Track Macros in App (daily carbs/protein/fat intake)

The browser log shows a breakdown of your macros for the day, and this is extremely useful, but it is absent in the app. For many people, including myself, it's not only important to track your calorie intake for the day, but also your macronutrient intake (carbohydrates, protein, and fat). When I'm considering my next meal or planning my food for the day, I want to know how much of each macronutrient I have eaten so far, so I don't go overboard. As a busy individual, most of my food logging is done through the app. However, I can not track my macronutrients through the app, which makes it hard for me to regulate my intake.


Here is an example of the "daily totals" macro tracker on the Fitbit browser log:


Extremely helpful. Not only does it show how many grams of each macro I've consumed for the day, but it also shows the percentage of my daily consumption for each macro. The aforementioned is a fabulous feature because I split my daily macro targets into percentages (ie; 30% carbs, 35% fat, 35% protein). This allows to see me where I'm at so far, or even log everything I INTEND to eat and see where that would leave me. Then, I can make adjustments. Really a great feature.


But, again, it's not available on the app. And I think it's really important that this be added, for several reasons:


  • A lot of people log most of their food through the day via app because of time restrictions/lack of access to a computer.
  • Real time macronutrient tracking helps everyone to meet their goals and adjust planned meals based on where their macronutrients currently stand.
  • Macronutrient tracking is just as important as calorie tracking. We need a balance of macronutrients to be happy and healthy.
  • Easily accessible (app) macronutrient tracking will help people to see patterns in their diet which are causing them to fall short of what they need, therefore helping them improve their diet.
  • Diet and what you eat is just as important as how many calories you consume. Being able to see the macronutrient numbers alongside the calorie numbers will help people become more aware of their diet.

Please give us macronutrient tracking in the app! It's such a wonderful feature of the browser log, and should definitely be prioritized for including it in the app log. Fitbit is an amazing product and can really help people turn their lifestyles around for the better, and adding the macronutrient tracker to the app will only further help those who need direction in the area of diet.


Moderator Edit: updated subject for clarity & Labels

Recovery Runner

I wish that in the IOS app we were able to add custom parts of the nutrition logs to view on our app dashboard.  I'm sure other device users would want the same.  I merely stated IOS App because that's what I use.


To clarify, I mean that I wish the app showed other nutritional values on the dashboard like it shows calories.  I personally try to increase protein and wish I could see protein totals in the app.  Other users may prefer to view carbs, sugars, fat, fiber, or maybe something else  I wouldn't mind seeing some of these in my dashboard as well the way the calories are viewed.  


Right now the only way to see full nutritional values in the app is to go to each item that's logged individually and click nutrition info to see them and add them up on our own to see our totals so far for the day.  I also wish we could set our own goals for these items and then track them via the app to show how many we have and how many we have left to reach our goal... I wish it had the yellow, green and red areas with the guage like the calories too.  


I understand calories burned versus calories consumed is the basis of using fitbit.  I just wish we could monitor other nutrition info in the same way as calories in the app.

The 100 instructs us to multiply the total carbs by 4 to achieve the number of sugars. When sugars are limited to 100 a day, one can lose 9 lbs every 2 weeks. I'd like to track carbs or sugars. It would be helpful to make notes for good entries until carb or sugar tracking is implemented.
Recovery Runner

I would like to see at least one of the following customizations available to calorie tracking:

  1. that you can put in a custom calorie deficit instead of one of the default "250, 500, 750, 1000" options.  I would like to start with smaller than 250, say 150 or so, but currently I cannot do that without it yelling at me.
  2. that when you do a custom calorie deficit, it automatically subtracts it from the generated calorie estimation for the day just like one of the preset ones.  The current feature of entering a custom calorie target is unrealistic because it does not automatically synchronize with your activity.
  3. to be able to see protein, fat, and carbs on the App instead of just calories.  I care more about protein on some days, and I don't always have access to a computer.
  4. to be able to work towards a custom body fat % goal instead of just a weight loss goal.  I know you can enter body fat % target, but I can't find a way to make it work the same as weight loss as a goal.   I don't want to lose weight, my weight is fine, I want to lose fat.
First Steps

Hi - please can we have a carbohydrate tracker option on the food plan.  I follow  a high protein/low carb diet rather than counting calories.



First Steps
In the food tracking I would like to be able to count more than the calories. I would like to see the breakdown of carbs to fat to protein. As it is I'm using another app to do that and it would be nice to do it all in this app.
First Steps
This would be awesome!!! I also track carbs with another app. Would really like to do it all in one place.

I really am surprised this is not a feature on the mobile platform.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take note of healthier food intake tracking.  


One source of reference is:


Many need to track their macronutrients and cannot do it on our devices.  

Many reasons for needing to track macro and micro nutrients. Some have to do with dietary fadds, health issues (diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, etc.), R&D, and what affects our sleep. The requirements and possibilities are endless.

I would LOVE to see this implemented as well!!! I really need to be able to track my macros on the mobile app.  


I would LOVE to see this implemented as well! I really need to be able to track my macros on the mobile app. 


Agreed!  What I would like is to set targets and then see how I am doinc relative to the targets. It would be a perfect second screen after the calorie zone.

Stepping Up
Track daily macronutritient intake not only calories
Base Runner
When I enter daily food intake I would like to see a break down of each food's calories, protein, fat, carb and fiber content. Right now there's a big graph which tells me, we'll nothing much. I have to go to a full computer site to see this info and it would be convenient to see this info on my smart phone where I enter all this info anyway.

I integrated my fitbit with myfitnesspal and the two apps really work great together. My fitness pal tells me everything I need to know about every macronutrient I consume and pulls all the physical data from my fitbit and vice versa.  Just saying it's an option until they get their food login game together 😄💪

Base Runner
Wow. Thanks for the info. I want aware of that so I will give it a try.
Android users would enjoy this, too!
Stepping Up
PLEASE CONSIDER THIS, FITBIT! Its the only reason I prefer Up bands!!!!
First Steps


I am now actually using Jawbone Up, but i don't really like it, so I was thinking of buying fitbit. 

I've downloaded you app to see some features and the thing that bothers me most is nutrition facts. When I use Jawbone Up, I can clearly see how much fiber etc I have eaten. When I add food to fitbit app, I see only calories. 

Maybe I'm just stupid and can't see it? If I'm not and there is no nutrition info on products, is there going to be any? I consider it quite important in my diet, so it could be the main reason to buy or not to buy fitbit

Thank you. 

5K Racer

@cvet The more detailed information is available on the web site, just not currently in the mobile device apps.

First Steps

I would really love to see the daily food totals as they show the desktop, I am mobile most of the time and this makes it really difficult some days, if I haven't filled it all in before I have left home for the day, both for the Ipad and Iphone.  Really surprised they haven't added this yet.  Pretty please, please add, oh fitbit gurus. :)!

Premium User

I think the website tracks micronutrients fairly well. I also have the "Premium" features and the report is a good start but I need to see the % of Carbs/Protein/Fat in relation to my diet on a DAILY basis, not just a weekly basis. There is a calendar for selection of a date range but it does not let you select just one day. I tried selecting the same day as starting and ending and it was still displaying the weekly values (unless the labels are not being updated, in which case that is a bug).



Not applicable

I've seen a few people request this in various parts of the help forums, but didn't see an official request for implementing net carb tracking in Fitbit. There's a Chrome extension out there that works, but that's only useful if you're on the computer, and using Chrome.


Many people are on keto/Atkins-type diets and track their net carb intakes daily. While we can open the app and do the math ourselves to subtract our fiber from our carbs, it would be nice to be able to have that automatically tracked in the app, dashboard, etc.

Not applicable

I'd love to be able to track my macros on the iOS app.

First Steps
FDA database already has macro nutrient breakdown for most foods in your database. (ie protien, carbohydrates, and fat) Will you please intergrate a graph or daily calculation of macros. This would be very helpful in informing your clients what kinds of food is entering there body as opposed to just calories in vs. out.
5K Racer

This is already available on the web dashboard, just not in the mobile apps.

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