UK food database

Hi, enjoying my Flex/iOS app so far - do you have plans to develop a UK foods database?



Moderator Edit: Added Labels

First Steps

yes please


First Steps

Maybe you could display dates correctly on the forum too...Smiley Tongue


Another yes Americans and your weird food habits...Smiley Tongue

First Steps

And it would be good to include an Australian food data base - you could probably make some minor alterations to a UK database as we share many food items

Recovery Runner

One of the reasons I bought a fitbit was to put everything in one place,  I live in the UK and your app mentions a UK food database,  therefore I also vote for a UK food database,  which I feel should have been there on launch as a major feature of the product is absent without it

Premium User
Recovery Runner

This is really needed. Until it is implemented, Brits have to rely on apps like MyFitnessPal, which doesn't have the same flexibility for logging the time of meals that FitBit offers!

First Steps

Why is there still no UK food database?  I am not impressed 

Recovery Runner
Thank you for closing my uk database thread! When it had gathered enough momentum I would have requested it moved. This thread is very old, have you done anything to satisfy UK customers that bought into your company? Just out of interest what percentage of sales make up the UK?
Recovery Runner

+1 from me for a UK food database....Is there not some way we can crowdsource this and upload new foods and packages as we eat them?  That way we would build up our own database!


Loving FitBit so far, having been using Withings...


.. and also awaiting the new FitBit Force being available again....I have my debit card ready.

First Steps

Yes please x 

First Steps

Im surprised this feature request only has 15 votes - I guess people must be fed up of asking for it over the last 2 years. I'm also surprised this idea is still marked as a 'New Idea' even though this post is 6 months old - so Fitbit arent reviewing it like some of the more luxurious requests? I thought the basics come first.


I'd be interested to know when Fitbit launched in Germany, France, Spain and Japan. Does anyone know? All these countries have their own food data yet we in the UK still do not. I would be interested to see how they prioritise their food database creation - I'd like to think it was 'first launched, first served' but after 2 years Im not so sure.


If I'd wanted separate food and activity tracking, I would have bought Withings...


Just got my fitbit and cannot believe there is no UK data base. Please sort this out. 



Base Runner

I'm tired of adding all my foods manually!!! pleaaase

Recovery Runner

I'm pretty sure that companies such as Fitbit can simply buy an off the shelf UK food database, meaning there's no need to develop it.


Given that Fitbit are advertising their products in the UK and telling people they can log foods, it might be nice if the product lived up to the hype!


No offence to American's but I have no idea what half your food is - I typed in the name of a vegetable the other day (I can't remember what it was now) and got up a list of cream based ready meals... all very weird.

Premium User
First Steps

Some great updates to the iOS app just recenty but still no UK food database, and the scanner naturally doesn't work here either. So near but yet so far from fitbit. 


Why are people requesting this. You should be demanding it!


If FITBIT cannot get their product ready for the market they are targeting they do not deserve the sales.


I just bought a FITBIT one and will be sending it back purely because I expect it to do everything advertised without me sitting writing what SHOULD be included.


Very disappointed.




please lads

Premium User
First Steps

The MFP integration is nice, but I would love to see a native db.

First Steps

One more vote for a UK food database. Come on guys this should of been done before any other kind of updates.

First Steps

I was very disappointed, having seen that fitbit advertised itself as having a calorie-tracking feature, to see that not only can I not find UK foods in the database, I can't log anything in grams! Units seem to be in oz or AMERICAN fl oz, which is just too much of a hassle to work out the conversions for or cups, which is actually impossible to do from grams (without getting into volume measurements and higher maths). One of the reasons I chose fitbit was to have all my data in one place. For a very expensive product that promises a lot, this was a huge disappointment. 

Recovery Runner
Hi Laura,
Under Account / Advanced Settings, Units, you can set the app to use grams - I'm entering metric for everything (iPhone app).
Matthew J. Gumbley

Yes please

First Steps

Would definitely want a UK Database

Keeping Pace

 I want a UK database.

I can see that the idea of a UK food database was first raised on:

‎12-27-2013 02:25 by Matt Gumbley

So you have had 6 months to accept or decline... It's really not that hard
In my youth I would have said 'Sh*t or get off the pot!' - but I am older now and possibly wiser, so I won't.

@MattGumbley wrote:

Hi, enjoying my Flex/iOS app so far - do you have plans to develop a UK foods database?



are we any closer to a uk food data base and the scan part of the app working in the uk?

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