Trend for Cardio Fitness Score

I would like to se a trend or history of my Cardio Fitness score so I can track changes.


Moderator edit: labels.


It would be great to see the history of your Cardio Fitnes Score as it changes. It does not have to be a daily history but a historical record of any changes in the Fitness Score.

First Steps
The cardio fitness/VO2 max score is great but I'm most interested in how it improves over time. It would be great if it was a chart similar to how heart rate is done
First Steps

Yes, that would be very Nice!

I haven't written it down myself because I assumed it was in it.


Recovery Runner

You got my vote.  I would be great to be able to do some trending about my fitness and how probably it is during the holiday season.

Recovery Runner

I forgot what my first score was also as I assumed it would track changes, I thought it would be an obvious feature to see how you improve.

First Steps

I agree! Think it would be a great addition and would be motivational to see the changes.

First Steps

I am new to the Fitbit saga. I must say such a feature is fundamental to see how I have improved. Guess I will need to personally record it in the mean time? Won't be as much fun! 

Not applicable

Plus one! Hey hats a no brained feature. Should totally be there!!

First Steps

 I'm not sure how this is not a thing. It's such an important metric and well worth tracking. There is such a detailed record, down to the minute, for heart rate. This would need at most daily record.


 Please implement this.


I have a heart monitoring set of earbuds and it lets me track my VO2 over time. It would be create the track that and see the trends over time

Base Runner



as of today we just can see the value for the current status of the Cardio Fitness (VO2 Max value).

The Companion app also gives the categorization (good, excellent etc) and hints how to improve the cardio fitness, as well as which level we could receive if we loose weight etc.


Now it would be fine, if we also can see how our VO2 Max value changed over the last weeks/months/years. E.g. if or trainings were successful to be more fit.


In addition to this, please seperate the "Cardio Fitness" section form the Heart Rate tile. 

Yes, also if it belongs to this data, it is worth to have a own section or tile for these values. It is unfavorable to hide it behind "swipe between charts" "maximize the graph" and again swipe to get the numbers.






Not applicable

Totally agree. Its great info to have but just doesn't feature enough.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Kelly5342, I've reviewed your suggestion and I think that a lot of users might find it really helpful, let's see how many more votes we can get as this looks very popular.


Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @JayJay_de, thanks for posting your suggestions. I've merged your idea "Cardio Fitness (VO2 Max) history tracking" into this thread as this has a lot of  votes. You can post another suggestion for your idea regarding "seperate the Cardio Fitness section form the Heart Rate tile."  Please try to make sure you only post one idea per suggestion, so we can keep the board organized, easily searchable and see which idea other members are voting for.

Thanks for participating in Feature Suggestions!

First Steps

Having used the fitbit blaze for almost a year. From previous fitness watches I used. Seeing my fitness vo2 score over time has been a great motivation  and tracker towards how my training is going. Right now I need to track it manually through a excel spread sheet or take screen shots which I can keep back tracking. If it could have a graph :bar_chart: it would be so awesome. I hope such a feature gets added on sometime:)

Especially as a crossfit athlete and coach our vo2 max is our main way to tell if we are getting fitter and lower our resting heart rate is and not how much more we are exercising or distance we are running:)

This will be a big add on to the list of features  recommendations to my clients for them to get a fitbit


First Steps

It would be great to see the VO2 / Cardio Fitness score tracked over time, please add this feature if possible.

Definitely, this is the only complaint I can find with my fitbit app. Absolutely love what it's doing for me and I know my score has imoroved, but I didn't record what it was to start with and I'd love it to track in future. 

First Steps

I'd really like to see a history of my Cardio Score... I keep trying to better it, and know I have increased it... But I'd like to see progress over time graphed or such...maybe even a cardio fitness goal function?

Not applicable

This would be really useful as an indicator of whether exercise and lifestyle habits are having an effect or could serve as a warning when a declining trend is spotted.


I would also be useful for users who didn't start looking at this number until later and might have missed what progress they made. As  @JayJay_de mentioned, the graph is not easy to spot and this may be an extra factor in an initial gap in tracking this number.


It should show your VO2 max score over time (by graph) to show progress.

First Steps

Please add me to the list of those who would like to see historical information about Cardio score.  Noticed today mine improved, would like to be able to confirm what it was when I started using my Fitbit.  Sidenote: I noticed it appeared to change when I had a birthday recently... guessing I moved into another category for rating my score... Would be nice to see it change without the adjustments based in changes based on age category as an option....   Thanks!!

First Steps

Add me to the list of folks who would find this feature beneficial. I’m happy to be able to see my pulse rate over time, but I’d prefer to be able to track my overall cardio score over time. I feel like it acts as another tool to help me stay goal oriented.  Yes, I want to see my weight and pulse change over time, but at this point in my journey, I’m really invested in my overall fitness. I think that of all the tools Fitbit offers, the cardio score is most indicative of this measure.

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum
Hi everyone, thanks for sharing this suggestion. We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and we appreciate all of the input we receive from our customers. We do not currently have plans to release this feature. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs located at the top right box of the Feature Suggestions Board screen. For now, we will leave this suggestion open for votes (and closed to comments) so that we can continue to track community demand over time. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we will let you know if anything changes.
Recovery Runner

In order for users to determine if the changes they have made with their exercise and diet plans have made an impact in their overall health and fitness; a report should be added showing the history of that users cardio fitness level that way they can visually see the progress those changes have brought about whether positive or negative. The worst thing is to do something well that should not be done at all, let’s help people move the needle in the positive way! 


This is is by no means the answer but I think the right minds around the Fitbit community could help smooth out any rough edges of this idea. We have the data let’s make it happen!

Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Greg9313, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us. This feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here. At the moment it is not planned to implement it. Nonetheless you can still add your vote.

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