Turn off/edit "Quick Setting" (notifications, music controls, Fitbit Pay)

The new firmware that was recently installed on my VERSA is quite irritating.  Every time I check email notifications there is  drop down menu that briefly covers the top of the screen and makes me have to wait before I can see the notifications. I do not use the Music function or quick apps on my watch and have no need to see them. Before the firmware update this was not a problem. Now it is. Please provide users and option to disable the  "quick app feature or shortcuts to music controls".


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Thanks a million for sharing this feature @MonicaToronto. You knocked me off my feet! Let’s see what others think about having this option on Fitbit Versa.


Firmware update created a “quick” menu/settings on the notification screen. Please allow us to turn that off - I can’t use the wallet in Canada (no banks listed here), nor quick settings, nor music. I have everything set just the way I like.


As a person with a disability - this new “feature” really makes using the Ionic more difficult - enough so that I may have to switch to a different band.


May I suggest that new “features” like this be optional for the end user? This feature seems to be annoying a lot of people.




I completely agree. This new feature is driving me nuts so much that I am currently online looking at an alternative smart watch. Up until this weekend I was very happy with my Ionic.

First Steps

I agree, it is really annoying to have the menu popping up every time the notifications screen is consulted.

Not really an example of smart UI-design..

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @eithnesummers, thanks for taking the time to share your suggestion about having this option for Ionic, with us! I've moved it into a similar suggestion. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If your suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates! In the meantime, try visiting our Lifestyle Discussion Forum to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.

Ultramarathon Racer

I am equally annoyed by this change.  This was not the best place to put this feature when you upgraded the firmware.  I truly had a "what were you thinking when you did this?" moment.  This request is for all devices that have this feature on the screen.


My bank does not support Fitbit Pay.  I do not load music to my device.  I rarely put my device into Sleep or Do Not Disturb.  But I do check Notifications and I do not need or want to see this every time I swipe down.

Recovery Runner

The Quick Settings menu is a nice feature, but I agree that we don't need to see them every time we swipe down on the watch face to view the app notifications. It would be better if we could turn off the Quick Setting menu.

Recovery Runner

The left-to-right swipe gesture is not assigned to anything.  Why not use that for accessing those setting/features?

Keeping Pace

Yes, having this menu automatically show for a second when attempting to simply look at notifications is extremely irritating.  Can't believe someone thought this was a good idea.  Absolutely horrible design.  


I would suggest simply having it not automatically show when you swipe down for notifications.  Instead, access it with a second swipe down.


First swipe down = show only notifications.  Second swipe down = show menu with Music/Shortcut/Quick Settings.


This suggestion really isn't any different than how it already functions.  This little menu auto hides after a second and you can re-access it with a swipe down.  The solution here is to not have it automatically show when you swipe down the first time to see notifications.


Having such a horrible design in your watch makes me question everything else about it.  Its that bad.

Throw me onto the pile that craves this gets a fix. 


I like the new firmware upgrades, but this annoys me to no end.


Add my vote to the pile. This new feature is a complete pita. It obscures notifications and as I have no need to continually change settings, use music or the walllet is of no use to me. A set up to allow it or disable it would be great or to access it via a different method. If a decision is taken to alter this, can someone communicate when it is likely to happen ... the communication of "bug fixes and some improvement" with the latest firmware doesn't really tell you what has been changed.


I'm pleased it's not only myself that has this opinion.

How many posts does it take to change something like this and more importantly what is the likely time scale ?

I really liked my Ionic and now I really don't.

Keeping Pace

This suggestion is very similar to this one:  https://community.fitbit.com/t5/Feature-Suggestions/Allow-removal-of-quot-Music-control-quot-icon-on...



Not sure if combining these make sense to get the vote count up.

First Steps

I also greatly dislike this non-optional feature. Either remove it or allow us to disable it. It's hard enough already to clear notifications without having to deal with this eyesore.


I see people wanting to get rid of quick setting altogether, but what if it's just as simple to make it a swipe down twice option instead of automatically at the first swipe down. Swipe down #1 = notifications/battery/date, swipe down #2 = quick settings.

First Steps

Another vote here to go back to only pulling down notifications and not have the awful quick settings that takes up the entire top instead of allowing me to quickly clear my messages 


I wonder how long until they change it ?

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Riggs713! You're right about having this option, thanks for sharing your feedback. I've moved it into a similar request. Post a comment or click on the thumbs-up to show your support.

First Steps

Please add option to turn off this drop down nag screen.

I’m an old Pebble user just getting by with my Versa.  I have everything removed & turned off to squeeze out extra battery life for my notifications.


Everything else is just noise, gimmicks & yet another corporation grabbing at my personal metadata.


Some people just want clean & simple.

Please let me uninstall Fitness, Weather & turn off the rear LED lights.

First Steps

Fully agree! Commenting to hopefully bring awareness to Fitbit that we want this changed. Cool feature, but definitely not the right location for it. Very irritating to have it pop up when trying to look at notifications. I like the idea of having that menu show up on a second swipe down.

Recovery Runner

When something is perfectly fine as it is, why the hell do software developers have to poke their nose in and mess it. Please put it back as it was and stop playing.



First Steps

Agreed. Its fine to have a quick-menu in principle, but it is located in such a way that its just in the way whenever I want to access my notifications. 

First Steps

really annoying - i thought it was a malfunction - hope it gets removed


Not applicable

I find this feature quite annoying also.  I do not use the app on my phone very often anymore after the recent changes and now my Versa less user friendly.  While trying to scroll up the notifications I have to stop and wait for the music controls to disappear several times.  And then again when I want to clear notifications.  It may only be 2 seconds, but it is an annoying 2 seconds and it happens over and over and over!  Why in the world would anybody think this is a good idea??

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