the same poorly designed and not at all tested with users modifications.  Since they halted all Fitbit sales off shore and eliminated Fitbit staffing it's clear that they are slowly killing Fitbit with the intent to drive users to their Pixel health-tracker products.  The point they apparently fail to apprehend is that they have build such a reservoir of ill will in the Fitbit user base that folks moving to other platforms would almost universally avoid anything Google branded.  I was so incensed that I moved all my search to Duckduckgo (they don't track your every online move) from Google.

Recovery Runner
the bad sleep app version can be reversed. check the Fitbit groups on
They moved my post. I was commenting on the overall UI “improvements” that tend to be less user friendly and not improvements at all. It feels like it is change for the sake of change rather than necessity or innovation. Interacting with the original Fitbit company, I was amazed at their customer service and goodwill towards their customer base. I miss that.
First Steps
Well said!
That's great to hear -- can you give me more of a hint of where to look on
Facebook? There's so much on there, and I don't know exactly where to
check. Is it on the Fitbit FB page, or somewhere else? Which post?
Base Runner

I was able to follow the instructions someone gave here and have the old version on my phone.  I have the current version on my tablet so I  can keep track of any updates.  I keep hoping that they will change it back. I don't think they will.   I will be going elsewhere for my next tracker.

So true

I need to see the times and percentages of my sleep stages.  I also need to monitor my oxygen levels. Now I get none of this information. Why was this eliminated with the recent update? I am a long time Fitbit user and have recommended Fitbit to many people - Not anymore. I will be advising others to stay away from Fitbit. I am so disappointed I recently bought a new Fitbit Inspire 3.  

First Steps

I totally agree. I used to be able to see how long I was in the Rem and Deep Sleep stages which is absolutely essential to determine quality of sleep. This is the only reason I have a fitbit instead of just using my Apple Watch. You need to bring this back or I will not be using this anymore

First Steps

In addition to the terrible changes to the sleep reports I now sometimes get info on my walking heart rate levels -- peak, moderate, etc. and sometimes I don't. It also no longer gives accurate info on when I start my walk and when I end it and as a result the calorie counter is also off. Again, why change something that was working fine before. My goal is to walk as much as possible at peak levels and without this info why have a fitbit?

First Steps
The new sleep records are AWFUL, very hard to figure out, just loads of colours and lines. PLEASE bring back the old ones. PLEASE
Recovery Runner

Not just sleep. All the redesigned pages that now require multiple clicks just to see the data is ridiculous. The scroll feature would allow easy access to see the trends along with the weekly and monthly averages without having to do multiple click ins to the data. Trying to access the previous year's data is even more cumbersome. 

Stepping Up

The sleep tracker update is terrible.  It's accurate about 20% of the time.  The rest of the time it tells me that I slept between 1 and 3 hours, when I know it was more like 6 to 8.  Useless, and it was the main reason I continued to use fitbit.  Time for a new brand of smart watch 😞 

I have it only works for droid devices
First Steps
What were they thinking with some of these poorly thought-through changes? The sleep tracking and heart rate tracking is now almost unreadable - two very important things for my personal health tracking
At the very least, Fitbit could provide - for those who would like to revert to the old app while they fix the mess they have created.
Recovery Runner

Yes. The current sleep graph is indecipherable. It’s like they had a brainstorming session about how to take one of their most unique features and make it useless. Or maybe just they want people to question our own intelligence so we will be even more dependent upon them to tell us what to believe. 

I’m amazed that people are still complaining and imploring Fitbit to change it back! It is obvious that Fitbit really doesn’t care what we think and has no intentions of changing it. They don’t even respect us enough to provide ANY RESPONSE.
Complain with your wallet.. money is the only thing they understand.

Sent from my iPhone
Recovery Runner

@shawnmac ... a couple of losses:

1. Duration of a stage. Telling me I was Awake from 3:18am to 3:43am makes me do math in my head to contemplate if that was a minor disruption or a block of time. Just tell me it was (wait ... 43 - 18 = ? ) 25 minutes.

2. The previous graph could shift from all stages highlighted to individual stage types, allowing access to the Awake specifically. In that mode, the click on a segment always brought up the details for that segment, even if short in duration. The new graph sometimes shows the Awake stage span if it is clearly a longer span, but it is not accessible if it is shorter... the more dominant stage type at any point on the graph is displayed when clicked/dragged.

3. The list of daily summaries was one continuous list, so a user can easily scan back in time over many weeks to see this ... and many users have said they shared this view via scrolling with their Doctor during visits. The new view compartmentalizes the data hiding lists multiple levels down and limiting the list of days to one week at a time. How is that useful to at a minimum look at last week vs this week? Unnecessarily complex and lacking understanding of how people use the tools.

They have aesthetics prioritized over utility by people who don't even use the tools and don't understand the variety of users in their community. And ... poorly done at that regarding color contrast, etc. as others have pointed out.


@ChasPro716, spot on post.  Of all the alterations to the app that make it clear the coders have zero understanding of how data from a Fitbit is used, taking away history and leaving us with that 30-day average was the most egregious.  Detailed data and history are the user's gold in using a health/activity tracker.  Taking that away without ever floating these great improvement ideas by the folks who actually use the product is beyond irresponsible development.  The business software development part of my consulting career would have died in the first year if I had used this frankly arrogant approach to developing database applications.

Base Runner

@Cgrougt You need to also install "Health Connect".
Keeping Pace
Agree on all these points.
Recovery Runner
also, the new app no longer posts my oxygen sensitivity. The new app is not
ADA compliant and medical uses of it have been destroyed.
Recovery Runner
it's a mess. I used the revert app function I found in Facebook Fitbit site
but it seems to go back to the horrible sleep graphs. If I go to the apps
section of my Android, I can clear data and get my GOOD graphs back for
some short length of time. it seems that the a new sync somewhere along the
line changes the graphs back to the horrible graphs again (and I clear
data, re-setup, and their back to the great view again .. for a while)
Sure you need to sign up with Google. NO THANK YOU, they collect so much info from you !!!
Sent from my iPhone
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