Turn off quick view when I'm sleeping (or at customizable times) aka 'Night Mode'

I love the quick view feature however when I'm sleeping I tend to wave my arms around which activates the display which sometimes wakes me up, especially if my wrist is close to my face.


My fitbit knows when I'm sleeping as it tracks my sleep so how about having the capability to disable quick view automatically whilst I'm sleeping, in fact don't even have it as a selectable option just don't trigger quick view when my fitbit knows I'm sleeping.

Moderator Edit: Edited suggestion title.

I agree, I'm HOPING they add this!
First Steps
Totally agree! It's the same with the new Alta -- I can't get quality sleep when the watch is so bright it wakes me up! Wish there was a way to either dim it way down or turn off the display when in sleep mode.

I want this too!

Base Runner

I would like this as well. I cannot use the alarm that comes with the Alta because when it goes off it lights the heck up out of my room. I thought the point of a silent alarm was not to wake others up. Pretty sure the awesomely bright LED light does that. 

Community Legend

For now there is a seeing on the Blaze and surge to turn quick view off. Since night mode would also be in this menu, it would be no easier, but would need to do more than just turn quick view off.

Recovery Runner
You can adjust the brightness in settings to automatic. Or instead turn off
the quick view again in settings
Recovery Runner
Bedtime mode would be great for all devices

The Alta woke me up again last night.  What idiot programs a flashlight to turn on when I shift in my sleep? I try to remember to manually turn it off before bed, but occasionally forgot.


It shouldn't be too difficult to program. Just a reverse of the move reminders.


Sorry for being cranky, but I was woken up in the middle of the night by a random flashlight. Tempted to return this device and go back to the One.



Overall, I'm pretty happy with my blaze, but getting blinded by quick view when shifting around is getting old. Don't get me wrong - quick view is a pretty good feature... But being able to turn it off on a schedule would be fantastic.
First Steps
Or have option to follow phone silent settings at night
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Calgore! In order to categorize your idea, I will love to understand your idea a little bit more. Because you can turn off the backlight on your Surge by going to your settings on your actual Fitbit Surge, scroll to Backligth and select off. 


Thanks Smiley Happy


Great idea. When it detects sleep, no notifications and no quick view. At least make it an option.
Community Legend

The problem I see with the Blaze detecting sleep, is that the Blaze does not detect sleep. The sleep is calculated by the server after the first sync after waking up.


Just adding my two cents to get more voices on this. 


Don't forget to add this to the Surge as well!

Not applicable
Display definitely needs to turn off at night!

Please put this feature in your next software update. I just got a Fitbit Alta and I have the same issue. The screen is so bright at night, it really should have a schedule feature and be automatically deactivated when the band detects sleep mode. 

First Steps

This "idea" is almost 1 year old!!! Is it possible to deploy such improvement or not?

Not applicable

Yeah, this feature would definitely be a major improvement.  I really like the Quick View feature, but I need to keep it turned off because it wakes me and my wife in the middle of the night.


I'm ok with either the auto-detect sleeping, or setting timeframes for enabling the feature.

First Steps

My husband complains that my Fitbit is too bright at night when I move around in my sleep. It does serve as a mini flashlight for sure, but maybe having a night mode feature or dimmer would be great!


Moderator edit: Updated title for clarity and labels. 


Definitely! Mine is the Alta and I have the same problem. It doesn't make sense for the tracker to auto-detect sleep and then provide a function which wakes you or your partner up. Either the tracker detects sleep and turns off the functionality or the possibility to apply a schedule via the app should be made available.


The moderator mentioned he liked the idea almost 1 year ago but so far no resolution to an issue which is b=obviously affecting many people with different Fitbit's

First Steps
Last night was my first with my Blaze and I was waking myself up from the auto view. I agree with you, the "dim" setting is hardly different.

I like the idea too but I doubt they would be able to implement this through a software update.  That is probably as dim as they can get the backlight from a hardware prospective.

Tempo Runner

If you have the auto view turned off and the brightness set to auto this isn't an issue.


The real issue is having to turn off notifications before bed and then turn them back on later on. I forget all the time. Though for me personally I usually don't get text messages when sleeping, but night mode would probably need to auto turn off notifications. 

First Steps

How do you adjust this setting? Where is it?

Moderator edit: Removed personal information.


You have to scroll all the way to the right past Fit Star and everything.  In settings, 2nd option down, set brightness to auto.  I have a feeling this is already auto though and even the dimmest is too bringht from what you're talking about.

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